2012年5月20日 星期日

support for austerityFaction of the ruling party SWTOR CD-key support for austerityFaction of the

129809687933805000_46View the latest market meeting the mesh, May 8 – Tuesday (May 8) as the representative of a non-US currency to the euro, after yesterday's crash, universal stabilised today. Yesterday the euro under pressure significantly, in non-US currencies declined the most, because the market's biggest concern focused on the weekend announced by France and Greece's election, for now, general electionHas been in the past, yesterday the currency storm appears to be calm Diablo 3 power leveling, but it increasingly under the peaceful surface, still dark wave surge, European debt prospects still got. Greece yesterday by the Council reaching no solution Greece left-wing Union leader said, which exclude a possibility of a conservative new democratic party to form a coalition Government, it will try with other left-wing parties to form a coalition Government. It thinks SWTOR CD-key, the newDemocratic Party leader Mr Georgios Samaras did not bring salvation, would create a tragedy, refused and the political parties to form a coalition Government. At the same time, voters flocked to oppose financial save section and the international aid plan parties, Greece's political leadership is difficult to obtain sufficient votes in support, which makes Greece doubtful Government's ability to implement the aid conditions, Greece ahead to stay in the euro areaAlso the fate of variables.  Current composition Greece joint vote of the ruling party's two big parties just get 32% support, has 149 seats in the 300-seat Parliament. Mired in debt of Greece congressional election may make the significant changes in the country's political system for decades, or even set off new round of euro-zone debt crisis, attention must in no way inferior to previousFrance presidential election. Greece newspapers widely quoted Germany's Finance Minister, Shuo Hible (WolfgangSchaeuble) warning, he said if Greece new deviate from the commitments made had to bail out for the Government, would have to "bear the consequences". Berenberg Bank (BerenbergBank), Economist, HolgerSchMieding said Greece leaving the eurozone this year chance to 40%. Yesterday the European Commission spokesman said the EU Commission will assist Greece finish reform programs contained in the framework of the assistance programme. The spokesman said wow cd-key, is ready to help Greece to continue its reform program included in the framework of the assistance programme, Greece election results in favour of austerityPolitical parties of reduction of seats in Parliament.  On one hand, Greece leader of the conservative party began to win over some of the other parties in the hope of political Union in the Congress, maintaining the identity of the Member States of the eurozone, while Greece people's dissatisfaction with the new or increased government pressure to renegotiate terms on the part of the aid plan. Francois hollande, or the Franco-German AllianceSolutions of yesterday in France Francois hollande said that victory in the presidential election, it will work to reduce the degree of fiscal austerity, promote the further growth of the eurozone economy.  Hollande said the euro-zone countries are looking forward to France to act, fiscal austerity is not inevitable, now France's task is to put economic growth rate target public in the euro area. It can be said that Francois hollande took over aEconomic growth almost to a halt in France, at 12-year high in unemployment, and growing debt burden makes it extremely vulnerable to erosion of the financial crisis.  As Francois hollande promoted the European Central Bank for more aggressive rules to promote economic growth, and Germany claims just the opposite, so this could cause pressure to the Franco-German Alliance. France new President Francois hollande (FrancOisHollande) to the current comment has not been made on fiscal policy, but its realization has planned for 2017 France budget balance, this goal a year later than its predecessor, Sarkozy's plan to.  Hollande won exacerbated the market to the new session of France Government fears may slow the pace of tightening. Euros, or continue downward from France and Greece electionsAfter the very unpopular austerity measures, which also suggests that austerity measures will once again face abortion. In addition, Germany and Italy will hold local elections, these elections are equal to the people on the European authorities to fiscal austerity measures to defuse the vote of the European debt crisis, as from now, because of general dissatisfaction with the current economic condition of the people, support for austerityFaction of the ruling party, are under threat of defeat. Foreign Exchange strategists said that in France and Greece in the election, party voters favor against the austerity measures, which means that the austerity measures will be abandoned by the two new national Government in the future, lead the euro fell to a three-month low points, likely to fall further in the future unless the Government continued to implement measures to save section, to reduce theLight of their debt burden. Germany commercial banks (Commerzbank) LutzKarpowitz, currency strategist said, "general election political uncertainty in Europe, the euro and other higher-yielding currencies would be subjected to pressure, the euro against the US dollar continued to hit. "Deutsche Bank (DeuscheBank), currency strategist JoHnHorner said, "we expected in the middle of this year for the euro 1.25 level near that level for the euro lower against the dollar last year. Currently, because of the political risks and poor economic growth, EUR/USD fell to a level of 1.25 or will in the next few months. "Well-known institutions abroad ecPulse technology analysts, from the date line on the map,A Gap lower the euro against the US dollar this week, touched the lowest 1.2626-1.3485 rally of the pre-61.8% Fibonacci withdrawal of 1.2956 line. Current exchange rate fell below 50 and 100-day moving average, stochastic indicators blank, Outlook downward, short-term support 1.2956, fell below the back and 1.2825. 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