2012年5月20日 星期日

gives the impression that all the screaming voice Rift CD-key gives the impression that all the sc

129809583263336250_13Xinhuanet, Beijing, May 7 (reporter Ding Yi)-huangyan in China create disturbances in the waters near the island in the Philippines in January.  During this period, one by one the Philippine side little tricks, first deployed maritime police vessel, after international arbitration, then repeated to us for help, asking neighbors line up now and shouting to the huangyan Island renamed. Changed its name to scramble for sovereignty of the territories of other countries, the PhilippinesThis little tricks are more and more can ' t figure out. Just last weekend, der Rosario Philippines Foreign Minister holds talks with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in New York also said: "this has important economic and political strategic sea, maintaining stability is very important. "But the Philippine side of these little tricks, actually manufacturing areas of tension, is not conducive to stable situation in the South China Sea Diablo 3 power leveling, completelyAnd this runs counter to the position. From these little tricks is easy to see, and lack of confidence on the Philippines in the South China Sea, lack of foresight, gives the impression that all the screaming voice, variable pattern, to some of the top politicians supporting the face. Recent developments have shown that one month, rational never high, noisy not solve any problem. As the South China Morning PostStatements SWTOR Credits, forced to scramble for sovereign acts of very dangerous. In the case of the Philippines, realistic and sensible choice at the moment is the immediate withdrawal of all vessels from huangyan island waters, to restore peaceful conditions in the sea area, this is the only way to solve the huangyan island events. Some Philippine media have come to realize this. The Laepple website recently pointed out that the articles published in the Philippines, peace and cooperation than the extensionEnd, the Philippines and other Suo Guo pulled into a costly conflict a more useful. Strong foreign territory, in itself, is not reasonable, many little tricks is useless, vain to create new incidents. The other hand, through all the little tricks to complicate the situation, enlargement, only increases the difficulty of solving problems, not make China's resolve to defend the inherent sovereignty of the territory and will have the slightestShake.  In short, more little tricks, is not conducive to solving problems, ultimately could not make the Philippines authorities themselves. Known as himself, and Philippine authorities should think about it Rift CD-key, all the little tricks you can take. (Edit: SN049) Others:

