2012年5月17日 星期四

put a little sugar TERA Gold put a little sugar - EICD

129809647317555000_676Basic information recipes cuisine cuisine which the name Pease porridge type basic basic material characteristics and invigorating the spleen and stomach health recipes 250 g peas, white sugar, brown sugar 75 g, Guihua, sugar roses, sugar 5 g. Make pea washing clean, placed in the pot, adding 1000 grams of water, placed on a roaring fire to boil, skim floating foam with a small fire after boiling boilTo the crisp black pea; Guihua, sugar, sugar roses with cool boiled water into juice respectively; when food, white sugar, brown sugar in the bowl, Sung in pea porridge, coupled with a little juice of sweet osmanthus, rose juice, mix uniformity. Function usage function: strengthening the spleen and stomach. Usage: often take. Application: apply to Qi deficiency of spleen and stomach, food is satisfied that the poor. Steps and practice 2:1, fresh peasPut the pot, Zhuo cooked. Cooked peas 2, Zhuo bails out, into the restaurant inside the machine, place peeled walnuts, in the appropriate amount of water, minced into it. 3, into a sieve, filter them, removing peas slag. 4, will filter out the pea juice, adding a sufficient amount of water, stir, add rice powder, stirring to particle-free State. 5, opened fire, and boiled,Gently stirring spoon to prevent the Pan, until the porridge boiling, go away for about 3 minutes, turn off the fire. 6, put a little sugar seasoning, or air to cool into honey, mix uniformity. 7, the tips: 1, Zhuo cooked peas, you can remove the Beany, Zhuo but even for too long. 2, Walnut it is best to soak in advance, remove the skin TERA Gold, which not only make the color look good, removal of astringentTaste. Because I am broken, so omitted, the color a bit darker. 3, slag filter in order to taste better. 4 SWTOR Credits, pea is rich in starch, so glutinous rice flour also do not need to add too much, a spoon or so. Join the view state, to stir no particle State. 5, fired, or deactivate a spoon stir against end of pan and paste. 6, put a little sugar, honey regulationSmell, taste better! 8, you can add a little sugar or air cooling, in honey, mix thoroughly edible! 9, recorded in the Bencao Gangmu, peas with "eliminate facial spots, makes face shiny" effect. Modern studies have found that original pea is rich in vitamin a, vitamin a could have converted to vitamin a in the body, with moist skin. At the same time, peasContains high quality protein, can improve the body's ability to resist disease and rehabilitation capacities. Rich in beta carotene, after eating can prevent cancerogenic substances synthesis of the human body, thereby reducing the formation of cancer cells and reduce the incidence of human cancers. Rich in fiber, could contribute to the large intestine peristalsis, keep the bowels open and play a role in cleansing the large intestine. Rich in lysine wow power leveling, which is that no other food. Others:

