2012年5月17日 星期四

5.27 g wow cd-key 5.27 g - BCIW

129809647146148750_316"Menu name" stir-frying grass head "their cuisine" Shanghai cuisine "menu functions," bleeding anemia conditioning conditioning conditioning constipation "production material" ingredient: alfalfa (250 g) ingredients: soy sauce (10 grams) white granulated sugar (5 grams) of monosodium glutamate (1 g) salt (2 grams) of liquor (5 grams) lard (refining) (20 g) "makersArt "1. Grass head (alfalfa) old myocardial infarction, baiye, selected three leaves of the head nun, washed with water, drain; 2. Frying pan put fire, after sliding Pan by adding lard, burn to 90% when hot, into a grass head TERA Gold, salt, Mong gravity stir-frying, tieshao continuously pushed stir-frying powder mixed with consecutive top, the grass head heat evenly; 3. Then add sugar, MSG, soy sauce, and highBeam wine until soft green grass head, Pan, split within the disc. "Craft tips" 1. When you are cooking this dish, the key is to want hot pot hot oil frying, fried faster, to raw materials broken that is good; 2. Characteristics of frying has three "noes": after seasoning mix raw materials without stains, poor sizing paste, also do not thicken,. "Dish"Flavors: standard salt fresh green vegetable olivene tea, soft and tender wow cd-key, tasty Luzhou. "Diet nutrition" alfalfa: alfalfa contains a lot of iron, is the treatment of anemia of supplementary food, where large amounts of b vitamins may help in the treatment of anaemia; in addition, Hemostatic effects of vitamin k-containing alfalfa; with relieving cough and asthma effects of alfalfa and alfalfa phenol, bronchitisEffect; also contains alfalfa fiber may promote colon peristalsis, contribute to fecal excretion of toxins, knot control constipation and bowel cancer. Effect of alfalfa and alfalfa in can inhibit intestinal contraction, increasing the content of thyroid hormones in the blood Rift Platinum, prevents the oxygen of anticancer effect of adrenaline. "Historical and cultural" grass head, also known as alfalfa, commonly known as Golden cauliflower. Grass head to spring outIs better. "Health Tip" 1. Grass head (alfalfa) contains carbohydrate, fat, protein, and vitamins such as a, b, e, nutritional value is high; 2. According to the records of the Materia Medica: "alfalfa, and five Zang-organs, qingshen jianren, wash away the evil heat of spleen and stomach, through the small intestine to the evil heat-toxin". "Nutrients" �� thermal (369.68 kcal) ��Protein (10.71 g) �� FAT (22.43 g) �� carbohydrates (33.56 g) �� dietary fiber (5.27 g) �� vitamin a (1105.4 ��g) �� carotene (6,600 mg) �� thiamine (0.26 mg) �� riboflavin (1.85 mg)�� Nick acid (5.69 mg) �� vitamin c (295 mg) �� vitamin e (1004.2 mg) �� calcium (1791.59 mg) �� phosphorus (216.54 mg) �� sodium (1458.42 mg) �� mg (168.41 mg) �� iron (25.19 mg)�� Zinc (5.19 mg) �� SE (21.49 ��g) �� CU (0.01 mg) �� MN (2.1 mg) �� potassium (1277.02 mg) �� folic acid (3 mg) �� cholesterol (18.6 mg) Others:

