2011年11月29日 星期二

Panoramic network

129667864422177892_280Panoramic network, November 25-it was zhongxinwang reported that the Customs General Administration of China Director of the Department of international cooperation diablo 3 power leveling, said Chen Xiaoying, 25th in Guangzhou, European debt crisis and the United States and other developed economies sluggish and other factors diablo 3 gold, China's export situation is not optimistic about next year. (Panoramic network)

nudity painting sportswear play

129667697107802892_120Recently, Germany's streets diablo 3 power leveling, in order to expand hockey in Germany influence, Germany Hockey Club, they model of the human body, nudity painting sportswear play diablo 3 power leveling, passers-by stop to watch and call enjoyable. ()

integrated network of SME financing services platform

129667837346240392_101Experts ' comments on Beijing Zhi Zhi Li, Chairman of future marketing consulting group: the network connection between the SMEs and the banking platform in the world, markets are in need of such professional organizations to operate. However, in order to profit by other value-added services, it is more difficult. This is because in the Internet era, between customers and enterprisesLines are very short, so can truly achieve a profit the key depends on the global network for small and medium enterprises and banks can provide unique value and service.   Godfather of Chinese growth perspectives blog Fang xingdong and put a new business direction – the financing platform: global networks. "Global network of some accident. "Fang xingdong said. Did IT MarchThe financial services industry, does seem to cross-border.   However, this time, Fang xingdong clear: only platform without financial implications, risks are borne by the cooperative bank. As founder and Chairman of the global network, Fang xingdong is called global network of "Wikipedia's financial", which is building a large-scale financing cooperation platform via the Internet, through technology,Technical innovations such as outsourcing and crowdsourcing, mobilize social forces, a significant reduction in Bank loans before and after loans and credits in the whole process of work, resolve and control risk, cooperation Bank break through the bottleneck of traditional patterns, final volume to solve the financing problem of SMEs.   This envisages the financing difficulties of small and medium enterprises in the context, does seem to have a huge demand for reality. Fang xingdongThe China business reporters: currently in Yiwu, there have been many small business owners through a global network of networks platform successful loan, walked out of the financing difficulties. Fang xingdong said, the current through the global network has nearly 3,000 small and medium enterprises to get a loan, loans totalling more than $ 7.5 billion, an average of more than 2.6 million Yuan. In this process, the World Wide Web only charge a successful loanEnterprises of each commissions of $ 1500, which is obviously financing intermediary fees much cheaper than under the current line. In Fang xingdong's view, the more important features of the platform can reduce the additional expenses of SMEs. "Ordinary loans had to be found, additional expenditure and, through the global network, so for a fee. "At the same time, he said: China Construction Bank (601,939) through this platform a head office and the other on the amount of the loans granted, does not occupy the usual lines, it has also prompted bank account managers have greater enthusiasm to service global network of customers that have recommended. It is understood that the world wide web since September last year after officially launched, successfully achieving network of SMEs loan applications and interactions with the CCB Shen credit data and began formally accepting ZheJiang province small and medium enterprises network of loan applications. Soon, this model was a large number of replication.   Now, there are a number of banks involved, such as industrial and commercial bank (601,398), Bank of China (601,988), and so on. How to find the financing needs of these customers, global network of practice is through professional associations and chambers of commerce market recommendations. Fang xingdong said:"This Chamber of commerce organizations, can help members to thaw the capital, is a value-added service, so they were very interested in doing. "In fact, through the selection of these chambers, has masked a number of risks.   Of course, Fang xingdong said: only global network platform, the final risk is also guaranteed by the Bank or company, they will carry out professional filter. "IIt is clear that what they do, it is suggested that global network make a guarantee company, but we are not doing, its participation in trade, impartiality be questioned, yet clearly the boundaries of. "Fang xingdong said, although there are now only charge $ 1500, was less in size can't be profitable, but reaches a certain magnitude, it would beReversed.   This practice was actually thought in the traditional business of the Internet. For the future of the global network diablo 3 gold, Fang xingdong hope by providing loan services, gathered a group of small and medium enterprises, and they formed a database of SMEs, which can be combined with more third parties, to provide SMEs with more professional services, such as management consulting and software services, and thenThen teamed with these business services institutions. Companies mirror global network was formally launched in September 2010 diablo 3 power leveling, is an open, comprehensive, integrated network of SME financing services platform, through innovation and technological innovation, realize the mass demand for loans for small and medium size enterprises. On September 2, 2011, the State Secretary for Ministry of small and medium enterprisesSmall business information network and global networks sign strategic cooperation agreement, and build a "China SMEs financing service platform", was currently "Zhejiang model" the country.

Harvard International formerly Harris Overseas Ltd company was founded in 1963

129667786187490392_52Reporters Yao Bohai Beijing, November 8, Jinya technology announcement said the company through a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jinya technology (HK) company completed a Harvard International acquisition of full ownership. As another case of Chinese overseas mergers and acquisitions, Jinya technology said in a notice, the target company's advantages is its main reason for the value. Obviously, unlike traditional technology mergers and acquisitionsCase is not the same. Provincial network integration operation contains a huge risk, Jinya technology quarterly show, 2011-September, the company achieved revenues of $ 155 million, down 4.43%; operating profit $ 36.52 million, an increase of 4.06%; vested in the owners of the parent company net profit of $ 31.63 million, down 9.06%; Basic earnings per share of $ 0.12. Main business problems facing poor sales company. According to the company, the company's main business is mainly before and after digital TV system-side software, hardware, development, production and sales, as well as to small and medium-sized digital TV operators provide end-to-end solution. Is actually a set-top box sales and follow-up service. In mindLearned in the interview process, this stemmed largely from countries previously implemented a provincial network of integration policy, as Jinya technology business areas are mainly located in city and county-level customer, so in the provincial network integration processes face great impact in the market. Industry analysts have pointed out that, compared with Telecom, Unicom network, China Radio and TV network is currently in a very scattered State, "fragmentation"Is the true portrayal of the radio and television market. Including Jin ya science and technology, coship electronics, many listed companies, such as Sichuan Jiuzhou business types are very similar, but are clearly within the sphere of influence. On the business, companies, mainly through negotiation with the district and County radio and television unit, once you have obtained licenses for network access, will have exclusive, other companies it is difficult to step in. Prior to this,Jinya technology was the main operation mode: access to a customer, independently by company funds invested in early in exchange for late into. This is very similar to the previous Internet companies, these companies often first "burning money" gets hits, and relying on the views in exchange for advertising. However, in the province of network convergence, driven by small and medium-sized operators in the district and County will be transformed into provincial cable network companiesOr a subsidiary of its holding (depends on the management mode of provincial cable network companies and their internal decision making rights Division), on the purchase cable network companies consolidated by the provincial-level control, which no doubt there is a huge risk for Jinya technology. TX investment analyst Song Bin pointed out in previous reports, the company "countryside surrounding the city" model will encounter difficulties in the provincial network of newPolitics may be missing in the implementation of existing markets. In addition, product homogenization and input into business models also show declining popularity in the provincial network integration. Obvious is that the company's products in the market squeeze single cases, increased input in channels and research and development. Was forced out to sea, channel integration difficult to measure in the future is of concern, Jinya technology acquisition and productionAccess is taking over the way is to directly issue a takeover offer to all shareholders of the target company, rather than the more common agreed takeover. After completion of the acquisition, Harvard International from the United Kingdom AIM market (second board market to serve the high-growth SMEs) delisting. This also reflected the company in acquisition of urgent and spared. Three quarterly reports shows that Jinya technology total current assetsAt $ 868 million, $ 229 million purchase price is almost equal to its total assets of 26.3%. In the eyes of industry, high price is mainly due to the urgent needs of the company on the channel. Journalists learned in an interview, despite the domestic radio and TV network construction speed less than abroad, but on the hardware, software, technology is already in the advanced level. JinyaThe acquisition of science and technology, the most important still care about each other in the United Kingdom and Australia market marketing channels, once these channels open, Jinya technology set-top box should be very competitive. Public information displays, Harvard International formerly Harris Overseas Ltd company was founded in 1963, specializing in consumer electronics diablo 3 power leveling, is a United KingdomOne of the set-top box distributors. The first half of 2010 United Kingdom DSO implement digital conversion projects allows the company to benefit from its set top box unit sales also rose sharply, in the Australia market also sold well, but under the influence of the rate in the second half, sales fell. Financial data shows that Harvard International 2011 fiscal year from April 1, 2010March 31 operating income 61.2 million pound about 608 million Yuan, Jinya technology year 2010 revenue of $ 212 million, Harvard International revenues of about 286.79% of Jinya technology. Some analysts pointed out that Harvard International is a pure reliance on channel profitable enterprises, the company does not have any patents on the technology and advantages, the marketFluctuations that directly affect the company's performance levels. Jinya specializing in technology as a technology company, domestic channels does not work out, acquisition of Harvard International will to a certain extent make up for insufficient Jinya on Science and technology in the channel. Sell shares for, potential loss of corporate control, however, is of concern, Jinya after the acquisition of science and technology, hyper-raise funds have been exhausted. Is notHow to raise more funds for construction of enterprises will become the biggest problem. Prior to this, Jinya technology company Chairman Zhou Xuhui have continued to sell their holdings to obtain funds cover cash flow. Prior to the listing, in order to introduce funds, Zhou Xuhui's stake has been before this fell to 75%. After the listing of this reduced share continued toBefore 27.21%, which makes companies present on the control of the risks. However, the concern was that Zhou Xuhui in my market value of the stake after the listing has not been too much of an impact. On December 31 last year, for example, Jinya technology closing price was $ 16.01, Zhou Xuhui holds 47.9952 million shares at that time, a market capitalisation of $ 768 million. On June 3, Jinya technology implemented $ 10 shares converted into 5 2 tax allocation scheme, Zhou Xuhui holding the number increased to 71.9928 million shares. As of November 25, Jinya technologies closed $ 8.84/unit, Zhou Xuhui held stock values of about 636 million. And if you follow the previously under the influence of Jin ya technology acquisitions Harvard international event, the company on November 10, the highest rising to 1$ 0.47/share, Zhou Xuhui stock market value reached $ 754 million, compared with the end of last year, and almost no loss. QA Q= A= Jinya of the Chinese financial technology securities transaction represent Yang Wen Q: takeover of Harvard International said in a notice of funds used to buy about $ 229 million, will this puts pressure on the company's future earnings? A:Acquisition funding company obtained through its own funds and bank borrowings, without considering the effect of other changes in the debt of the company, as well as other circumstances, would now have more than raise debt levels, but prior to this acquisition the company's gearing ratio and a low debt to income ratio, especially interest-bearing liabilities ratio of only 10.09%, so after completion of the transaction the company's debt levelsWill remain in a more reasonable scope. Q: after the completion of the acquisition, the target company overseas channels what changes would have on the performance of the company have? Whether your company's products in the future to overseas markets as the main channel? A: after you complete this major asset acquisitions, the company will further enhance the competitive edge in the digital set-top box industry diablo 3 gold, mainly in the following two points: first,The transaction is complete, customers of our company resources to further strengthen sales channels more diversified, covering China's radio and television operators, United Kingdom, and Australia's retail channels, and professional users. Second, the target firm Goodmans and Bush brand has been staged in the United Kingdom and Australia an adequate awareness and market position in the market, customers get approved and accumulatedSignificant brand advantage, through consolidation, the company's products can faster be accepted by foreign markets. Q: three quarterly reports show, the company's main business revenue slipped, sales also fell varying degrees in various areas, this is due to factors such as the provincial network integration impact? How companies respond? A: at present, most of the areas in which our customers have not yet completed "Provincial network "integration, leading customers to extend the time for payment, accounts receivable increase. For this sort of situation the company is also actively taking measures to strengthen the safeguards against accounts receivable risks, such as for the ongoing integration of provincial network customers, sent company sales staff keeps track of the integration of customers, timely understanding of customer networks in the areas of province to consolidate progress and strengthen communication with customers, changes in settlementWay, not intended to be used to change method of payment the customer, through consultation and customer, the two sides back to the time for engagement, reduce the risk of accounts receivable. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

probability of the entire tourism sector November outperform larger

129667840500459142_234Recently, the number of research institutes publish a 2012 tourism business strategies report: contained in the next investment bubble, adjusting structure under the background of expanding domestic demand will highlight the market theme tourism features has an associated high, strong impetus must receive strong support from policy. Medium and long term diablo 3 gold, the tourism industry will enter the Decade. Four quarters are expected to outperform2011 continued fast growth in domestic tourism, golden week on a high base of another record high, reflecting the strong demand for tourism. Tourism is expected to continue to improve the overall environment in 2012: take more rapid economic growth, tourism policy is expected to introduce, Beijing-Shanghai high-speed train effect may gradually reflect. According to calculations, dynamic PE arithmetic mean at present tourism focused on the company in 2011 32. Twice times, derived from the wind the consensus estimate of tourism sector valuation 33.9 times 2011 dynamic times, focused on the company's overall valuation dynamic 32.3 times. Guosen securities industry report analysis, from the perspective of historical performance, probability of the entire tourism sector November outperform larger, but in October stocks exceeded expectations also increase short-term uncertainty. Three quarters ofThe report, will enter the off-season and short-term industry sector relies primarily on the catalytic factors of uncertainty related to industry policies issued, however tourism sector three quarterly data is further evidence that the industry growth is good and 2012 focus of the company's overall dynamic PE only 24.1 times times, long-term investors may continue to be robust in the four-quarter holding or holdings of bargain key tourism stocks. High premiumAcknowledged industry valuation by the market situation, present CSI 300 premium 2.66 times times, is high, since 2010 CSI 300 premium tourism industry gradually climbed, maintained at about 2.5 times times, higher premiums have been market identity; in culture, under producer services policies in support of the situation, policy benefits in tourism industryPossibilities increase, relatively high market growth will be sustained tourism industry next year diablo 3 power leveling, valuations will be relieved. Livelihood security recommended song shares, Tibet tour, Youth Brigade, both scenic spots such as Guilin tourism development potential and cultural development of the company.

2011年11月27日 星期日

Hong Kong road map

129668526783750000_13Chutian metropolis news photo: mess Yang Lingfeng photo taken on West Street diablo 3 power leveling, Xiangyang city photo: style/Zhao Qing/photo taken in the General South junction diagram wuluo road, Wuchang: Cosco busy shadow blue sky photo taken in Hankow, Hong Kong road map: guardians of night Wu Wei fruit photo taken in Wuchang Lake slowly, straighten out the traffic tunnel chaos, due diligence during the night waiting at the crossing diablo 3 gold, a rainy dayIn the middle of the road to ease traffic flow sth Their deeds on the road, everything smooth on urban transport plays an essential role, the vast number of guests with a unique perspective, showing moments of traffic Crossing Guard.


129668731980312500_390Watch: BAIDU_CLB_fillSlot ("176,856"); Set homepage add favorite | style civic news domestic and international finance in Beijing sport Lottery | group | | scroll | charity auction | supermarket | IT| Digital Health | ticketing | microblogging | BAIDU_CLB_fillSlot ("151 diablo 3 gold,872"); Frozen foods GB optional aureus to survive food safety crimes compared with nine felony punishment God has expected to launch in the first half of next year old community reconstruction no layers of subcontracting MetroInstallation of platform screen doors next year for line 1 diablo 3 power leveling, Line 2 shichahai Guanghua Temple is the water temple ban high-rise building security in the fringe the city temporarily would not let go of GOME, the second child of consumers will separately sell refurbished iPhone4 PetroChina Chairman was sounding warning flight attendants recruitment for accident squatted actress was "concerned" instant inventory of the world's most bizarre coin star luxury wardrobe thanSpell actress private according to the Shenzhen police who effect pigments and the most beautiful night-side effects of Wo Lulu and star private photos

I was the first generation born in 1974

129667889646552892_109Story of the purchase of the three generations: generation y sorrows full Editor's Note: the main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Houses one of the most expensive consumer goods is a person's life, as 70hou, generation y, generation this three generation "House slave", and their houseHow does of course love? They House over what kinds of stories? 70hou caught buying opportunity? After the eyeful bitter tears? Generation fancy rich proud to enjoy?  Soufun invites you to taste together three generations of House poor "buy life." Buy 70hou: I was the first generation born in 1974, Ms Wang House slave, college graduationAfter a two-year teacher, to go after business and then return to one's own working mental health consultant. In 2002, Wang Jia in Chengdu with his first home, and now is preparing for a big house. "We probably '; House poor ' first generation. "Wang Jia, age of 70hou is not know what to do," scenery than the laosanjie, arrived in upstart arrogant ".And that is, before you make buying a House, when a House slave on the first generation, "our generation first tighten its belt, buy a House, and after a few years discovered thirty years of age coincides with the price rising, House has been in the hands of her own in one of the biggest Fortune, so some people have started real. "Compared with generation y, 70hou is no doubt that the lucky generation, theyNot only backbone become the mainstream of the society, and caught the last wave of welfare housing distribution days. 70hou, House seems like a logical, just like married and had children, to point to the Office. Relative the current property market, to 70hou weapons when buying a House, regardless of the strength, product developers, design, planning, or idea, and now is very different fromFar away.  Due to the influence of social environment, 70hou purchase perception of the House, compared to the generation y is not, and now, "the stones, can be a more or less" diablo 3 power leveling, or when the purchase of a business as usual. Generation y: I want to be a House slave watched prices now, 70hou is fitting to earlier in the year to buy "stolen happiness", but generation y. 2010Years after the 30, most people have to face pressure on married and had children diablo 3 gold, so the House becomes a top priority. However, after the buying group apart from other age groups of consumers, they want to buy a House but limited economic strength, affordable House prices are not high. Don't you see, tianya, MOP on forums such as often occurs after the issue of "I want to be a House slave," "we eachPeople give me a dollar, I would like to buy a House to marry ", ironically posted; in this survey, 70.5% generation y that" generation into the home army "because the" generation of MOM and dad have money ".  A careful look, it is not difficult experiences after the bitterness of buying a House. Who are generation y, a House slave was an active choice. Behind this initiative,Was 70hou compared to generation y, compared to their parents, more severe pressure and competition for survival. Therefore, understanding of the current state of the economy and property market, or even their instinctive reaction.  In a sense, after the Foundation was not deep, but they can be more positive and enthusiastic for buying a House. Therefore, if the generation y, it will not finance,No investment, no home buyers, it's to be despised peers as "OUTMAN".  Countersunk silly studying so hard, and hard earned time is over, generation y taking advantage of this wave of rapid economic development, wave of rising prices, well versed in "don't you finance, financial ignore you" way of selfish calculations was investment spent flowers. Buying a House as one of the major channel of financing and most generation yFamiliar to them, buying a House is not merely just their own living, shouldering the investment functions. Study on the House, the property market, is responsible for the purse, responsible for themselves!  Generation y has become a real estate "brick", for large real estate on the macroeconomic impact of small brand room type-Enterprise prices, everything can say point road. Or not? And 80After the misery. Generation: parents, I don't want you to be my house slave survey, 36% generation wish to buy in 1 year, which also includes the generation of many reading University. As generation y for the House never frown when generation has been quietly killed into the tide of the purchase. Chengdu business daily reporter seen in the report, most ready to buy a house or haveBuying a House generation, whether the mortgage or buy a House, and basically is the paying parents. The final "worry" it is not they, but the parents behind. "Generation and had not yet achieved self-concept of the family, so they focus on type and freedom of expression. "Analysis of psychological counselors Wang Jia said, according to a survey, 59% non-generation think generation" little "have the ability to buyRoom also illustrates this point. 21 year old Sally, abandoned the work of parents in the home city of Suqian arranged because love has chosen to remain in Suzhou and boyfriend out. Positive values "did not really understand the difficulties involved" in the generation of youth, love for them is paramount, and there is no pressure from life, generation in response "IfYou are the generation and have decided to purchase, is smarter force force "when the problem, only 21% persons considered to be" forced ". Then, follow the "first love" principle only has created a generation of girls became popular Web language45...6 next page

The London Metal Exchange

129667864463896642_386The London Metal Exchange (LME) copper stocks reduced 1,250 tons, aluminum inventories reduced 2 diablo 3 power leveling,625 tonnes, zinc stocks and 1,300 tons of "panoramic network special statement" articles, data and other content contained in this channel are filled by the media (corporate) provided diablo 3 power leveling, does not represent our views. Content contained in this Web for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice, operations, riskYour own.

Selina Huayan Selina injuries to resume work after launching records international work plan

129668731954531250_338Selina Huayan Selina injuries to resume work after launching records international work plan, as she is in good condition for recovery has gradually carried out. First ushered into a single of the song before the wedding everyone loves me, thanked all the way to give her encouragement to all friends, caring concern, also as their gifts at the new stage of life. After the weddingZhang Taitai Selina, in addition to scheduled and rehabilitation courses in life, also at the same time into the preparations for the EP. Recently, Selina shooting MV work, considerations of her body, Director's special election in secret Studio and efficient ways of working with the fastest shooting. Selina is still unable to stand for a long time, shooting content or to sit onMouth. But low-key working trip diablo 3 gold, renting Studio Director early exposure in the micro-blogging passion to share. Mention of progress EP, record company says it will include three songs, in addition to written by JJ Lin of the love everyone I, while the other two songs respectively by Jay Chou and Wang both written by the King of creation especially for Selina, works through songs, makes concern sElina's friend fans to share the long deep life experiences. Many people are concerned about Selina had to register officially became "wife", Selina should twelve-sixteenths such as wedding ends in Changhua and then to discuss the matter. And Selina are being produced in the EP diablo 3 gold, Huayan records also plan ahead of the twelve-sixteenthsSelina day issued the same day. ()

50 times times forward earnings

129667864328896642_42Saying the lips when the a-share "to eat" suddenly disappear when IPOs raised speculation the passion as before, just-listed-Dominion Optics (002632) new shares while there is no lack of investment, such as highlights, also failed to give a pleasant surprise. In this context, today to work together on stage 4 is only small and new shares, the overall gains are likely to be difficult to makeSatisfactory.   Listed according to the arrangements for the exchange of four new listings together, separately listing four new listings today for An Jie technology (002635) diablo 3 power leveling, Jin An Guoji (002636), praised eco technology (002637) and Polish (002638). Specific point of view, ' anjie consumer electronics functionality of technology is a professional device manufacturingBusiness, offer price $ 23/unit (50 times times forward earnings), Jin an JI is a leading Copper Clad Laminates for printed circuit product development, production and sales of high-tech enterprises, offer price $ 11.2/unit (32 times times forward earnings); praised eco technology is one of the largest domestic surfactant product manufacturing enterprises, offer price $ 36/share (price/earnings ratio 44.83 times x); photoelectric specializing in semiconductor lighting products on the service, to provide users with LED lighting solutions, offer price $ 24/share (55.81 times times forward earnings). In these 4 new listings, more optimistic about the praise of the industry on eco technology and optoelectronic. Guotai Junan securities, analysts say, Chan-Woo natural base surfactant is the largest enterprise of science and technology diablo 3 gold, future growthSince the product substitution and a significant capacity expansion associated with investment projects. Photoelectric has LED outdoor lighting on future performance highlights, benefits from energy-saving emission reduction policy of the Government, the industry's future is expected to grow rapidly.   In addition, because the price significantly lower than the other three new listings for only 11.2 yuan per unit, Jin Anguo JI online 0.53% success rate with minimum batches of new shares. FriedNew funds or was diverted after the listing of 4 new listings today's trends, views of the industry generally cautious, hand in hand's gains may be difficult to appear. In fact, 4 new listings since listing on the same day in the near future are rare, only once on November 3, although the day by the Dragon represented by shares of health units work together to increase, but comes at the background of market indexes stronger anti-Resilient to the 2500.1 line. From the performance in this week's listing of new shares, although Dominion optical Wang yawei all ages listed 22nd, Schinko stake as shares, the circulation of "double low" score 0.2% ultra low success rate, both first-day performance was significantly lower than market expectations. In this market for more than enthusiasm dissipated under the background of new shares, with 4 new listingsFried new listing will inevitably result when funds diversion affecting the rise in stocks. It should be noted that is, factors that cause diversion of funds today also have one, is the great outstanding shares issued online. As the world's fourth, the second manufacturer of seamless knitting, that's just outstanding shares (purchase code 002634) at $ 18.1/unit (31.33 times times correspond to earnings)Sell 16.7 million shares, purchase, up to 13,000 per household unit. CITIC Securities pointed out, that's just outstanding shares fair value range is $ 19.68~20.20. Chengdu commercial daily reporter Li Zhi

2011年11月23日 星期三


129613089556875000_1495海马骑士2012款在原有“势度不凡”核心优势的基础上实现了造型、性能、安全、品质方面的全面提升,打造新一代都市SUV中的“硬派绅士”。 日报2011年9月23日报道 试驾车型:2012款智能领航型 试驾时间:9月17日 试驾路况:长江北 试驾亮点:引入5速手自一体变速箱 车辆提供:海马中山中海4S店 骑士2012款在原有“势度不凡”核心优势的基础上实现了造型、性能、安全、品质方面的全面提升,打造新一代都市SUV中的“硬派绅士”。寓意其刚柔并济,内外兼修,拥有硬朗的商务气质,同级别都市SUV中最过硬的越野性能、安全保障和品质。近日,海马汽车首款自动挡智能领航型抵达中山中海4S店,记者受邀抢先试驾体验。 造型:刚柔并济 海马骑士2012款刚柔并济的特点在造型上得到充分体现。弧度圆润的车身腰线延伸到车尾,新增的侧面金属踏板让整车档次感提升不少。铝合金轮毂从原有的16寸增大到17寸,设计风格更加锐利,也显得更加大气。 此外,该款更引入了C-SPORT套件,使外观气质更加动感时尚。极具厚重感的前包围使骑士整个前脸线条显得更丰富有力,重新设计的波浪形进气格栅算是海马骑士的首创风格,双仿排气管口设计的后包围也是加分项目,提高了整车的气势,更显不凡品位。 空间:有容乃大 骑士2012款车身三围为4421mm 1830mm 1710mm,长期乘坐也不会感到不适。该款车有着足够宽大的后备厢,后排坐椅更可以分拆放倒,提高了后备厢使用的灵活性 diablo 3 power leveling。 此外,海马骑士副驾驶位的手套箱容积很大,中控台上方与下方都有带盖的储物格,前门壁板更设有杯架与储物格,后座杯架则隐藏在中央扶手底层位置,在不需要使用时均可折叠收藏。海马骑士2012款副仪表版的双杯座设计代替了原有的固定烟灰缸,而烟灰缸则改为活动式,使用更方便;手机收纳格的添加,使副仪表板的设计更趋合理与人性化。 内饰:商务风格 该款车的内饰能让人感受到浓重的商务气息。三幅式多功能方向盘采用皮革包裹,手感适中。在原有的音响控制系统基础上,骑士2012款更加入了定速巡航控制按钮,行车过程更加便利。 炮筒型的仪表较好地保留了原有的动感与活力设计元素;中控台的按键分布合理,旋钮阻尼适中,更配备GPS+倒车影像+蓝牙系统;前排真皮坐椅加热功能也出现在骑士2012款上,冬季驾乘更舒适;前挡风玻璃洗涤液喷嘴改成了雾化喷嘴,洗涤效果更好。变速杆顶部真皮覆盖让手感更舒适,同时起到了防滑作用。 配置:大幅升级 博世最高8.1版本的ABS+EBD+BAS系统提供了可靠的安全保障;而此次骑士2012款车型上更增加了TCS+ESP系统,安全性能进一步提升。 胎压监测与刹车优先系统也出现在骑士2012款车型上。前排侧气囊的加入让驾乘更加安心。欧洲最高标准的3H高刚性车身和4门高强度双防撞梁也得以完全保留,安全配置综合水平在同级别车型中处于领先。主被动安全配置的优秀结合,带来更安心的驾乘享受。 操控:灵活舒适 该款车依然采用2.0自然吸气发动机,最大功率为110kW/6000rpm,最大扭矩为180N・m/4500rpm。业内领先的DVVT发动机技术,配合先进的EMS发动机处理系统以及OBD车载诊断技术,实现了真正的高效低耗。该款车最大的变化来自于5速手自一体变速箱的引入,完美实现了自动挡的舒适便利与手动挡的驾驶乐趣。SPSS随速转向助力系统在不同速度条件下提供不同程度的助力。底盘系统源自福特翼虎的技术,缔造出5.4米的出众最小转弯半径,带有调速功能的定速巡航系统可有效缓解驾驶疲劳。与5速手自一体变速箱配合,大大提高了长途驾驶的舒适性。 小结 作为海马汽车SUV的首款自动挡车型,骑士2012款引入5速手自一体变速箱,使驾驶者更加舒适和轻松 diablo 3 gold,填补了海马汽车SUV没有自动挡的空白,相信会在市场上创出一番新天地。


129613089251875000_469美国东部时间周四,G20在华盛顿发布声明,称“决心建一个强劲和协调国家因对措施,来面对政治威胁全球经济的新挑战。”G20承诺将采取强而有力与协调的措施,应对全球经济所面临的全新挑战,这些挑战包括主权债务危机导致经济下行风险升高,金融体系脆弱不堪等。 在意识到对世界经济可能滑入另一场衰退边缘,全球股市正在跌入熊市后,G20财长承诺将采取一切措施应对危机。 网易财经9月23日讯 美国东部时间周四,G20在华盛顿发布声明,称“决心建一个强劲和协调国家因对措施,来面对政治威胁全球经济的新挑战。” G20承诺将采取强而有力与协调的措施,应对全球经济所面临的全新挑战,这些挑战包括主权债务危机导致经济下行风险升高,金融体系脆弱不堪、市场剧烈动荡、经济增长疲软,以及失业率居高不下,令人难以接受等。 声明指出,G20将致力于维护银行系统的稳定性,确保银行业拥有充足资本。各央行将做好准备,在必要的时候向银行提供流动性,确保银行能够获得资金应对目前的危机。 同时,G20轮值主席国——法国财长巴鲁安(Francois Baroin)表示,G20戮力支持全球经济增长,各国依据自身的情况而采取节支措施和经济刺激措施。美国已经提出一项促进经济增长和就业的重要方案。此外,G20国家央行将支持经济增长,同时确保物价稳定。 声明称,G20表示经济下行风险加剧令新兴市场国家所处环境更具挑战性,同时新兴市场国家经济增长的贡献将会加大。G20重申全球汇率市场过度波动对经济和金融稳定不利影响。 此外,声明指出 diablo 3 power leveling,全球货币政策将维持物价稳定 diablo 3 gold,并继续支持经济复苏。新兴市场国家将向更依赖内需的增长模式过渡。 最后,声明称,针对解决持续蔓延的欧债,欧元区国家将在下次G20会议召开前实施必要措施。 相关新闻:


129613089170000000_221四分之一决赛被约旦淘汰,卫冕冠军无法接受这样的残酷出局。赛后,他们半个小时闭门思过,球员们集体拒绝采访。 网易体育张强9月23日武汉报道 北京时间9月23日,亚锦赛四分之一决赛全面展开,结果第一场就爆出惊天冷门,约旦88比84淘汰卫冕伊朗。这一残酷的现实让伊朗全队无法接受 diablo 3 power leveling,赛后半小时闭门思过,全队球员集体拒绝接受采访。 男篮亚锦赛1/4决赛:约旦88-84伊朗 哈达迪一脸沮丧 document.write('更多高清大图('+27+'张)'); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); 约旦最后时刻的疯狂,葬送了卫冕冠军的前途。赛后,伊朗教练和球员通过混合区都一脸黯然,神情沮丧,尽管有记者招呼伊朗球员接受采访,但没一人停止脚步,全部用最快速度离开混合区。 很显然,伊朗教练在更衣室对球员训话了。从比赛结束到他们离开,伊朗更衣室整整关闭了半个小时,其间,约旦教练和球员兴高采烈地离开,唯有伊朗这边静悄悄地。半个小时后,伊朗球员才逐一离开,每个人的脸上都写满痛苦和哀伤,有记者上去要求采访,伊朗球员头也不回地离开。头号球星哈达迪表情显得很难受,面对记者的采访,他丝毫不理会,大步走向大巴。伊朗主力后卫卡米拉尼双膝敷着冰袋,一瘸一拐地离开通道。 整个伊朗队,只有伊朗主帅马蒂奇赛后参加新闻发布会,离去的时候,他接受了两家国外媒体的采访和网易体育的专访。 或许谁也没有想到,伊朗会以这样最为残酷的方式出局…… 欢迎参与投票伊朗爆冷输约旦无缘四强,你对此看法是? 欢呼,中国亚锦赛夺冠无悬念 惊讶 diablo 3 gold,邓华德运气总是那么好 遗憾,男篮无缘决赛亲自复仇 感谢,约旦人打过CBA够朋友 警惕,中国要小心别阴沟翻船//


129613089098437500_8核心提示:9月23日,反腐倡廉专项治理工作汇报会举行,贺国强称全国累计查出“小金库”58225个,涉及资金266.5亿元;全国党政机关共发现违规车辆17.26万辆,公务用车专项治理已完成登记自查和审查核实阶段工作任务,进入全面纠正处理阶段。 新华网北京9月23日电 中共中央政治局常委、中央纪委书记贺国强23日出席反腐倡廉专项治理工作汇报会并讲话。他强调,要认真贯彻落实以人为本、执政为民的要求,按照中央部署,扎实推进专项治理工作,着力解决人民群众反映强烈的突出问题,以党风廉政建设和反腐败工作新成效取信于民。在认真听取有关方面关于开展工程建设领域突出问题、“小金库”问题、公务用车问题和庆典、研讨会、论坛过多过滥问题专项治理工作情况汇报后,贺国强指出,开展这4项专项治理工作,是今年党风廉政建设和反腐败工作的一项重点任务,也是我们顺应人民期待、回应社会关切、认真解决反腐倡廉建设中人民群众反映强烈突出问题的实际行动。今年以来,各地区各部门各单位认真贯彻中央要求,扎实开展专项治理,取得积极进展和成效。在工程建设领域突出问题专项治理方面,着力抓好重点领域、重点环节、重点案件和长效机制建设,全国共受理工程建设领域违纪违法问题举报3.8万件,立案1.96万件,给予党纪政纪处分12874人,移送司法机关6801人;在“小金库”专项治理方面,着力巩固成效、防止反弹,抓好全面复查和重点检查,建立健全长效机制,全国累计查出“小金库”58225个,涉及资金266.54亿元,给予行政处罚1942人,组织处理3242人,党纪政纪处分1862人,移交司法机关处理623人;在公务用车问题专项治理方面,已基本完成动员部署、登记自查和审查核实阶段工作任务,进入全面纠正处理阶段,截至目前,全国党政机关共发现违规车辆17.26万辆;在庆典、研讨会、论坛过多过滥问题专项治理方面,着力加强宣传教育,搞好自查自纠,严肃工作纪律,据23个省(区、市)统计,共取消2010个活动,节约经费约8.4亿元。贺国强强调,开展4项专项治理下一步任务仍很艰巨,要总结经验、把握规律,加大力度、标本兼治,切实巩固和扩大工作成果。一是要进一步提高思想认识,强化组织领导。各级党委、政府要把专项治理工作摆在重要位置 diablo 3 gold,加大督促指导力度,协调解决重大问题;各级专项治理工作领导小组要加强组织协调 diablo 3 power leveling,搞好分类指导;有关职能部门尤其是牵头部门要认真履行职责、发挥职能优势,主动完成好所承担的任务。二是要突出治理重点,狠抓工作落实。工程建设领域突出问题专项治理工作要继续抓好国土资源、交通运输、铁路、水利等重点领域以及项目决策、招标投标、土地出让、规划管理、工程建设、施工监理等重点环节治理,着力推进工程建设领域法规制度、公共资源交易市场、信息公开和诚信体系建设;“小金库”专项治理工作要在全面推进基础上,集中力量对具有执收执罚权、社会反映比较集中、有群众举报以及日常监管发现问题较多的重点领域、重点部门和重点单位进行检查督导,确保已发现问题整改落实到位;公务用车问题专项治理工作要认真搞好违规车辆的纠正处理,严格执行公务用车配备使用管理有关规定,切实加强日常监管;庆典、研讨会、论坛过多过滥问题专项治理工作要坚持清理和规范相结合,坚决制止、取消一批增加基层负担、形式重于内容的活动,抓紧研究制定规范节庆活动管理的办法。三是要加强督促整改,严格执行纪律。要针对前一段工作中发现的带有普遍性的问题,督促有关地区、部门和单位认真分析原因、切实加以整改,对各类问题背后隐藏的违纪违法行为要坚决查处,对在专项治理工作中失职渎职的要严肃追究责任。四是要认真总结经验,建立长效机制。要尊重基层和群众的首创精神,总结实践经验,创新监督方式,坚持公开透明,注重完善制度,建立健全防止同类问题反复发生、从源头上进行治理的长效机制,推动治理工作制度化、规范化、常态化。中共中央书记处书记、中央纪委副书记何勇主持会议。他强调,各专项治理工作领导小组要加强组织协调,搞好分类指导,及时研究解决工作中遇到的问题,推动专项治理工作深入开展。有关职能部门尤其是牵头部门要认真履行职责,把专项治理工作与业务工作紧密结合起来,主动完成好所承担的任务。委部机关相关单位要认真总结前段工作的有效做法和成功经验,按照既定目标和工作方案继续抓好落实。新闻回顾:近日,一份《党政机关公务用车配备和使用情况自查登记表》下发至各地党政机关,要求各部门单位对公车逐辆登记,不允许遗漏、瞒报,在6月底前确保100%的车辆登记,填表造册,彻底摸清车辆总数。需高于标准配备更新公务用车,或者配备更新越野车的,只需审批备案。来 自财政部等部门数据显示,全国公务用车总量200多万辆,每年消费支出1500亿元~2000亿元。消息称新的公务车修订方案中规定:正部级官员用车排气 量不高于2.5升、35万元,副部级官员不高于2.5升排气量、30万元,而一般公务用车则被限定在1.8升排气量及16万元以内。截至7月15日,已有24个中央部门公开了“三公经费”。其中,交通部公车费用最高,占三公总额的80%;商务部因公出国费用最高,占总额的94%;而科技部公务接待费最多,占比达42%。

it must be a very good choice.

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129613089419218750_1002近日,段丽阳首张创作专辑《谢谢你的爱》发布暨18周岁成人私享会在京举行。 段丽阳。京华时报9月24日报道(记者 侯艳)近日,段丽阳首张创作专辑《谢谢你的爱》发布暨18周岁成人私享会在京举行。作为央视的老牌主持人,主演了《疯丫头》的90后段丽阳又增加了一个身份 唱作歌手 diablo 3 power leveling。专辑《谢谢你的爱》既是小丽阳告别童年的纪念,也是给所有在成长路上一直给丽阳支持的朋友的一份厚礼 diablo 3 gold

initially as an exclusive network for Harvard students. It was a huge hit

Facebook Begins Auto-Grouping Friends Into Smart Lists | TechCrunch. You've got 500-something friends, all of about 50 you really interact with. You went to school with Lucy and Henry, you've worked with Mike for years, and Joe lives just down the block. Facebook knows all of this — it just doesn't really go out of its way to show that it knows all of this. Until now.Sometime recently, Facebook began rolling out "Smart Lists" to select users — which, as the name implies, intelligently groups certain obvious groups of friends into pre-packaged lists. Take that, Google Plus!So far, it looks like Facebook is automatically grouping friends into three different bunches:People you work withPeople you attended school withPeople who live within 50 miles of youIf nothing else, that last one should be pretty handy for finding a few bar buddies on the quick without bugging your whole friends list (or, if we're going for more practical stuff here, blasting out the cliche "Oh my God! Earthquake! Did anyone else feel that!" updates without sending it out to people who are on the other side of the world and obviously didn't feel that.)Following the launch of Google Plus and its absurdly easy-to-use grouping system, Facebook has taken a good amount of flack for their rather archaic list creation tools. Might this be the first of many improvements? The three pre-generated lists are nice, but when will I be able to be able to make my own smart lists diablo 3 gold, a la iTunes Smart Playlists? Yeah yeah, school friends, cool — when will I be able to auto-generate a list of all my friends who happen to share my love for John Leguizamo flicks? Screening partyyyyy![Thanks to @NickStarr for shooting the screenshot above our way] Crunchbase FACEBOOK Company: Facebook Website: facebook.com Launch Date: January 2 diablo 3 power leveling, 2004 Funding: $2.34B Facebook is the world's largest social network, with over 500 million users.Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, initially as an exclusive network for Harvard students. It was a huge hit: in 2 weeks, half of the schools in the Boston area began demanding a Facebook network. Zuckerberg immediately recruited his friends Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes to help build Facebook, and within four months, Facebook added 30 more college networks. The original idea for the term... Learn more. Facebook Begins Auto-Grouping Friends Into Smart Lists | TechCrunch.

2011年11月21日 星期一

the Forum nickname becomes replies

129626217455781250_2446Details: three factors affecting wallpaper the price difference What determines the price of wallpapers? in the face of the customer's process, often owners friends think good wallpapers, bad wallpaper on the wall are the same, so you want to buy cheap wallpaper as much as possible. In fact, this view is that there is a problem. Renovation process saves silver taels were not wrong, but you want to see what savings. Purpose of the shop if the wallpaper is to save money, then I really advise you, orIs the brush paints. Wallpaper is not a home improvement essentials. If your new home, do not brush paint certainly cannot stay, but not pastes wallpaper does not matter. You need to understand that your wallpaper is designed for what? I think most friends should if one is using wallpaper is landscape, decorate the home, improve the taste. Therefore, wallpaper is an ornament, people in order to keep up withThe beautiful, the pursuit of personality, will go to select it, use it. Certainly price/performance considered Silver does not come wind and we are ordinary citizen, unnecessary pursuit special luxury style. So while the selected wallpaper, you should also develop a budget for spending on their wall surface. As a sales person, we recommended to you according to your budget will not exceed yourIs a lot of style, as far as possible within your budget to meet your individual needs. Wallpaper is not determined by the price of he environmental performance to determine, because on the market, not just wallpaper, also attaches great importance to environmental protection are other decoration materials this link, as far as environmental protection, all qualifying products, unless you do not market supervision of some offices or local shopping, mixed. So what about the wallpaper is what determines the price of? First, the material, generally we commonly used Wallpapers divided into paper-based film, plain paper, nonwoven three material types, these three materials have their advantages and disadvantages. Non-woven fabric, if taken literally understood, is the absence of textile fabric, the real process of making this, it is made of plant fiber formed by stacking a sectionMass. Usually within the same brand, non-woven materials wallpapers prices more expensive. Non-woven wallpaper also has another advantage is that it has certain rendering on color, much like painting on rice paper, and diablo 3 gold, it's feel good, feel close to the wall, wall permeability is the highest in three kinds of materials. But due to materials restrictions, non-woven wallpaper scrubPoor performance, popular comparison point is the "effeminate:. "Pure paper wallpapers, scrub resistance of plain paper wallpaper wallpaper much better performance than non-woven cloth, better care, and plain-paper wallpaper color are real, expression full of color, wallpaper designers in plain paper is also easier to express their design ideas. Also, plain-paper wallpaper also has close to walls, air permeabilityPerformance characteristics of strong. He feels very smooth, feels very comfortable. Plain paper wallpaper sold on the market are generally imports or joint venture products, imports of plain paper wallpaper generally use is pure Nordic's original wood pulp production, the quality of good, purely some imported wood pulp paper wallpaper made joint venture, some of them are making recycled paper, which you can observe the wallpaper the back of theFor judgment. Paper-based heating wallpaper is based on a paper, on top of paper-based resin film. Scrub resistance level is the maximum of this wallpaper is a bit strong, you can use the toothbrush to scrub. Because there is a layer of resin on the paper-based, so he can shape tends to be used by the designers, made stereoscopic effect is very strong patterns, increasing path of wallpaper decoration. This wallpaper in pavingAlso easier when, without too much technical requirements. But again, favourable, there are disadvantages, due to paper-covered resin layer, so weak on the expression of color, poor air permeability. Paper-based heating wallpaper is widely used, is up to a kind of wallpaper on the market, usually domestic or joint venture of the product price is expensive, imports are not cheap, the main reason is that itTariffs and design. Apart from the material determine the price of wallpaper, technology also account for a large scale. Wallpaper printing technologies now very high end, in addition to print, there are jelly printing, clay coating, engraving, texturing, and so on, these technologies are largely derived from foreign countries, different printing technologies, you can express a variety of styles and concepts diablo 3 power leveling, makingWallpaper of the decorative effect is stronger, is also a color, but topping of imported wallpaper technique more developed, details clearer, clearer. That's why the prices of imported wallpaper your reasons. Buy wallpaper is like buying clothes, if you buy yourself some clothes, is to choose durable, fashion, brand-name that work well? or just considering cheaper prices? decorationJust once, slip off your clothes can be easily changed, but what about the wall? 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Posted in attended (click to view) click on the login | Nickname: [how to usePaste] nicknames | NetEase pass: password: automatic login click on the set avatar speak | Personal settings | My original | My Twitter | Exit civilization go online, login to post user comments are intended for the expression of personal opinions, NetEase agrees not their views or confirm the description. With theStep to the Tweets published the original can be synchronized to Twitter, log in immediately experience! After tick if you haven't open microblogging, automatically as you activate. After you close the modify nickname original nickname changes, the Forum nickname becomes replies, Oh cover floor, click on the login | Nickname: nickname | NetworkEasy pass: password: automatic login click on the set avatar speak | Personal settings | My original | My Twitter | Exit civilization Internet sync login to post to Twitter released the original can be synchronized to Twitter, log in immediately experience! After checking, if you have no open microblogging, the system will automaticallyYou activated. Copy on close Replication collections success, press CTRL v to a friend, forum or blog. Browser limits, please copy link and heading to friends, forums or blog. Furniture purchasing affordable this fall highlights would you like to try four sets of bedroom furniture in differentColors reflect different collocation effect over more than 1000 Yuan Kohler toilet doesn't work with all required maintenance designers using space in the Interior at their own expense and see the enchanting scenery of the sea calm warm Eastern Mediterranean returned home to enjoy the quiet sky--> in the downtown area real estate Home Home "news" oil price 0 o'clock down 300 yuan per tonQuestion "entertainment" Atlas: Lin Ching-hsia attend Buddhist celebrations Faye Wong Sing the "sports" United Arab Emirates has been registered in Guangdong will CBA new season "financial" gasoline and diesel prices by 300 yuan per ton today first drop in 16 months "woman" 30% man carrying his girlfriend more than 10,000 hiding cash? "Motor vehicle" sail/Golf/���ʳɷ֡� as 39 cars still energy-saving effectPaste "technology" jobs ' funeral was held on Friday the topic "Forum" injuries can't afford! Fall explosion white iPhone4 pictures and the truth "mobile phone" a bare minimum of less than $ 4,000 iPhone4S domestic buying guide "digital" beyond full SLR Sony A77 single camera parameters "premises" gold Monday citiesSold for collective diving Guangzhou falling 66% "games" new work wear gold Holy garments CS:GO old and new maps compared to "read" drive dead demons God dream in xiangxi human pet title hits 180 petty 44 small variable luxury penthouse gone after easier on Belle 22,374 2 Saudi Prince 1 billion luxury large openingSecret ultra shock 16,755 3 Hera pastures Jie-Wei Xiaobao Dicky Cheung and his wife Jess Zhang warm enough love-nest 7,930 46 TV storage cabinet features powerful fashion 7,178 5 activist wife personally create idyllic small 6,791 66 most IN table 6 show 6,160 class style 7 dry admitted five American style bathroom cabinets for your carefree4,937 8 City Hunter secret service of the United States kill you 2,437 9 male personality study absolutely black and white second base at dawn revealing the secrets of love-nest mansion of three-story good Feng Shui 1990 10 antique Handscraped wood flooring to create American pastoral home 1605[I love my home] I $1 bought baby United Kingdom brand antique steelKam to road repair workers [I love my home] helped his house and his friend Sun-DIY masterpiece [Raiders AC] seeking the best way to roof thermal insulation [design space] after the young for marriage to create 78 pastoral style of love! [Appliance] you offered air conditioning on insurance? Push the appliance extended warranty rules [furniture] IKEA recall children's tent in GuangzhouInvolving a total of 315 [Tao Wei] fragmentation of water-saving sanitary ware Maoni gimmicks more water-saving anti-wastewater [lamp] lamps will step into the era of Intelligent remote control of life more free type analysis phase I collect radiation is everywhere do supervision engineers teach yourself Christmas warm playing precious book wall paint DIY warm bedroomsvar GDS2_240120_Src1 = "http://img1.126.net/channel9/010433/100300_0920.swf";//url of AD var GDS2_240120_Src2 = "";//url of AD var fc_rdm=Math.random(); var GDS2_240120_Src=""; var GDS2_240120_Width = 100;//width of AD var GDS2_240120_Height = 300;//height of AD var GDS2_urls = " "; if (fc_rdm>0.5){GDS2_240120_Src = GDS2_240120_Src1;} else{GDS2_240120_Src = GDS2_240120_Src2;} if(! 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see discovery run away upon learning the news.

129626058176875000_611Man posing as relatives blended with bride wedding robbery arrested Huaxi City News wedding who eat rub rub drink, it is not surprising. On October 2, Furong Seoul hotel, Mianyang, a man posing as a relative of rub eat drink does not rub said, actually its sight on the bride's wrist is equipped with a gift bag. When the "uninvited guest" when you take the bride ran out satchel diablo 3 gold, is surrounded by relatives and friends. According to police, the same day, you had your wedding breakWhen, a strange man came before the bride. Because more guests, the bride a false impression of the man's relatives, and beam. But, while the bride when chatting with other people, satchel runs out on the man take the bride, bride was shouting for help. After the hearing, relatives of several boys gave chase, gate security upon seeing this also stopped their way, after being man-drawnDagger. Several security guards pulled out truncheons confrontation with men, rapid alert next to the masses. Civilian police arrived, the man still keeps waving daggers. The crucial moment, do not back up the civilian police take man beating dagger, and its mass, with the uniform. According to the account, a criminal suspect Zhang, 28 years old this year, people in Guizhou. September mid-Zhang and other two accomplices went to MianyangPlotting to Rob. After a few men, believe that national day wedding diablo 3 gold, wedding ceremony scene of people more, also among the many guests are familiar with each other, so they decided to implement robbery at a wedding scene. The same day, three people, including a driving, according to a person who spread rumours, a division of people scramble for, did not think a rigid hand caught, two other people, see discovery run away upon learning the news.

Be authorized

129626051074375000_511Beijing News Editorial: rear of Shanghai subway accident punishment is too light Beijing News Editorials "9・27" rear accidents causing more than 200 people were injured and in serious cases, making Shanghai the public production, substantial damage, so those responsible persons suspected of "serious accident crime", is certainly worth asking. Shanghai Metro "9・27" accident investigation division, the survey results were announced on October 6 and 12 responsible be dealt with。 Among them, Shen Tong, President and Chairman of the group, having a disciplined. Relevant dispatchers, watcher respectively retain look at one year and out of positions, administrative removal, such as having a, demerit punishment sth However, results did not show any "transferred to judicial organs", "criminal" Word, even the "discharged from public employment" is not. Therefore believed thatRelatively light punishment, not enough to take warning from the past in order to be more careful in the future. "Transgression" is the principle of punishment. The Criminal Code provides for a "serious accident crime"--in breach of the relevant provisions of security management in the production, job diablo 3 gold, event of a major accident or other serious consequences, constitute a crime. On the crimes, required by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the so-called heavy casualties, refers to the death caused by one or more,Or serious injury caused by three or more persons; the so-called serious consequences are caused direct economic losses of more than 50,000 yuan, as well as economic losses despite insufficient provisions, but the circumstances are serious, production, substantial damage. The point is that the party is in violation of safety regulations, that requirement is not observed. If it is because there is no specific safety procedures, are of a technical, Management BoardNorm defect, from the system it is never too late. Seen from published results, recognized by accident investigation team directly because the dispatcher fault section location of all trains without precise positioning of cases, illegal publication telephone block command; the station duty officer in the case of not strictly recognized range line is idle for, violations agreed the station telephone blocking requirements. It is clear that theseNot be plucked, but does not follow. So follow-up treatment should be strictly. "9・27" rear accidents causing more than 200 people were injured, and the circumstances are serious, significant damage to production, working, as related personnel are arrested for "criminal major accident", is certainly worth asking. Still needs to be clarified is that identified by the investigation team, is not recognized by the windCase of dangerous, take targeted measures, Shen Tong group maintenance center work sheet of the company issued no blackout job, resulting in power loss when the construction, and lead to automatic monitoring and control system failure. Where is the problem? Technical miscalculation, accident, or the abuse? If violations of code of practice for hasty construction, or to know that there are security risks and lack of measures taken,Responsibility is more than just Chief demerit, and is suspected of "production safety accident crime". Construction of if circuits are involved, no Shanghai Metro "risk identification" "precautions" management regulations, the problem is more serious. Similarly, the dispatcher could not determine if any train case, "illegal" order, what should be the normal procedure? What is verifying diablo 3 power leveling, Be authorized, to place an order? What error correction mechanism? This system, is sufficient to put an end to rear? Why this "violation"? …… These are the public most want to know, the survey results could not be accurately and dispel doubts. Accident investigation is intended to restore truth, clarify reason to prevent tragedies, and give the public a clear explanation of responsible: Metro is secure? This accidentsWhether has eliminated all known technical flaws and lack of management? This is of greatest concern to the public. This, must establish strict accountability of foundations.

the contracted price directly from pulling down the 24%

129626056138593750_581Beijing property market transactions during the national day average price of less than 30,000 yuan/square meter The morning paper "11" end of the long holiday, Beijing new homes plus the second-hand property market, a total of only sell 1039. Added selling is basically low price item cost less than 30,000 yuan/square meter, the contracted price directly from pulling down the 24%, to 16,698 Yuan/square meter. The industry believes, despite the current property market "price cut" sounds more and more, but buyersLooking forward to an "inflection point" first appeared only in the first quarter of next year. Beijing real estate transaction management network data show that during the national day holiday Beijing commercial housing residential agency Number Sets for 908, second-hand housing agency Number Sets for 131. Totals only 1039, last year during the national day of 1346 set by 22.8%. Reporters saw, long holidayDuring the Agency is mainly concentrated in lower-priced items. Agency Number Sets in the first 10, all priced below 30,000, sign up to shijiaguang 211, weaving Garden, the average price of only $ 9,517 directly down the overall contract price. Agency's third ocean side of Greenville diablo 3 gold, before compared to the average price by 20% per cent, before other items compared to the average price diablo 3 power leveling, basically is "steady down���� Professional analysis, from August to September of the first-tier cities property market, "housing prices stopped rising" has become mainstream, reduced price items obviously have been eroded over time, but in absolute numbers are still relatively small. Beijing real estate under construction area of millions of square meters for the first time, a significant potential supply pressure, will enable the property market supply in Beijing and sales gap continues to widen in the given period.

with industrial workers fared the worst. Jordan says

129626049918593750_497United States "occupation Washington" procession scene of conflict L17966 Xinhua in Washington, October 8 thousands of protesters on the afternoon of 8th in the United States capital of Washington, March to protest against big business to the United States political influence and the United States Government of Afghanistan and Iraq wars, requires United States Government to take more resources to the people's livelihood. Demonstrators clashed with security personnel at the national air and Space Museum, the security peopleUse of pepper spray to prevent demonstrators, and the scene was extremely confusing. Thousands of demonstrators that day from the "occupation of Washington" movement participants occupation starting on Pennsylvania Avenue of freedom square, shouting "occupation of Wall Street, the occupation of k Street" and other slogans, March on down the mountain to the Congress of the Smithsonian Institution museum complex. K Street is a Washington law firm and lobbying groupGather a business street, has always been considered as a symbol of corporate interests to influence political. After he came to air and Space Museum entrance, demonstrators tried to cross the security personnel guarded the entrance to the entry into a Museum, but the experienced security personnel block. Security personnel used pepper spray to prevent demonstrators. Reporters at the scene saw, some being sprayed in the face of protesters lying on the spot, spicy qiangren gasRapid diffusion, the demonstrators have used clothing covering, so as to avoid inhaling irritating substances. Few demonstrators were pepper water chain in tears, people fell sick. Laisili��boyide told reporters the protesters from the North Carolina Asheville, she and a number of demonstrators tried to enter the Museum, but also not go, security guards sprayed pepper spray to them, and shove her. After temporarily dispersed the demonstrators, security personnel immediately lock the Museum doors. Boyd said: "it was a peaceful March, what wrong we have done. "Her their noses and throats and eyes were pepper water stimulation diablo 3 gold," pain was called crazy. " Pepper spray-spraying of demonstrators have used bottled water to clean the face. By security personnel after the block,The demonstrators gathered in front of the Museum refused to leave. Brigade police fire brigade personnel moved in, blocked surrounding roads. Police dogs, mounted police anti-riot forces are ready. But witnesses said to 16 o'clock in the afternoon that day, no one was arrested. By the police for explosive threats closed the Museum. Demonstration organizers say they want into the air and Space Museum is the MuseumExhibits include the United States used special war on terror "predator" unmanned surveillance planes. These reconnaissance planes, cruising through the air for a long time searching for the target, after finding the target can be fired "Hellfire" missile attack. "Base" organized Arabian Peninsula branch leaders anwaer��aolaji died of the reconnaissance attacks. In addition to "targeted killings" of terrorist suspectsThis reconnaissance planes are still in Afghanistan, Pakistan and other places of manslaughter diablo 3 power leveling, and accidental injury many civilians. Spite police siege, demonstrators are still speak at others drums and more people angrily questioned the museum security guards let what they enter this free National Museum. Boyd said: "this is my Museum. "From Boston, Northeastern UniversityPolitical law students bulaien��qiaodan 8th told reporters that his participation in "occupation Washington" campaign is that he want to end the United States of money politics. He believed that in the past ten or twenty years, increasingly centralized national wealth to 1% people and 99% of ordinary people live maybe than twenty or thirty years ago, with industrial workers fared the worst. Jordan says, To participate in the procession is to help the United States back on track, the procession he had "waited a long time". "Occupation of Washington," New York "occupation of Wall Street" after the campaign began, United States public campaign launched in Washington. Demonstrators from around the country days and nights occupied McPherson square in k Street and Pennsylvania Avenue on the freedom square and require that corporate moneyInfluence from the United States political, asking the Government to stop the war, cut military spending, invest more resources in the people's livelihood.

restricted domestic league player SavillaWithout a good move

129626194881562500_2251South American zone qualifier focus: coach experience shallow Argentina not credible This weekend, Argentina new handsome Savilla will usher in the first test of the international competition after taking office. Coach portfolio competition experience, still running short of context, Pampas Eagles easily won Chile this bones. Experienced local this summer after the nightmare of the America's Cup, Batista helpless class, Argentina Football Association President gelongduona gave up its contradictions Bianchi, halfWay cut were going to Qatar gold rush Savilla. 2009 year of the latter only formally began teaching alone, with students to win Copa Libertadores in South America who shot that year. Although Savilla had previously a long-time assistant coach Passarella, there have been leading the Argentina national team, Uruguay national team, Serie a Parma river bed of Corinthians, Palestine and the Arab-Israeli and other luxury travelInspection but as team coach was the first time them. To take over Argentina after shuaiyin, Savilla respectively against Venezuela and Nigeria are trying and 433 formation, but Argentina play is far from satisfactory as a whole, more are dependent on the stars player's ability to seek a breakthrough. Then two wars at the Roca Cup Brazil, restricted domestic league player SavillaWithout a good move, was the first round opponents gain the initiative in two columns, only 0:0 luck made a draw, finished round simply lost. This time shiwai match list, Savilla continue to abandon using Cambiaso, Samuel, Diego GE��milituo, JAVIER ZANETTI as well as Riquelme diablo 3 gold, Juan Sebastian veron arrested veteran, called into the Pastore, Alvarez, Gaitan, Rinaudo etc front new star, continues to pushArgentina replacement rate. However, Savilla is still 4 Defender and two sets of 3 guard formation in the indecisive, and Argentina in the field and after regular lineup changes too much diablo 3 power leveling, simply too late to cultivate understanding among players, and high-quality opponent time will inevitably suffer. Argentina JI Jiao Dou Bolgi in Belsa after leaving office and take Chile, with the exception of Barcelona winger a �� Sanchez injury the unsuccessful outsideThan da, h David Suazo, Isla, names all in column. Bolgi has taught previously independent, small Argentina and xiaobaojia of man Brigade, on the Argentina football knows. Under the mutual understanding, led by Bolgi Chile will spell trouble for country teams. NetEase exclusive Lottery zhuangao, declined to reprint!

and the album will be featuring bands 14 classic songs. The hits will launch two versions

129626061740156250_675 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/diablo-3/">diablo 3 power leveling</a>West side boys singles will be included to cover exposure songs hits (map) West side boys new single of a cover page of the Lighthouse of the NetEase entertainment on October 9, according to foreign media reports, Ireland-known West Boys Choir (Westlife) recently published in the official website the latest song cover of the Lighthouse, and this single is included in the West side boys next month, the 21st issue of the album hits thetheir Greatest Hits compilation》。 It is understood that this single of the Lighthouse will be officially released on November 13, by Take That Member gairui·baluo (Gary Barlow) and the Grammy Award for producer of the year John ShanksPeople put together. Music video singles to move to South Africa to film, is also expected to initial the following month. Deserves mention is, the Lighthouse becomes the westlife launched in 1999 hit single the Swear It Again after 31st ranked singles. As of now, West side boys in the United Kingdom has created11 million album sales and 6 million singles downloads. It is learnt that the week Beatles hits album the Greatest Hits of this issue will be formally launched on November 21 diablo 3 gold, and the album will be featuring bands 14 classic songs. The hits will launch two versions, namely the CD and CD DVD, CD dVD Deluxe version includes week Beatles never publicly taped. Since then, the band entered a two-year recuperation period. (Compiles/may)

3 bannimaofu won

129626199826562500_2340[Apple daily] British championship: nuoshi County home demolition "car" Depart on Tuesday British championship 2nd round game, wounded soldiers has been ease of nuoshi County, home vehemence, and steady win this field missing rear of Lord cheshidafeite, 1.7 times the main w can hold. Nuoshi County in Football League one recently arena of 4 consecutive victories, 4 games total of gunfire into the 10-ball to win wave process is convincing. With British rival has achieved consecutive victories in the last month, the cheshidafeite,But recent decline was recorded in two season, and now battles have left gate nidunshimifu to prepare representative of Jamaica to play for this battle will not play, the defence must be described as troubled. Allwin bannimaofu at home to Iran on the same day, although bannimaofu near record unsatisfactory nearly 6 home is recorded 1 win 5 defeat bad record, but Yi Aowei problems greater, yet exist in a number of wounded soldiers diablo 3 gold, including Andy Williams, CanadaYunweiliansi, and bilisate; plus Defense recently lost the ball hardly be trusted, scooped this war deserves the main w. Racing: participation by Football League one and Football League two team, with the exception of mining subject-eliminated in the finals diablo 3 power leveling, each circle is a game of battle. Subject and cross the border on Tuesday, 3 bannimaofu won (1.78) x 4 North County on Tuesday to win (1.7) 2x1

the municipal government Gao Guohui

129626027175937500_95High-tech fair 2011 Israel branch of a great success Local time on the morning of September 6, high-tech fair 2011 overseas branch in Israel Tel Aviv, opened, the Guangdong provincial CPC Committee Standing Committee and Secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee Wang Rong, Israel Danni·ayalong, Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Israel Ambassador Gao Yanping, Israel Ministry of industry and trade Deputy baoazi·heshi of the Director, Deputy Director of the Ministry of industry and information technology of China Sha Nansheng those attending the meeting and delivered a speech. DeputyMayor Yuan Baocheng introduced the strategic emerging industries in Shenzhen City, the municipal government Gao Guohui diablo 3 power leveling, Deputy Secretary General, introduced the fair. The meeting by the Israel Ministry of labour, the Ministry of trade and industry, export and international cooperation and the Shenzhen Municipal Government, high-tech fair organizing Committee Office jointly organized. Fair second of overseas branch in Israel. Hi overseas chapters areIsrael Government and enterprise attaches, Israel industrial trade Ministry, Ministry, Israel export held with international cooperative association actively involved in branch. At the meeting, Shenzhen sea authority and the Israel Design Association signed a strategic cooperation agreement, deep to the two sides also GRANADA strategic partnership with Mellanox company project, digital acquisition e Israel PEGASUS company projects, automotive electronics systems 3G in-vehicle network of cooperative research and development and industrialization, HKC brand licensing, high novelty communication brand marketing cooperation, business interests, and many games and accessories brand project signed on the spot, signing more than 100 million dollars. Both sides also said it will increase the intensity of cooperation in new industries. Subsequent topics high-endLink to "in the high technology cooperation opportunities" as its theme, dark sides to entrepreneurs and venture capital business representatives respectively made a wonderful speech, Zheng Hongjie of the Harbour Authority before the Shenzhen introduced sea area situation, Israel high-tech yuexi·waerdi, the father of speeches were made. That afternoon at the "paired to enterprises in fair" attracted many Israel high-tech enterprisesIndustry and venture capital institutions in charge of the Israel entrepreneurs enthusiastically at the venue to find projects and opportunities for cooperation, meeting interactive atmosphere. Wang Rong said in a speech in the contemporary world only by strengthening scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation in order to deal with new problems and new challenges. Fair founder is in itself strengthen international technology exchange, promote technological and humans for economic developmentStep services an important initiative. High-tech fair held overseas branch, established a partnership between the Chinese and foreign enterprises and research institutions, and deepen exchanges, promote scientific and technological achievements into a useful platform, and carriers. Fair Israel chapter repeat, will further close scientific and economic links diablo 3 gold, two communities deeper and wider exchanges and cooperation playing an importantA facilitating role. Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Danny. remarks, Ayalon on Shenzhen's Universiade held first in heartfelt congratulations. He said, is China's leading high-tech industry development in Shenzhen City, Hi-overseas Chinese society built an Israel enterprises and Chinese enterprises good platform for cooperation in science and technology, more and more obvious in the hope that Israel and the new energy, Central ShenzhenOn emerging industries such as insurance and deepening cooperation. Chinese Ambassador to Israel Ambassador Gao Yanping said that bilateral trade between, and hoped that through the fair overseas branch, to provide greater opportunities for cooperation between the two countries.

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