2011年11月21日 星期一

with industrial workers fared the worst. Jordan says

129626049918593750_497United States "occupation Washington" procession scene of conflict L17966 Xinhua in Washington, October 8 thousands of protesters on the afternoon of 8th in the United States capital of Washington, March to protest against big business to the United States political influence and the United States Government of Afghanistan and Iraq wars, requires United States Government to take more resources to the people's livelihood. Demonstrators clashed with security personnel at the national air and Space Museum, the security peopleUse of pepper spray to prevent demonstrators, and the scene was extremely confusing. Thousands of demonstrators that day from the "occupation of Washington" movement participants occupation starting on Pennsylvania Avenue of freedom square, shouting "occupation of Wall Street, the occupation of k Street" and other slogans, March on down the mountain to the Congress of the Smithsonian Institution museum complex. K Street is a Washington law firm and lobbying groupGather a business street, has always been considered as a symbol of corporate interests to influence political. After he came to air and Space Museum entrance, demonstrators tried to cross the security personnel guarded the entrance to the entry into a Museum, but the experienced security personnel block. Security personnel used pepper spray to prevent demonstrators. Reporters at the scene saw, some being sprayed in the face of protesters lying on the spot, spicy qiangren gasRapid diffusion, the demonstrators have used clothing covering, so as to avoid inhaling irritating substances. Few demonstrators were pepper water chain in tears, people fell sick. Laisili��boyide told reporters the protesters from the North Carolina Asheville, she and a number of demonstrators tried to enter the Museum, but also not go, security guards sprayed pepper spray to them, and shove her. After temporarily dispersed the demonstrators, security personnel immediately lock the Museum doors. Boyd said: "it was a peaceful March, what wrong we have done. "Her their noses and throats and eyes were pepper water stimulation diablo 3 gold," pain was called crazy. " Pepper spray-spraying of demonstrators have used bottled water to clean the face. By security personnel after the block,The demonstrators gathered in front of the Museum refused to leave. Brigade police fire brigade personnel moved in, blocked surrounding roads. Police dogs, mounted police anti-riot forces are ready. But witnesses said to 16 o'clock in the afternoon that day, no one was arrested. By the police for explosive threats closed the Museum. Demonstration organizers say they want into the air and Space Museum is the MuseumExhibits include the United States used special war on terror "predator" unmanned surveillance planes. These reconnaissance planes, cruising through the air for a long time searching for the target, after finding the target can be fired "Hellfire" missile attack. "Base" organized Arabian Peninsula branch leaders anwaer��aolaji died of the reconnaissance attacks. In addition to "targeted killings" of terrorist suspectsThis reconnaissance planes are still in Afghanistan, Pakistan and other places of manslaughter diablo 3 power leveling, and accidental injury many civilians. Spite police siege, demonstrators are still speak at others drums and more people angrily questioned the museum security guards let what they enter this free National Museum. Boyd said: "this is my Museum. "From Boston, Northeastern UniversityPolitical law students bulaien��qiaodan 8th told reporters that his participation in "occupation Washington" campaign is that he want to end the United States of money politics. He believed that in the past ten or twenty years, increasingly centralized national wealth to 1% people and 99% of ordinary people live maybe than twenty or thirty years ago, with industrial workers fared the worst. Jordan says, To participate in the procession is to help the United States back on track, the procession he had "waited a long time". "Occupation of Washington," New York "occupation of Wall Street" after the campaign began, United States public campaign launched in Washington. Demonstrators from around the country days and nights occupied McPherson square in k Street and Pennsylvania Avenue on the freedom square and require that corporate moneyInfluence from the United States political, asking the Government to stop the war, cut military spending, invest more resources in the people's livelihood.

