2012年6月9日 星期六

which is the first gold project wow cd-key which is the first gold project - LKSW

129823466991250000_338Wang Yifu: closed training Olympic selection with children no one privileged Nearly a month of shooting Olympic test match and Italy World Cup, shooting and archery, shooting, Deputy Director of the Centre team, led by head coach Wang Yifu of China shooting pistols only got 1 gold medal (Tan Zongliang), is not optimistic about the prospects. Whether it's Beijing Olympic champion Li Du, Pang Wei, Ying Chen, also was rookie Yi Siling, Yu Dan, performance is not satisfactory. May 23,Shooting World Cup in Germany Munich, this is the last training before the Olympics. Is different from the other team, the Olympic shooting team selection, open and transparent, without privileges. Project describes guns targeted the shooting shooting sports events, breaking up rifles and flying saucer two main categories. In the history of the modern Olympic Games wow power leveling, in addition to the Olympic Games in 1904 and 19289th Olympic Games outside, shooting is officially in the rest of the Olympic Games. In 1896 Athens Olympic Games, shooting 5 items. 1920 Olympic Games increased to 21 projects, is also set so far in the Olympic shooting up again. 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, Xu Haifeng in the men's free pistol on slow shooting projects for ChinaWon the first Olympic gold medal. London Games is 15 a project, which UFO 5 items (men, and female multi-directional, men, and doubles to and man double multi-directional), hand rifle 10 items, respectively for men, and female 10 m gas pistol, men, and female 10 m gas rifle, man 50 m prone fire, men, and female 50 m rifle 3 attitude, man 50 m pistol, man 25 m pistol shooting SWTOR Credits, woman 25 mPistol. "Olympic prospects" in the United Kingdom competition London Olympic test events will encounter many difficulties, arrives at the competition venues team to ride for an hour. Venue surrounded by the wind, team leader xiaohaopeng said, for the difficult preparation does not feet. Wang Yifu believed that during the Olympic Games, there will be many unexpected difficulties, the team will try to overcome, but when it wants to achieve the Beijing Olympic GamesAchievement is not easy to achieve. The Beijing News: pistol project took 5 gold medals of Beijing Olympic Games, London Olympic Games to reach this achievement? Wang Yifu: every time we have a goal of the Olympic Games. In 2008, there were people throughout the country on the protection of the Olympic Games, right people. London Olympics with the 2008 year different. Us to United Kingdom competitions, games, climateDon't know, you may experience many unexpected difficulties, but we will find ways to overcome difficulties and achieved good results. The Beijing News: led so many young players to London, as a coach you have pressure? Wang Yifu: no young small finalists, there would be no today's Li Du, Pang Wei and Guo Wen�B, they are participating for the first time won the Championship. Finished trialsWe will arrange and develop different scenarios for different players. The Beijing News: old players can achieve the status of Beijing Olympic Games? Wang Yifu: their training are basically normal, Li Du, and Ying Chen, Zhu qinan, Guo Wen�B, Pang Wei all normal, to give them time, restored to the best State. The State hopes to achieve the best, but everyone is different and depends on the GroupTraining situation. "Mum gunner" they can closed training mother with child-level gunmen wow cd-key, has become the national shooting team a special scenic line. In order to help Ying Chen, Li Du, Guo Wen�B several players, such as balancing career, family, shooting team decided, even if the training is finally closed, if the mother is willing to, or take the children to travel together. The Beijing News: teamMother-level player, do you have any special treatment? Wang Yifu: their overall is not bad, as a mother, who is very caring for the child. We will give them enough time, with his children more close. Ying Chen's children in Beijing, we so she can go home every day. But taking into account the energy problems, basic back once a week. Du Li's child (athlete) apartmentsClose, sometimes Du Li mothers bringing their children to the team. Guo Wen�B children less than, no weaning, our family received little Kuo athletes apartment in order to take care of children and her. The Beijing News: child care affect performance? Wang Yifu: I think not. You see this contest, their performance was good. The Beijing News: the game on the field, momsDo right? Wang Yifu: there's no. Selection programme announced for a long time, can be seen on the Internet. Our first national selection, preliminary team composed of Olympic Games. On March 5 of this year to 15th selection, integration, final selection competition. The Beijing News: what kind of role they played in the team? Wang Yifu: our team of age difference is large, MOM, DadAlso, I now have when "Grandpa", there is about to be parents. This time to pick up a gun, very difficult, sometimes we also organize events in the team, and to learn from them. "Veteran Lok" step off the winner's selection of everything from scratch, shooting team, only points, do not look at past glory. Du Li due to missed the 10-meter air rifle series points race, and ultimately out of theProject. Wu liuxi only than the little contest experience Yu Dan 1, but missed the opportunity. Tao Luna and Shan Zhang also Lok in the selection. Wang Yifu said, firing rules is not special, not privilege. The Beijing News: Olympic selection is truly the absolute transparency and impartiality? Wang Yifu: of course, media is focused on looking for them. Which race a few minutes, qualificationHow much each product, clearly. Selected journalists were present at a time, every time we are in accordance with integral enroll only those who are outstanding, very transparent. The Beijing News: Olympic champion Lok Ma, do you have any remedial measures? Wang Yifu: sports words: go down from the podium, all from scratch. Our team, there are now many players ' level is very high, higher than the Olympic champion levels,Look forward to more new people appeared, we can have new life. The Beijing News: Du Li's 10-meter air rifle, or draw a full stop? Wang Yifu: is not the equivalent of painting period, that is to draw a full stop. Not in very special circumstances, we will not change this list. The Beijing News: but she said no to the last, do not give up, there is also a chance? Wang Yifu: herIdea is very good, and will never give up. The previous United Kingdom media top 50 2012 the most competitive athletes, China only has two, one badminton community of lindane, a Du Li is. "Olympic gold" it is shooting an unavoidable responsibility subject to objective conditions, shooting what needs to be fixed is a problem with the player itself, such as the young player under pressureLarge, unprofitable old players injuries. Schedule, women's 10 m air rifle gold project will become the first London Olympic Games, but the qualified project Yi Siling and Yu Dan does not have absolute power. The Beijing News: how to face the pressures of first gold? Wang Yifu: which is the first gold project, now not 100% sure, because the game schedule may change. Session of the Asian Games, First day of set up (gold), was changed the next day items. Of course we are ready to cope with the situation, this is shooting an unavoidable responsibility. The Beijing News: 2008 in order to adapt to the home environment, team members trained in the noisy Hall (fear of audience enthusiasm too at an inappropriate time to players filling applause), have any special training methods this year? Wang Yifu: Every year there are special training methods, thinking the next step, for the London Olympic Games, but there is no. The Beijing News: Du Li, Zhu qinan the old player injuries and how to fix it? Wang Yifu: local team recommended a number of doctors, these old players, everyone there is someone responsible for the care and treatment. At the same time, our team set up a composite team, Health care, cultural-educational, motivational education are relaxed, such as sth Experts in every way, in order to protect the athlete's body to reach a high level of requirements. Others:

