2011年12月26日 星期一

as far as the present situation

129667889662177892_150Marketing news this week is account for every dog has his day. First of all, again there was bad news for Europe, Portugal ratings were lowered again, market has always been a safe haven Germany serious deterioration of the tendering of government bonds this week, Germany's Central Bank was forced to underwrite the bonds, France's AAA rating is crumbling, while the EU has introduced three scenarios to issue euro bonds, butHas been Germany against, the process forward is not optimistic. Since two years the European debt crisis, is the EU decision-making mechanism of limited, not only failed to ease the crisis, but from Greece and other peripheral countries gradually spread to Italy, and Spain and other countries, as far as the present situation, short-term domestic story substantially changed the European debt crisis and a serious drag on economic recovery in Europe, EuropeChau recession has been difficult to avoid. For China, because the EU is China's largest trading partner, European recession will undoubtedly have serious negative impact on exports next year, and from November HSBC China PMI index initial value released this week hit a 32-month low, one or two-quarter dip in GDP growth next year will be difficult to avoid, Which will in large measure influence on listed company's profitable growth, posed to index rebound height of repression. ����Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! I had previously pointed out that progress of the European debt crisis and earnings growth of listed companies downgradedIs the a-share in the recent period of time facing two major risks, and judging from the current situation, this view is being verified.����From the movement of the index this week, down basically in necking shocks, while small decreases in a day, but the market lacks long sentiment was obvious. As far as the next week, will be announced in early December the official November PMI value, poor market widely expected on this, now only can hope for is credit data be improved in the November, after all, at present, a fall in foreign exchange, foreign capital outflow of China's obvious cases, macroeconomic much-needed liquidity support, the Central Bank concerns on this attitude will become an important goal. In December one of the more important thing is the central economic workThe convening of the Conference the old republic power leveling, for now, the tone of the meeting was probably fine tune, perhaps will be lower than the market had expected, according to the current situation, central banks lowered deposit rates and other substantive easing moves may be extended until the first quarter of next year, a stock market rally in the short term, there is a decent appears, still will be in a discussion, grinding, the time-for space at the end of the end of the process. For investorsCurrently is probably looking for some with high annual reports sent into expectations, good time for early lurking at the same time, stronger wine traditional defensive sectors such as food this week from another side demonstrate the current market is weak, investors still need to be patient waiting for the arrival of market timing. swtor power leveling, In relation to movement of the index next week, in the case of financing pressures increase at the end, the stock indexContinues to sound out support low of 2,307 points during the year, however, because the market's overall valuation reasons, very limited room for stock indices decline in real terms, blindly killing fell not desirable at this time. As far as the overseas market, since the European debt crisis and even started to spread to the Germany Government bond tender, euro short-term hard optimism, it has to a certain extent, boost the dollar indexTrend, the dollar index increasing approximation preliminary high, the callback is also growing pressure, I was more bullish on the Yen's recent movements, Japan's Central Bank intervention and capacity will be difficult to prevent the road of appreciation of the yen. At the same time as the sharp correction in gold prices, bargain opportunities of progressive intervention is gradually emerging, once after a below 1600 m integer bits, investors mayBold step in.

