2011年12月25日 星期日

Moody's Investors Service

129667840449365392_106 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">swtor power leveling</a>Friday (November 25) Euro touches seven-week low against the dollar because Italy borrowing costs rise to highest level since 1997, strengthened market expectations of Europe's sovereign debt crisis is spreading. Brazil currency, the real, against all 16 major currencies are rising, due to the expected depth of the country's Central Bank will not cut rates; Hungary currency under the forint against the US dollarFell to a 17-month lows after Moody (Moody's Investors Service) to lower the country's credit rating to junk status; p (StandardNGE Inc) in London, Omer Esiner, Chief market analyst said: "the crisis is no longer specific to the euro-zone's periphery the old republic power leveling, but also repeatedly suggests that officials did not have any substantive solutions. The crisis at the moment there are still many uncertainties, it will continue to depress the euro. "Euro-dollar decreased by 0.9% per cent, touchOctober 4, the lowest level since 1.3212, currency this week by 2.1% euros against the yen held steady at 102.8, this week dropped by 1.2% the dollar against the Japanese Yen gained 0.8% per cent. The euro, even if Germany's Finance Minister Shuo Hible (Wolfgang Schaeuble) told reporters in Berlin that will permanentlyReserve adjustment, and provides for the loss of the private sector. Last month, was persuaded to accept the 50% bond holders Greece debt write-downs. Mizuho Financial Group (Mizuho Financial Group Inc) currency in New York Sales Director Fabian Eliasson said: "everyone knows the situation has become moreGrim, while stagnation and waiting will not be able to resolve the crisis. EUR/USD may be in the next week fell below 1.3. "P Belgium credit rating was downgraded to AA from AA, risk financing and market pressures makes the possibility of its financial sector needs more assistance increased. Belgium difficulties in the banking system, and the Government's inability to cope with economic pressures, was ratedReasons to lower. Hungary currency forint lost 2.5% and hit the lowest level since June 2010, Moody's cut Hungary government debt rating downgraded one grade difference to Ba1 from Baa3, and maintains a negative Outlook. 45 economists surveyed maintaining November's expectations, the euro will be trading at the end of 1.35-36. The otherOut of 34 economists surveyed expected since the October 7, the euro against the yen at the end of December traded at 104. Italy auction Treasury 8 billion euros six months, yields 6.504%, this is the highest level since August 1997, and well above its October 26 auction-rate 3.535%; subscription multiples from month 1.57 per cent. Mizuho Industrial Bank (Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd) Hidetoshi Honda, currency strategist in London said in a telephone interview: "Italy debt auction results are not good, Europe's sovereign debt situation had not been any improvement. "

