2011年12月3日 星期六

dispense the upcoming House prices

129667750490146642_203-Xu Lifan (this newspaper a contributing commentator 's) following South after six rings appear thousands of real estate project, Beijing South East four ring and rings in the reproduction of less than 15,000 yuan/sq m of commercial housing price. At present, the average prices of previously owned homes in the region are still around 17,500 yuan per square meter. Similarly diablo 3 gold, following Guo Gongzhuang plot to cancel the distribution build affordable housing, Fengtai District, after the lower threshold of transfer, Beijing land arrangement and reserve Center announcement a few days ago, two up for sale is located in shunyi peace Valley block at the same time lowering the starting price, cut and 8.9%, respectively. Not only in Beijing, the low price market, lower threshold for relaxation of land, appear in other cities in the near future. It shows that in the real estate market on the end of this year and next year's trends, notAt about the same consensus was reached. The consensus is that the "have a tough time of it". This change, as if to tell people, dispense the upcoming House prices, consumer this time, is expected to actually copy a sole. Is it? Numerous marketing lessons tell us that "end of copying" while very attractive, but it is a very dangerous idea. Admittedly, China vanke [latest movesState] under the driven, enterprises now have launched a "winter patterns", including unit [US News] diablo 3 power leveling, poly [US News], iconic ppl, bi Gui Yuan enterprises, or Ming Jiang, or "coupon", "special room" dark in the name drop, cut has some complex in-20%. It's enough to give the market a clear expectation and fodderPlenty of ppl mills are dropped, capital chain fragile small and medium-sized enterprise how can HOLD? Substantial decline of the property market, appears to have in sight. However, this expectation is likely to be difficult to establish. Price return funds is, of course, housing and enterprises "winter mode" the main part of, but it is part of the content was reduced. If none of the developers of next year, or less,Then, housing supply could not get on, supply could not get on, you can alter the relations between supply and demand, putting prices thanks to the end of. Of course, given the current housing stock has been record high, in theory, even if the developers are no longer taking next year to build, stock room to meet market needs. However, the room also has divided these stocks, current strategies for developers is, the ordinary commodity housingCome down a bit, where luxury is fare increases, the balance for loss of profits, this also means that, even if all of the stock listing, nor all the prices listed. What's more, hit after the incident, developers, especially developers must also consider: the too-simply cut, what may be caused to brand damage. So even if the ordinary commodity housing prices will edge drop sideDevelopments in the situation. In other words, although the prices there are signs of loosening, but cannot say that the trend has been established. Consumers, not by virtue of the present property market changes, waiting to copy what the end of June. In fact, more effect on prices is not developers wish to "winter" attitude, but the attitude of local government and monetary policy. Now, on the one hand, pricesThere was a sign of the decline of the other hand, local governments are not out of the land financial signs. Local government revenue has not changed, prices will drop to where? What's more, the price formation, that is, land of gold and various taxes and fees, are not significantly reduced. In this case, prices can reduce the number? From a more macro perspective over the past few years crazy rises in house prices,Root cause is money Super hair. Too much money on the market, will pour into more stable rate of return of the property market. Monetary hyper-is due to address the financial crisis. Now that Europe's debt crisis has deepened, next year's foreign trade in the domestic economy hampered higher probability of, coupled with the Government represented by railway construction investment is shrinking, rapid economic growth does not guarantee. In this case, no rowApart from monetary policy to fine-tune. That is the case, house price falls are limited. Down to the first-tier cities like Beijing, house price trends judgment nor based on a certain property. Reason for this is that prices in different regions function determines the different basis. Sharp rises in property prices in recent years, concentrated in Yanjiao, Tongzhou capital easy to hype, land development, three ringsThe relatively stable. This has taught us, price surge spread to the downtown area is not very likely. House price movements, are not out of the market rules and practices, from the greater the actual loss of consumers. With that in mind, we keep a clear judgment and a moderate amount of the expected state of mind, is very important.

