2011年12月21日 星期三

owned by five fingers to count. You know

129667864531552892_559Wen/Xu Qiuping concerns splash Changhe Suzuki cars listed have been for many years, Trojan has written 3 articles before and after the manuscript predicted launch date, and time span actually reached nearly 3-year-old. Stood me up after the show several times, most people have been filled with hope gradually evolved into "Wolf" mentality, and the enthusiasm of us running out of timeThe Chinese name for the car was finally on sale. Changhe Suzuki cars, owned by five fingers to count. You know, Liane first launched in September 2005, has been in 6 years; the launching of the Big Dipper is in 2001, has had 10 years of "old age"! Although the modified regularly, but it could not cover up old impression. Now launchedThis model was Changhe Suzuki plays for recently swtor power leveling, but I believe that "send listing to save the Changhe Suzuki" is still too far-fetched. First of all, this new car but not really "new", which in Japan time listed is 2007, worked out, it is now the end of 2011, a difference in only a 4-year-old domestic listing, this new carWhat can heat how many? ����In addition, looking at the 2007 technology in the current market, it is a little dated, from looking at the data, both outside and in the configuration are not too many highlights, it is difficult to find the advocacy to make the promotion. Secondly star wars the old republic, since the abolition of the tax by half, and after the adjustment of energy subsidy policies, low displacement effect of small cars are the mostBig ones. Zhiqian, most consumer promotions by, and now offer is gone, marked decline in sales of low-emissions cars, and this listing is untimely. In fact, the new ALTO on either one or two of looking at it with his disciples, the new ALTO listed within one year, sales were far from that year older "ALTO" to high, and it compared to the prices of some brands, No clear advantage. ����Position to be slightly higher than the new ALTO, but PostScript is not swift, this awkward situation makes it difficult for consumers from becoming victims. Finally, and most critical is that Changhe Suzuki is basically very few appearances in mainstream media, very little advertising. On this point, I also mentioned in the comments before, as a brand,Marketing is crucial, but Changhe Suzuki in this regard lags far behind both activity in the company of Changan Suzuki. In fact, brand marketing is key to the old models don't package, with old ideas. Models of old or not, the price difference is not a problem, how to find the bright spots on an existing resource, and enhance brand awareness, do a series of promotional publicity to attract consumers to buyAre the focus.

