2012年1月9日 星期一

Diablo 3 Gold weather limited the small fund companies to expand their lineup on third OUI

129667840520302892_283Today, the fund companies want to make money, needs to reach about $ 15 billion. However, is not set up this year to 5 new funds, fund company at less than $ 10 billion in assets with 17. Weak, weak brand Appeal Fund for small and medium-sized company can survive? The daily economic news reporter found that as the Fund market diversification, the fund companyTo seek ways to differentiated competition are increasingly wide, there are many small and medium-sized firms with Weak Market by building core competitiveness to achieve a "track overtaking", however it is worth noting is that "overtaking" ultimately remains driving force performance. Difficulties five winter woes forced small and medium-sized fund company performance of polarization "want bigger and stronger, as if more and more difficult to findWill. "A Fund in Beijing who complained to the daily economic news reporter. Channels, and capital market environment, brand appeal, and investment and research on the strength of weakness, so that small and medium-sized firms in good timing, geographical convenience, as well as hard on both people and the dominant. Winter hit. Huaxia fund shares as problem solving, and its new Fund will begin next year on a normal Cabinet, small and medium-sized fund companies already haveNarrow market space, will usher in a strong competitor. At the same time, according to industry sources, some large channels may reduce the number of new funds managed, and in choosing a fund will focus on funding the company's brand, and the variety of funds and design characteristics and other factors, or on already weak fund companies a bigger blow. Multiple new products? SpreadProduct line? Innovation? Changed? Small and medium-sized firms in order to "change" policy. Facing pressure from more, small and medium-sized fund companies after the selection policy, have begun to appear "overtaking" and "overturn" fire and ice situation where two different worlds. Which can fund new pattern on the map changes, still needs to be stoking and evolution of the market. Winter policy to "fire and iceA two-day "each year with large management fees, fund industry has always been regarded as the gold industry, because the market cold start into a predicament, particularly small and medium-sized fund companies to bear the brunt, survival is to mention it to the official correspondence [documents]. As of Friday, to the broader market from this year fell to less than 2,400 points above 2,800,-up to 15.24%. Rough statistics, this yearHas extended over more than 10 new fund raising, 2008 extended release period when only 14 of the new Fund, the new Fund distributors also have severe winter campaign. Recent announcements, post Shanghai 380 index increased funds, day treatment in steady income debt Foundation chose the postponement. However, at a time when new fund issue is struggling, there are still tight encirclement of the new Fund,The first gold was gratifying. This week announced the creation of new funds Diablo 3 Gold, tianhong Fengli bond funds first scale 1.667 billion yuan, in small and medium-sized fund companies success; increases in Bank ownership, livelihood and silver boom industry of people's livelihood fund raised $ 3.199 billion, for most units based in the second half; scale in the first episode of the silver and Small-Cap Fund is also more than 3 billion. Even stumbled over the next threeQuarter scale for trend growth of the Fund. Xinhua of which grows the highest gains amounted to $ 226 million and falling market net purchase, share size than 5.26 billion at the end of the second quarter increased by 550 million, up 5.81 billion; excluding new development fund, implements favourably with 279 million net. In terms of performance, there are also funds an impressive,Many of them small and medium-sized fund companies whose products. Eastern Dragon of the East arm Yu Xin led the Fund this year dropped slightly to NET 4.33%, leading Fund of its kind, was featured this year net of the Oriental Department of the East by 5.68%, Oriental Department Fund becoming 2011 out dark horse Fund; this year another eye-catching Fund Bauhinia resources this year to the baseGolden net decrease of 4.62%, Bauhinia funds past performance is not satisfactory, and now has "a snow earlier disgrace" trend. Industry analysis, market depressed, many small firms "shiftless", while some fund companies fought a nice upswing, if this market continue, gap between small and medium-sized firms will be more obvious. XiaojiGold faced great difficulties a few days ago, the economic daily news reporter learned when a small company in Beijing, currently funds the company faced difficulties from at least 5: "first of all, due to the lack of brand influence, limited market appeal, in weak market, even if the product still make great efforts to design may not be recognized. "" Secondly, the long-term marketLingering at the bottom, investors ' willingness to invest is not strong, weather limited the small fund companies to expand their lineup on third, due to limited capital capacity, to take out bigger market funds are often difficult to match with the big fund company, has also created some impact on the product's release. "In the eyes of the person, is of paramount importance, in recent years small talent fund companies tend to be larger basedPoach gold company, "cultivating a researcher, a Fund Manager, the last were brothers, high salaries, light level affects the fund company investment strength, deep-level effects are fund companies in the construction of the talents of enthusiasm and talent strategy, negative impact on the company management system can be invaluable. "V, as in the past two years the Fund quickly to Cabinet from CanalPressure growing road, the major line may lead to limit the number of new funds managed, perhaps Fund for small and medium-sized companies to bear the brunt. "To give Commission there will be no big corporate stinginess, but banks must also take into account the Fund brand of market appeal. "The person said. But still, not all small and medium-sized firms are losing opportunities for expansion, in the context of Weak Market,Individual small firms "curved overtaking" policy, still with significance to the fund industry. The daily news reporter learned that, on the capital market has always been the happy few worries about several. Despite the overall weakness, many fund companies can only be careful throughout plans struggle to get by, but some fund companies are outstanding, take the rise of the form, such as lion, Xinhua andMoldova, in the breakthrough of the weak to get better in the city. Fund for small and medium-sized companies seeking, weak: performance of "overtaking" driving market continues to weaken, brunt of size less than in the fund industry billions of dollars, earnings stumbled over, gradual marginalization of small firms. Frequent new product, do mass? Stopped products to save power? Cost a fortune digging angle changed, or isMoney is King? Placed in the fund company before a decision is temptation is also fraught with risks. Companies fear beyond market swings down again this week, the Shanghai composite fell again to wear 2,400 points. So, many institutional investors have no desire to continue fighting. Approaching close to fund annual performance competition is in full swing, but not the forefront, performance is notFund for small and medium-sized companies, away from the "I'm dying" they present the most important task. 5 new funds company is not set up this year, at less than $ 10 billion in assets of the fund company reached 17, these is no tens of billions of Yuan of small fund companies are mostly failed to break even. Prior to 2009, generally agreed that the fund industry, size 5 billionYuan can basically break even, and as the banking channels asking price promotion, fund companies want to make money now, needs to reach about $ 15 billion, the scale of less than $ 10 billion fund company was carried out by small firms. The daily economic news reporter rough statistics found that a fund company operating costs at about $ 50 million per year,Payroll pay, rent, back-office operations, system cost, sustainable marketing, fund new Fund distributors are "burning money" link. Backed by "Pocket" size, smaller fund management fees are increasingly shrinking. Tighten belt, can save the province became the survival of small fund companies even always attaches great importance to the new fund company of the first episode, did not dare to spend moneyDrums to advertise. The first half of this year, Jin and Yuan dynasties than management fee income was 7.5408 million Yuan, Pu Yin AXA's management fee income was 11.377 million Yuan diablo 3 gold, plus silver management fees of $ 20.1871 million for the people's livelihood. "In accordance with the general funds of the company's operating costs, the fund company can break even there is a lot of questions", a third-party Fund analyst toldReporter, "If a fund company cannot achieve profit, Ed sooner eat up. "In Jin and Yuan dynasties than, for example, 2006 Gold securities, Belgium jointly owned pipe joint invested 150 million Yuan, the establishment of Jin and Yuan dynasties than the fund company. The Fund's inception, in charge of size never exceeded 5 billion yuan, according to its management costs, $ 5 billion annual management feesBasic income less than $ 50 million. First half of this year, the management fee income was only $ 7.54 million. People's livelihood is also optimistic of adding silver fund companies. Publicly available data showed that as at mid-2011, remaining capital of people's livelihood and silver for only $ 57 million. 2010 people's livelihood and silver spent over $ 100 million cost, but only 4513.1Management fees of $ 40,000 acquisition. And people's livelihood and silver boom industry issued the same burn many, we can see that the people's livelihood and silver capital are not rich, but added about $ 3.2 billion the amount of capital will lead to more management fees on the assumption that people's livelihood and silver boom industries open Shen scale will not plunge after foreclosure. In fact, in addition to the two venture capital firms, and others such as Pu YinSmall fund companies such as AXA faces capital predicament is not sufficient. If the market continues weak, then with the holder redemption, will be more compact size of its management. (Daily news)

