2012年1月1日 星期日

find a job in the NBA for granted

129668763135468750_232United Arab Emirates or ahead of farewell to CBA Liu Hong-Jiang: have confidence in United Arab Emirates to return to NBA Statistics show that currently active NBA players overseas gold rush up to 70 people. According to statistics, of the 70 players, jump out with 47 players contract options, Yi was a member of those 47 people. In this regard, Hongyuan Club General Manager Liu Hongjiang says: "when he comes back, we have also repeatedly emphasized that us support for his return to the NBA. If he canReturn to the NBA star wars the old republic power leveling, we fully support, and help to provide all possible help. "Yi Hong-Yuan and Beijing the day before yesterday was injured in the team competition the old republic power leveling, yesterday, he has been to Guangzhou for the check. Inspection results display for strain injury of medial collateral ligament, an initial diagnosis requires at least two weeks of rest time. However club said United Arab Emirates will also visit Hong Kong on Monday for further examinationInvestigation and treatment. Because the new NBA season, probably in December opening, Yi and dislocated ankle after comeback, it is possible to return to the NBA, the day before yesterday's game is the same as his curtain call of the CBA presented. "It all depends on his United States contact how do over there. If, during his dislocated ankle, if his contract with NBA team negotiated, so that we canHelp is provided by as much as possible during his dislocated ankle ready for the NBA. "Liu Hong-Jiang accepted, said in an interview. In addition, his confidence in Yi return to the NBA, "he is very aggressive in ext, you see him in our competition of Jiangsu, and Dan��jiazuliqi, one can see the progress for everyone to see. Standing with him, feeling there on the pitchConsciousness, find a job in the NBA for granted, is also easily to things. "It is understood that before the halt, including wizards, warriors, the solar and 76 teams to sign Yi Jianlian expressed interest, Las team was optimistic that the US side, Yi current selections or even more than when rookie season. Halt end to Chinese gold rushChandler, Brooks, and Smith, mills and other NBA players who will undoubtedly be a blow, because under the basket requirement after their contract when the contract with CBA teams may not have out of options, so they do not jump out of a contract to return United States.

