2012年1月1日 星期日

"the establishment of a European missile defense system

129667786258896642_221Russian Federation Council (upper House of Parliament) announced on 25th of March 4, 2012 for the presidential election day. As this date is determined, Russia selected war officially began. Analysts expect Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is expected to win next year's elections. Three of the respondents support Putin's Federal Council 25th attending the meeting, voted through the date of the next presidential election. AllianceOfficial website of the State Commission said in a statement: "Russia presidential election date determined on March 4, 2012. "Once the election date announced, Russia will formally nominate candidates of political parties. Putin will no doubt be a unified Russia party candidate, the opposition Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Russia Liberal Democrats have already said, will be nominated its leader GennadyJI·jiujianuofu and fulajimier·rilinuofusiji. According Russia independent polls Levada Center polling data released 25th, 31% per cent of respondents support Putin, Gennady Zyuganov support ratio, 8% the old republic power leveling, Zhirinovsky is 6%. The presidential election next month, "Preview" before the presidential elections, the State Duma on December 4, will usher in the election, the election wasConsidered to be the presidential election "previews". All 450 seats of the State Duma, the Unified Russia party won elections in 2007 315. However, the Levada Center and official Russia public opinion research center of the latest polls show that unified Russia party this year will be "no" lost "constitutional majority". Putin's meeting with unification of the State Duma, 24th-RussianRoss heads of party caucus, said that the Commission State Duma of the Russian party shall strive to achieve good results in the elections, thereby maintaining its efficiency through the ability to act. Otherwise, when adopting the necessary Act of Parliament not in need, will make Russia and China on the verge of some European countries where the situation. Putin is expected to power between 2024 and unified Russia party's 27th in the capital Moscow StadiumHold a Party Congress, approximately 11,000 members present, formally elect Putin as a unified Russia election candidates. Putin was 59 years old swtor power leveling, any Unified Russia party Chairman. His re-election in 2000 and 2004 two terms as President, 2008 Prime Minister of the Government, the post by President Medvedev took over. Analysts expect, if you do not expect that Putin will winElections in 2012 and 2018 to win re-election, ruling until 2024. Chen Lixi (zhuangao/Xinhua--) news links Mei Shi anti-missile system imposed by the United States was forced to join the ABM system integrated the Xinhua News Agency said some European leaders Russia President Dmitry Medvedev 24th criticized the United States to impose a missile defense system in Europe. MUIDeweijiefu 920 km north of Petrozavodsk in the capital Moscow the same day said: "the establishment of a European missile defense system (intended) is to a large extent by the United States imposed (to one another). "He said, some European leaders complain to him, they played a small role in the project as a whole. United States President Barack Obama announced in September 2009, redesign and deployment of the European ABMThe system. United States claims that the ABM system is designed to deal with Iran missile threat. Russia believes that the European objective of the ABM system is to contain Russia nuclear deterrent capability. It was Medvedev for the second day of a tough response to the United States European anti-missile plan. His 23rd warning in response to the United States plan to deploy European missile defense system, Russia might take a series of "reasonable measuresShi's ", including" Eskadr "tactical missiles, or even directly on European ABM deployment of advanced weapons systems. He also reminded the United States, Russia has the right to quit in February this year a new version of the entry into force of the Treaty on the reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms.   However, Russia did not close with the United States on the anti-missile issue door to dialogue and cooperation. Gold onlineOut: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

