2012年3月4日 星期日

eq2 platinum cancel or terminate the application nearly 5 - CQD

129742915527187500_311Beijing Housing Protection Ordinance will more or less started improve cheat rent cheat purchased behavior of illegal cost will--cheat protection room "violations" will upgraded "illegal" this year this city will increased on cheat rent, and cheat purchased protection room of punishment efforts, to Beijing city basic housing Protection Ordinance under legislative completed Hou, cheat rent, and cheat purchased behavior will from "violations" upgraded to "illegal". Supervision group of the State Council recentlyDistribution and quality control of supervision and subsidized housing to Beijing. It is reported that this year the city will strictly implement protected room distribution management system, improve the access and exit mechanism. At the same time promoting individual housing information application platform, increase the rent fraud, illegal rental purchase fraud penalties such as loan. Rent a cheat cheat purchased · what measures? "Excessive" family record shall not apply for 5 years nowBeijing on rent a cheat and fraud out of punishment is to remove the eligibility tor credits, may not apply again within 5 years. Penalties are too light, some people are willing to risk a false application for affordable housing. Therefore, the city's housing and Social Security Department has been developing affordable housing for families eligible for special review, and 180,000 families eligible for special verification. Cities and districts (counties), street (Township) three levels of housing and Social Security DepartmentLinkage, cancel or terminate the application nearly 5,300 families eligible for subsidized housing households lotro gold, of which nearly 3,100 more than more than 2 eq2 platinum,200 households voluntarily, was disqualified. Subsequently, the municipal construction Committee has strengthened information sharing to verify. At the recording stage of the municipality, in conjunction with the sector through its data than the right, family housing, income verification applications. No record for beyond affordable housing access standards family, returnCounty-level verification, rent a curb fraud and fraud to buy from the source. Rent a cheat cheat purchased · punishment how to upgrade? Rent a cheat cheat purchased from "illegal" up to "illegal" State the drafters of the basic housing Security Act, said Shen Weixing, Vice President of Tsinghua University School of law, housing support to clear violations, strengthen the applicant's review and accountability, increase the rent and purchase affordable housing fraud fraud against theLaw costs. This morning, the reporter learned from the municipal construction Committee, through the housing security legislation, Beijing will fix proven policies and practices, and to complement and eventually to local laws and regulations in the form of a clear. Beijing legislation will have on the future of housing security legislation have a positive impact at the national level. At that time, the basic home security system in Beijing where there are unifiedRegulation, rent and purchase affordable housing fraud fraud behavior from the "violation" up to "illegal". Beijing will become the national 3rd after Shenzhen, Xiamen City to affordable housing legislation. State regulatory fines to $ 100,000 by the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC, head covering, making for a basic housing Ordinance has been completed in Beijing early legislative research, participation in researchA proposed draft report, agreed after the start the legislative procedure by the municipal party Committee and the municipal people's Congress, will more or less started the legislative process. The future, Beijing will increase on rent and purchase affordable housing fraud fraud penalties. Housing Ordinance after the start, rent and purchase affordable housing fraud fraud behavior from the "violation" up to "illegal". It is understood that limits the amount of the fine, if it is a government regulatory penalties, penaltyGold only in the less than $ 30,000; if local regulations, you can set the $ 100,000 the following penalties, penalties can be significantly increased. Stones from other hills of Hong Kong: false fines and imprisonment for Hong Kong's public housing (affordable housing) management has proven experience. For families applying for public housing, Housing Department will audit the income and assets of Hong Kong, the current waiting time of approximately 2.2 years. ApplicantsIf the hoax material, the maximum fine of HK $ 50,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.

