2012年3月18日 星期日

tera gold non-profit institutions - QBJ

diablo 3 gold [dispatch of Sai Di net] September 27th message, according to foreign media reports, according to informed sources, the United States government has agreed to give up ICANN control right at the end of the month.ICANN is located in California, non-profit institutions, mainly responsible for the administration of Internet domain names.In 2006 October, ICANN and the United States government contract for three years, from the United States Department of commerce is responsible for the management of.In September 30th, ICANN and the United States government contract coming to an end.The message says, ICANN has been with the United States government signed a new agreement diablo 3 power leveling, will be at the end come into effect.Under the new agreement, ICANN will gain autonomy, but also set up by governments consisting of the watchdog group, ICANN supervision, and the United States will be in the supervision group has a permanent seat.Long-term since, international control of the Internet is always the focus of debate among the government.Some developing countries, the current governing body the ICANN should be thoroughly from the United States government independently tera gold, or by the United Nations agencies to control.

