2012年3月22日 星期四

tera power leveling and room ground beauty - UYG

Beautiful couplet store (FED) Zhou Si (on December 29) the data that publish shows, central Bank of a week foreign country is decreased recently hold American national debt and orgnaization debt total. Beautiful couplet store express diablo 3 gold, became on December 28, the American national debt of hold of foreign Central Bank and orgnaization debt reduce 22.84 billion dollar, to add up to 3.411 trillion dollar. Became on December 28 tera gold, the American national debt of hold of foreign Central Bank reduces 23 billion dollar, to add up to 2.679 trillion dollar. Week of foreign center profession is beautiful to room benefit (Fannie Mae) and room ground beauty (the bond hold quantity that Freddie Mac) is issued or assures raises 172 million dollar tera power leveling, to 731.8 billion dollar. Foreign Central Bank especially Asian country Central Bank, be American bond in recent years is big buy the home, its hold some bond dimensions to exceed 1/4 of bond of American market sale. China and Japan are two the biggest buy the home. Others:

