2012年3月22日 星期四

tera gold - RTQ

129756355363437500_101Xinhua News Agency, Moscow, March 7 (reporter He Yingjun)-space fulajimier·bobofujin, Director of the Russian Federation said on 7th Russia in the past year with 60 35 launch vehicle and spacecraft launch, number launched over 40% of the world. At the wrap-up session held in Russia's aerospace sector, he said: "the past year Russia space flight experienceEvent both successful and failed. "He pointed out that the main achievements of Russian aerospace last year included: twice at Kourou in French Guiana space launch site launched" Union-ST "rocket (a total of 8 spacecraft carried), achieve" Alliance "rockets fired from outside the area of the former Soviet Union launched for the first time; from sea launch" Zenith "carrier rocket; launch" progress "cargo flyBoat and the "Union" of manned spacecraft tera gold, the implementation of space walk, transportation and technical support tasks diablo 3 power leveling, completion of the international space station.   However, Russia space in 2011 after a record 5 times failed, including "progress" cargo spacecraft failed to launch for the first time in its history, as well as the "Forbes-soil" the failure of the Mars Exploration Rover project. Popovkin said:, Russia's space sector last year in accordance with the national requirements into working orbit 17 spacecraft tera gold, Russian spacecraft currently in orbit number 53. He said, 2012-Russian spaceflight's most important task is to continue to build East space launch site infrastructure. He said: "this year is decisive for the launch site in the East of the year, all the hard work must be completed, orIt failed to achieve a first launch in 2015. "(End) (Editor: Enami) Others:

