2012年2月29日 星期三

aoc gold East of Beijing - ZKN

129733877424065000_223In recent years, the rapid development of electronic commerce in China has prompted a large number of rise of e-shopping mall have sprung up. Represented by Taobao Mall tsw gold, East of Beijing, when when B2C Mall has grown at the same time, homogeneous operation mode of electric enterprises are increasingly prominent, this rising star is struggling. How to break in recent years, e-commerce in China's rapid growthDevelopment, prompting a rise of e-shopping mall have sprung up. Represented by Taobao Mall, East of Beijing, when when B2C Mall has grown at the same time, homogeneous operation mode of electric enterprises are increasingly prominent, this rising star is struggling. How to break through innovation, diversity, professional development is the key to China must face the problem。 Industry experts believe that, in a particular area or a particular need, provide full depth and significance of vertical Web sites of related services becoming increasingly clear: not only search would save consumers time, establish a direct channel between consumers and manufacturers, to the greatest extent reduce intermediate links, reducing operational costs, reflect a refined, professional development, freeE-commerce is the only network which is representative of a. On November 14, 2011, the network announced Hangzhou sail Cape Fund millions of dollars more than institutions such as investment. What's special about the only network, what is the business strategy?   To this end, the advertiser Magazine interviewed only at the network CEO Li Ning. Broad market spaceIncomplete statistics, gift industry gift supplier in China approximately 3,000 or so annual sales total about 20 billion, approximately 20,000 gifts service providers around, the annual sales amount to about 30 billion. Major gifts business gifts, promotional gifts, and welfare three chunks. Estimated total annual demand for domestic gift market in the billions of dollars around China gifts industry yearsGrowth rates of more than 12%. Network and now live closer ties, according to first half of 2011, added 12.15 million new Internet users, Internet usage jumped to 35.6%, can be said to have formed a stable customer base. Delete heavily in other e-commerce industry, at the gift market, however, up to now,Has not made a business leader can be said to be a piece of virgin land uncultivated. "E-commerce is the trend. "Li Ning said the network is the only ceremony to see the blank of this market, e-commerce and catalog gift combination, relying on the network open platform to help individuals and businesses a convenient star wars the gold republic credits, accurate, speedy and complete free social activities, out of a different kind of new way.Creative Directory presents business model "only at the network location for the ceremony of social productivity service on the Internet. "Li Ning said that catalog gift comes from Japan, the 85-year history, this pattern is Japan social mainstream of gift choices. Only network introduced and improved optimization directory presents business model, to the China market has been one of the first "new year" themeRecord gifts, can be used for personal gifts, corporate welfare and business entertaining. It is understood that "only at the network directory in the new year gift"-100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000 aoc gold, 5,000, a grade. Directory of each grade are 10-12 different gifts in the gift options. Related to life, health, business, fashion, personalityDifferent grades of gifts such as luxury, range, covering a wide range. Advantage team "team we complementary advantages. "When it comes to team, Li Ning was full of pride. He, Assistant to the Vice President is the President of Jinshan network, has extensive experience in corporate governance. COO is the new General Manager of electrical network to the seven days, Director of operations on the lineIs f's Director of strategic planning, Sales Director is 11 years sales experience, he worked in the domestic famous enterprises such as kingsoft served as Sales Director and Deputy General Manager. Offline channels is also a Skyworth, marketing manager of the Beijing Branch of the Commissioner. Technical Director is its technical experts. Director of supply chain has seven years studying in Japan, and has a rich at home and abroad product procurement and management experience。 Design Director is led 12 design teams of the Pacific (601,099, unit) of online design director. This group have different backgrounds in their fields have Deluxe team itself is the biggest advantage of the performance, capital formation, a natural attraction. Only network access to millions of funding in a short time, Li Ning think to a large extent due to the excellentShow team.   In addition, the only network select this direction has also been recognized by the investor, this is also a significant cause of their rapid access to finance. Li-Ning said, in the planning of future development, multiply network will continue to improve the introduction ceremony of presenting social added-value products. At the same time, he revealed that in 2012, the company will complete the second round, branch created, 5000 years of sales, strengthen IP and application-building and other development goals.

