2012年2月13日 星期一

tor Mercenary Commendation power leveling ⑦ number continuous code = 0-1 - OUD

129729391935312500_264 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/commendation/">tor Mercenary Commendation power leveling</a>"Replay game on" winning the Super Lotto 12,011th period: 05 19 22 30 02; front features: moving forward through the number overall, 29 vertical-lien, General specification non-biased. "This stage" during this brief analysis of the key specifications: ① front AC analysis: phase on ACOut 6, this period good AC in normal range within out; ② Qian area and value: Shang period and value fell for 105 the old republic pvp valor power leveling, and value amplitude for 41, this period good and value amplitude keep fell for 20 around, is expected to and value will in 85 around out, anti-108 and 64 points bit around of and value; ③ missed analysis: Shang period missed and rose for 27 swtor Warzone Commendation power leveling, is expected to missed and value also will continues to rose,Concern 35-48 segment of missed and value; ④ very, spacing analysis: Shang period span steep rose to 25, this period good span rose keep in 25 above; ⑤ old number analysis: Shang period old number out 4 a, old number new definitions today, fell for 18 a number level, forecast this period old number out 2-4 a; ⑥ special index analysis: oblique even number continuous 6 period out 1 a number, continuous8 number issued, forecast the index for the current period may be tilting pan, look out of the inclined even number 0 or 2. "This fall" 1. shrink outsole: 01 03 04 06 09 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 30 31 3233 35 2. shrinking condition: ① AC=4-6; ② front and =108 68 ± or ± 5 5; ③ missing total = 15-48; spacing, ④ (span) = 25-30; ⑤ an odd number a = 2-4; ⑥ large number = 1-3; ⑦ number continuous code = 0-1; ⑧ mass number a = 1-3; ¢á 012 =[0-3]:[0-3]:[0-3]; ⑩ area than =[1-3]:[0-3]:[1-3]. 3. the Special prediction: ① cycle before numbers group: 01 04 07 11 20 28 29 31 32 33 (0-2 number of forecast issued for the current period); ② formulas select group number: 08 22 25 32 33, 11 21 22 (predicted are big 0-1); ③ cyclic number after group: 03 06 07 (predicted big 1). "Recommended" 1. front position number: 1th [01-07] 2nd [06-18] 3rd [13-30 [21-32] 5th [24-35]2. front four tank number: 07 bile 12 12 19 27 independence 3. District after tank number: 03 06 07 08 bile alone 03. integrated duplex grade: 01 03 04 06 09 10 11 12 13 19 22 24 27 28 3031 32 33 03 06 07 08. economic duplex grade: 04 07 11 12 27 30 31 32 03 07 08 〖 Lottery (micro-blogging) 2 Network Analyst: beginning economies without regret 〗

