2012年2月12日 星期日

tor commendation power leveling Guo Xiaodong and Wu Jiang - EDJ

129733906207190000_164Liu Jiang wrote an article, edit/88 of Bai Yuhong, Beijing Film Academy-level performance in a black and white photo, there are 14 dapple of Apple face, including the later star Qing Xu, Jiang Wenli. But very few people who can recognize, and station of the year in which the angular, handsome guy, but later build on weight, is already established in the Director's circle in the rivers and LakesLiu Jiang (micro-blogging). 20 Sun and moon go, actress Liu Jiang failed to finish any time before the lens performance, instead of hiding behind the monitor, a documentary film and television works: film and departed the same day, TV series good times for the full space of the parents of the bride before the dawn of the style language of the time the blood of youth of sth On February 4, he directed theVowed life as CCTV new year forces push the mixer plays in a launch. Prior to this, without any publicity campaign of the vowed life of ground when the channel began broadcasting in Jiangsu, ratings had soared to rare more than 8 points.����Liu Jiang myth continues, and he said: "I haven't always felt that the lack of breath sth" "This is a melodrama and lifeShow's remix.����"The vowed life started, Guo Xiaodong (micro-blogging) and Jiang Wu (Twitter) played two different camps of men Huang Yixuan, Sun Shian, launched a zhenjianduimaimang life and death struggle, layout, trot, sedition, anti-sedition, layers of fog, all just as upheaval seizesthe land, totally fit a spy war dramas of adventure, intelligence, the combat element. ButCan be sure of is that it is not a spy drama, and then two men over 50 years of life in the game, you will find that apart from the suspense as before dawn outside the cluster, but also as the daughter-in-law of good time full of the joy of life.����Liu Jiang as saying, this is a "remix of drama and melodrama". "It's not just for your viewing pleasure on, there is aIn it. When you think it is when a spy war drama, those little taste of life, little humor will be let out. When you think it is when the drama, the hero suddenly receives a task, immediately became gang Warz. So, it's remix. "In other words, jumpy because before audiences in a second, one second after it is possible to smile through tears. End of the story, peopleChild sitting with two old men drinking tea while humming her song of the Honey, with mixed feelings: "this cup of tea is soaked for a lifetime.����"And let people feel bitterness and sadness. "I went there before the play was uneasy, because it has no plot, but in turn, not so much the spy bridge, also can create suspense,The conflict. In addition to spy field of battle of wits, wits and like life. And the play ground, was adapted based on real events, so that we can share. "" Wu Jiang has never been so upper center plates, Xiaodong Guo dafanshenzhang. "Liu Jiang and Wu Jiang shook hands for the first time in 2003, Liu Jiang, the directorial debut of the bloodIn the youth. The play, played by Jiang Wu stress then slipped the police of betraying national interests. Is a pity, Director Liu Jiang, back for the first time, catch up to policy limits, all cops and robbers drama are not broadcast in prime time. This means that impact half of money do not have access to a work swtor pvp valor power leveling, and investment costs have not received back. Until now, then "down man" when you raise this dilemmaRidicule each other: "the police play dead, and we're in the area.����"Liu Jiang next Fortune still does not respond, the second work of the broadcast in the months and years after the release, paradox is on ice in an area, until it was broadcast only after five years. "My first two movies are planted because of policy reasons, but I make a lot of friends, and they told me a deeper understanding, they have never been to meCapacity has not been questioned, that this person worked hard, idea, give me filming offers many opportunities in the future. So, there's no white thing to do always. "These to friends, Wu Jiang is one of them, Liu Jiang, Wu Jiang who had been found wrapped in hide tough temperament. Wu Jiang, Liu Jiang refuses even to the iron man of Xilin Zhang volunteer, Liu Jiang, Xilin Zhang initially wanted to Sun Shian this role almost like crazy, he did a lot of paperwork, eventually didn't dare put Sun Shian Xilin Zhang Liu Jiang, Wu Jiang but some of the more fit. "In the eyes of others, Wu Jiang speech was honest, and was yellow, even a little one-minded people with intellectual disabilities. Cooperation experience but I was with him, he's tough but canVery good, play hearts tangled, complex of negative people no problem. Jiang Wu at that time to talk with me one day, I found out that he had never had a role so upper center plates on, when he had just finished reading memoirs of a retired official of the KMT, special experience. Later when he put a lot of stuff into the Sun Shian was unique to Kuomintang officers who. His speech to the back, Jiang WuSun Shian evolved into the old, his speech was very high. "Guo Xiaodong and Liu Jiang, the fate of the style language, play, Guo Xiaodong plays a deal and a number sign an intellectual, character swtor Warzone Commendation power leveling, slow, still love tear. The result, tear this article has attracted a lot of controversy. Who is a Director, Liu Jiang, laughing and Guo himself is not responsible. "Say conscience,Language complexity of the wind, I sometimes feel a little sorry ����, which seek to give him a big turnaround. "The oath in this life, played national security counter-intelligence officer Huang Yixuan Guo Xiaodong, Liu Jiang said, select Guo Xiaodong's key point is that this young man was. "Huang Yixuan is our party's Ministry of iconic figures on the covert front, winter was very positive, very simple andHandsome. "" Part makes me very headache in Hong Kong, to still have a lot of regrets. "The oath and plots are based on the characters in this life has adapted declassified National Security Archive, which runs through the construction of new China after many major historical events, including the 1955" Kashmir Princess "airliner explosion, Li zongren's views on the Mainland, United States Special Envoy of the PresidentKissinger secretly visited China, and Hong Kong.����Such a covering mainland China, Taiwan drama, constantly shooting redeployment, Liu Jiang and his art, props team almost crazy. "Take a very difficult, too many scenes, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, and three, there are three different styles, there are changes, a changing era, all furnishings, decoration, General televisionDrama scene more than more than 200 more than we want to more than 600. Some make me headache, and now also has a lot of regret. "Hong Kong is partly filmed in Shanghai Hong Kong Street Pier completed, Hong Kong Street, exactly as centuries old 560 Hong Kong scenes on the design, but after 70 rich Hong Kong, had become a bustling jinxiu, neon. In order not to distortions,Liu Jiang had to hide in the Interior of as possible. But some details not reservoir is a reservoir, be sharp-eyed viewers quickly discovered that when Jiang Wu, Xiaodong Guo dialogue with halitus in her mouth, the bloated people wearing clothes drifting in the streets, seem to lack a taste of Hong Kong. Liu Jiang, not without regret: "really have no ideas, we shot in Shanghai in winter, winter, did not find the feeling, including Hong Kong right rudderCar, came to be found just a few, these are the most difficult part for me. "The more sensitive parts of the difficulties, Liu Jiang took over before the script has been resolved in advance. "It is the Ministry do to come, companies really do, because you never know where would contact line. Some can discover such sensitive events, is already a very big breakthrough. TrueIs a bad writer, one foot deep shallow kick, took three years of play. There are five divisions check, amounts to hold me, when I was shooting, had no bruising. "The conversation Liu Jiang" has turned out to be some secret agents mixed in, then reverse, description of the front between the games, a span of 50 years. "Reporter (hereinafter referred to as mind): you say the oath of this lifeMore like a Kaleidoscope, is not a simple spy war show the summary is not only plays a spy war has become increasingly no market? Liu Jiang (hereinafter referred to as Liu): there is actually such a script I found, I think OK, it to me is not the same as in the past, may be new. I jiehuo mind--didn't want to have to give spy war show what a breakthrough, and is purely a spyWar drama in the future there will be a market, as long as the angle is new enough, means new enough. Remember: the so-called new concept means what?����First two sets is a typical spy war routine. Liu: the first two set of events is very complete, compact link, more development, will be different. In fact, it is breaking the story, a bit like a play, the first two sets up 1949, skip to 1955 KashmirPrincess bombing incident, go to 1965, Liu Depu from Taiwan fled to the Mainland, then jump to the 1971, the story is broken. But people always is the theme, character development. So it can't as it did before the dawn has a structure of melodrama, it presents is the thread of life, fate has ups and downs, and National University Games������View of the play is very broad, including the intelligence war of liberation, description of direct cross-strait information this may be the first time in the struggle, have turned out to be some secret agent mix comes in, then reverse, description of the front between the games, a span of 50 years, I think I get good scripts. Note: reports have described the play combines spy war, comedy, love, suspense, and child abuse in connection with such elements, Especially the love child abuse, will make you dream? Liu: love no abuse, is to the children of this generation have a Romeo and Juliet-style romance. There is a line of Wu Jiang speech Wang Tong analysis of SI-Huai and Sun Shian, two lovers for life, has been missed. This line is a bit of child abuse. But both in his old age, is also a laughter perish debt of gratitude and of revenge. Play fetch in the elderlyWho is my scene a few tears at the scene, and the two returned to the place of first love, actor of the state very well.����Remember: as your wife, Wang Tong and Jiang Wu has many intimate drama, do not feel embarrassed when you take? Miss Emily LAU: a proposed play. I just have something to leave that day, Wang Tong said that while he is not, we quickly took. HA HA, in fact, noIntimate drama, is kossy-POO.����Remember: this concentration of love can surpass Xiubo Wu in the before the dawn (micro-blogging) and Hai Qing (Twitter) played by Liu Xinjie and Gu Yejia do?����Liu: not so sad, really thick before the dawn, the play has not yet reached, just as a weapon, both have love, but not so sensational. "Before the dawnAre the two dark pinch, this is totally zhenjianduimaimang.����"Note: in fact, the show is the most valuable part is the friendship between the two men also compete with? Liu: Yes, this is the keel, the two men have been in the game. Most people who become sworn faith, and with mainland China, Taiwan and some special events, two sedition again and again, anti-sedition, everyoneHave been surrendered.����Finally, the pattern come together again in the context of the world, is one of the two sides are moving toward integration process, are brothers. Remember: Guo Xiaodong and Wu Jiang, will be in before the dawn Xiubo Wu and Lin Yongjian (Twitter)?����Alert phase two man treasure and rival each other. Liu: might of the world is a lot more like it wasLoved ones, opposition is different. It is different from before the dawn of, dark before the dawn is two people fight, this is totally zhenjianduimaimang. Like the bombing incident, Taiwan is sent to heads of Sun Shian, was for him, I just sent Huang Yixuan past, because only Huang Yixuan most know him, is when two people, Sun wants to Badger against Huang Ce, Huang and anti-To pass messages to them. These are figures based on their special relationship. Later yellow 57 cadre school to work, while Sun Schadenfreude, sedition the chance came again, under the yellow take a donkey, surrendered some time, get some useful information. The sedition and anti-sedition along with their lives. Most funny is that people not living to his disciples after his retirement, with a telescope seeDepending on the other side.����Two old men, but past hatred of light, was a humorous.����Note: Li Xuejian heard is this you? Liu: Li Xuejian play no more, but a heavy weight. Who does not know at that time, this role is a collection of many Hong Kong tycoons. Is also occasionally an opportunity, it is suggested that Li Xuejian, previously seen in the activity, he is also prettyLike I play, this time mentioning, he promised to not read the book. "I'm not too fond of dragging its feet, more attention to Visual, even a drama shot are not well organized. "Note: the full space of the parents of the bride before the dawn of the era of good films the vowed life are in different styles, but a close look at, each work is your style,Such as shot, music rendering, is self-contained. Liu: this style is a natural flowing in my bloodstream, including lens language, I'm not too fond of dragging its feet, more attention to Visual, even a drama shot is not so well organized. Including music, I will shop some, put to the maximum effect. But I will not be in pursuit of a certain style of deliberately, IPreferring to run into one story, into the heart, I think the most impressive way to render it.����Techniques, to a certain extent I do not want to, I think it's just hair, or the soul of the most critical.����Note: the play music special to ignite one of nostalgia. Liu: the music is very rich. For example to Hong Kong, Guangdong and I spent a lot of timePlay music. Taiwan, with a lot of Taiwanese songs. Sun Shian this character, is used in jazz and symphonic music, as Sun Shian and clean, like coffee, smoking a pipe, is the exquisite and rich people live.����Guo Xiaodong, cadre, relatively simple, I let him go to the Opera. "The status of one of the rivers and Lakes not by some unfair awards identify, something embarrassingAre they.����"Note: the actors of cooperation with you, through your work countless honors, but your individual awards, not as much as expected, will you lose? Liu: several awards last year, many people jiaoyuan for me. How can I say? I think one of the rivers and Lakes not by some unfair awards identify something embarrassing that they. We heartWell, I just will not work, will not build up good relations with others. Think does not matter, it does not have the authority to the extent, but why do you care about it? It really authoritative to the degree, not by going to get award. So, award if not fair, not authoritative, I scoffed at, no need to care about. I think reasonable people, the Prime Minister Liu LuoPan in the lyrics is particularly well written, everyone has said in his heart, who can't help who, who's going to Mongolia who, to do worthy of your work, worthy of your conscience, it is important they do, to taunt people.����Note: right now, many people call you a show master, brother, you show no impulse do? Miss Emily LAU: I drink Xilin Zhang,I said, pure actress one day, it is much easier, but I could not find easily the pleasure, maybe I'm shy by nature, does not love publicity, feel it is renlaifeng.����Note: we now call you a gold Director, you really come to feel that their career peak period yet? Miss Emily LAU: I feel not too make out in the future want to spell spell on the big screen. Screenplays IHas been doing, doesn't feel too satisfied with the gap. "From a business perspective, business TV plays more like a fly, film is not too reliable.����"Remember: after you've finished shooting the film departed the same day of the year, pushing out no fewer than ten films, go to attack TV market, is afraid to risk it? Liu: Han sanping also phoned me two days before, say you bad life, Draped over the box office at least billions now. He also wanted me to shoot the film. It does have a chance, Han Yeh expected box office at least 30 million starting at that time, doing a good result all aspects of marketing, the market is a bit disappointed I was, also saw some problems. Now in retrospect, TV play market as a market, all effort will reward you twice. From a business perspective,Depending on the business plays more like a fly, film is not too reliable. But as one of the artisans, in an expression, the film will make you a more enjoyable. Movies are short stories, TV series was the novel, writer, known short stories is the most difficult to write.����This is two levels, TV sale better, but the market will sooner or later health, those dirty things will be less and less. Remember: When to go to attack movie?����Liu: the last couple of years, also had a decent next year at the latest.����Note: that is a lucrative business, please? Liu: must make money. The Wulin rumored that let you see the prospects, market themes tor commendation power leveling, box office recovery guarantees, but there is no underlying it would be risky. To tell you the truth, I found the film can make money,Many popular themes, such as the beach, before the dawn of the daughter-in-law of the good times of the step by step jingxin, of the potential, I would be more careful to choose a bar. (It was end of the onion)

