2012年2月17日 星期五

swtor pvp valor power leveling -Russian Alliance - CAY

129733475390471250_29Russia "of Asia reporter" website on February 5 articles, the original question:-Russian Alliance, legends is the United States's nightmare? Russia geo-political alliance with China on the United States swtor pvp valor power leveling, will be a real nightmare. Strategists in Washington has been concerned about this. To this end, in China to promote Russia's negative image in Russia to demonize China, and through itsUnder the control of the media smear China and Russia in the world. In recent years, Russia make Americans more worried, it openly against the United States, Europe and the NATO plans to interfere with United States political life of neighbouring countries the secret world power leveling, and in internal policy toward dictatorship. China has invested heavily in recent years to strengthen military power, it also caused United States uneasy. Chinese media had published "should be established in Russia in Europe and AsiaThe Union, "the article, pointed out that United States strategy implementation of hostilities against China in the Asia-Pacific and the Middle East swtor valor power leveling, Russia in Iran and Syria on issues facing the United States pressure. It is recommended that closer cooperation between, challenge to jointly fight against the West.����United States media reports, establish a Alliance between Russia and China United States fears, because the threats to its interests in Europe and Asia. United States of ambition can only in RussianCross into each other's arms. In fact, relations between Russia and China has never, as now the consolidation. Putin last year announced its intention to participate in the next presidential campaign visit to China soon after. Trade between the two countries is growing, also consistent stand on the Middle East issue. There is no doubt that established Alliance between China and Russia in the West, would be a nightmare. Future States of Central Asia, Pakistan and Iran is likely to automatically join theA Union.����It is clear that this new Alliance will have a super power, United States and the European Union before it will inevitably fade. All talk about China to Russia's threat was exaggerated, particularly in terms of population. Chinese people do not actually willing to accept harsh Russia area. Usually all the "China threat theory" is from the United States, either directlyFrom the Americans, either from the United States-Russian experts of the branch. However, some problems do exist between Russia and China. When you cooperation beneficial to both sides, the two countries will continue to cooperate, but the fundamental interests of the two countries are not compatible. Soon reach an absolute consensus on key foreign policy issues the two countries there is little chance of. From Russia view, the establishment of close Alliance in RussianThe time is not ripe, the same is true for China. �� (Author baolisi��akuning, translation of Wang Zhen) (Edit: SN049) Others:

