2012年3月18日 星期日

diablo 3 power leveling overlooking a narrow small window is covered with closed - NKN

129756501038125000_145The 1th page: skull and bones secret elite society leading to the secret passage of the 2nd page of the pyramid of power: the 3rd page of the origin of the skull: Mystery of the Yale campus construction 4th page: adhere to the traditional aristocratic elite 5th page: origin of the skull and bones page 6th 7th new membership page: a secret passage leading to the pyramid of power the 8th page: United StatesSkull with close ties to the family interests in the 9th page: skull elite spectrum page 10th: Bush family and skull "skull and bones" logo is a creepy Skull logo above wrote "322" Arabic words. Skull believed that a legend, is said to 322 BC, when Greece Poems debseg ladder dWhen the world, Calliope with the Ascension.   Skull and bones society so claiming words are music sth "Skull and bones" logo is a creepy Skull logo above wrote "322" Arabic words. Skull believed that a legend, is said to 322 BC diablo 3 gold, when Greece Poems debseg ladder death, ascend the Calliope.Skull and bones society so claiming words Club, and believe that in 1832, Calliope had returned to the human world. 322 made the skull organization code. Introduction to Skull logo skull skull (Skull and Bones,The Order of Death,The OrDer,Cooperation Star,The Eulogian Club,and Lodge 322,The Skulls) skull (Skull and Bones), also known as the skull bones, Luo Jia Club (The Eulogian Club), Death Knights (The Order of Death), is the United States a secret elite society each year absorbed 15 third-year students at Yale University, comprising many United States important figures of the political, business, education, out of the 3-bit in this Community United States President, 2-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, dozens of members of the Cabinet, last hundredMembers of both houses, and the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the world of skull and bones.   Some people believed that skeletons are long-term control of the United States, and has ulterior motives; however, there are many journalists believe after investigation of the Organization and the General student societies at the University there is no different, and similar secret elite organization exists in almost all the top universities. Beauty of the LordIn the University campus, there is a Greece-Temple of the small building, overlooking a narrow small window is covered with closed, the entire building hung over a mystery, this unremarkable building is the United States the most mysterious and powerful Alumni Association is located. External people here never opened, has always maintained a strange color and elite of his Maverick style, and it has a chillingCalled "skull and bones". Skull and bones has a very mysterious membership rules, more daunting is that lists of its members, from the skeleton out of the 3-digit United States Presidents, 2 Justices of the Supreme Court diablo 3 power leveling, there are numerous United States members, and Cabinet officials. After 172 years of breeding habitats, from the United States White House, Congress, the Cabinet, the Supreme Court that the Central Intelligence Agency, Members of the skull is almost omnipresent. That year, when United States President Bush and democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's fierce competition United States when President, Americans were surprised to find that, despite the two presidential candidates from different political parties, have different political views and programme, but I coincidentally keep an amazing secret, they are a member of skull and bones, Kerry toIn 1965, membership, Bush also came into the skull in two years.   Mysterious skull and bones begin to emerge. Skull expansion and even caused the United States community on the Association of "conspiracy theory" guess. Indeed skeletons from the United States community, the most noteworthy is the Association starting from the purpose of the pursuit of wealth and power, trying to lay the United States in modern political life codeDual structure of Government and business. It quite literally clear United States running nature of social power: customized United States people of national policies and the social rules of the game, could be a conservative power order to defend organizations, an Asian religious new "Knights". More than 170 years, the skeleton forces continue unabated and traditional is the skull will expand that lead by the hand each aAn important reason. In fact, the skull and one of the aims of the Association is to provide United States elite who created a secret brotherhood, by the brotherhood to form a huge network, giving members a "short cut to wealth and power". Since its inception in 1832, skull and bones members never to talk about it in public diablo 3 gold, even relatives never to admit that he is a member of the Organization。 According to the tradition of the skull, if outsiders referred to skull and bones, the presence of skulls members should immediately leave the room, so as to avoid leaks.

