2012年3月7日 星期三

eq2 platinum outflows clearly plate-free in the near future. - SVT

129748445043281250_99Index of high turbulence in early trading today, as at 11 o'clock in the morning, Shanghai and Shenzhen market net inflows, net inflows amounting to 645 million.   Audio-visual equipment, securities, and real estate development for flows up to three plates. However late changes significantly, two barrels of oil market caused by abnormal chonggao down quickly, as of this afternoon closed, Huzhi volume rose slightly to 0.3%, the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets net outflow of capital, net outflows amounting to-194 million. Audio-visual equipment, stock, non-ferrous metal smelting and processing for the inflow of up to three sections. Hisense electric (600,060) aion kinah, Sichuan Changhong (600,839) respectively, and 811 million Fund was ranked into the top. FundingOutflow of gold plate are mainly distributed in beverage manufacturing eq2 platinum, building materials, coal mining. Chongqing Brewery (600,132), alcoholic wines (000799)-157 million respectively and-119 million Fund was ranked out of the top. Synthetic 5th the inflow and outflow of funds, coal mining tor credits, securities stocks funds into clear, outflows clearly plate-free in the near future.

