2012年3月13日 星期二

world of tanks power leveling Henan - XQG

Is what the Central Bank puts forward right 3 farming did the policy that the project gives credit supports already enter executive phase? The hearsay said a few days ago, agricultural bank 3 farming the 12 provinces city with pilot reform of financial career ministry will execute reserve of small bank savings rate is pilot. Personage of Agriculture Bank interior denied this one information yesterday. Nevertheless the personage that is close to superintendency branch says, 3 farming reserve ratio reduces financial department is direction of a policy. This one hearsay only then at Central Bank official a few days ago make known one's position. Du Jinfu of Central Bank assistant president ever was at the beginning of December express, agricultural bank is pilot of the county 3 farming reserve of deposit of financial career ministry is led lower than agricultural bank a percent. He still expresses, agricultural bank 3 farming the reform of financial career ministry is pilot limits enlarges Heilongjiang, Henan, Heibei, Anhui the prefectural subbranch of a bank of 371 4 provinces, counties. In the meantime, chinese Central Bank increased deposit newly to orgnaization of finance of prefectural region legal person 2011 the orgnaization that certain proportion amounts to mark with the assessment that borrows money at place, carry out under congener finance orgnaization the deposit reserve of a percent leads normal level. He still emphasizes wot power leveling, future will continue guide financial orgnaization increase support agriculture strength world of tanks power leveling, right experience farming credit puts the Xiaojin in the rural area with higher proportion on orgnaization of be in harmony and assessment the agricultural bank that amounts to mark 3 farming financial career ministry carries out inferior deposit reserve to lead. Banking personage predicts, of this policy carrying out is time problem only. Have medium personage message weighed quote interior a few days ago, the Agriculture Bank already was executed in 12 provinces low put standard rate pilot, add Heilongjiang, Henan wot power leveling, Heibei, Anhui newly 4 provinces. But personage of Agriculture Bank head office denied this rumor to the reporter yesterday, still express to will be afternoon yesterday on government-owned net do relevant specification with respect to this matter. Distribute news dispatches up to the reporter, net of Agriculture Bank official has not release this information. Responsibility edits: NF016

