2012年3月11日 星期日

world of tanks power leveling 129748521357500000_167 - KST

129748521357500000_167Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog hexun.com insurance > body print RSSFont size, sources of February 27 world of tanks power leveling, 2012: the China insurance regulatory Commission Web site totals 13,795,971,.67 Note: 1, data in this table is the insurance industry to implement the related accounting regulations on the issuance of insurance contract notice (finance and accounting [2009]15), The insurance company in accordance with the relevant diameter requires submission of data.   Cumulative number 2, the original insurance premium income for the year, data from the various life insurance companies submitted to the China insurance regulatory Commission monthly data. 3, the original insurance premium income for the internal management of life insurance company report data, unaudited, the life insurance company does not use of the data and the resulting consequences of any lawLegal responsibility.   4, AIA totals include friends wot power leveling, friends, friends, friends in Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Suzhou, AIA, AIA and AIA in Dongguan Jiangmen.   5, due to computational rounding problems, the original insurance premium income life insurance company there may be a slight error. 6 world of tanks power leveling, the table does not contain Chinese holding 1.3541 million worth of life business.

