2012年3月12日 星期一

wot power leveling - SEQ

129756342352968750_16Recently, the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the catalogue for the guidance of foreign investment industries (revised 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the new catalogue), new vehicle manufacture of the directory entry removed from the encouraged, and new energy vehicle key parts and cultivate strategic new entries.  Amendment to the content industry has aroused widespread concern. OnThan the old and the new edition of the directory is not difficult to find, foreign investment in China's auto industry increasingly tightening in policy, especially a simple car made more strict. 2007 edition of the directory of the increased foreign engines, lightweight and environmental measurement of material incentives, support foreign investment in research and development of the automobile. At this time, new directories will make efforts to promote energy-saving emission reductionStrictly restrict or prohibit "two high one funded" such foreign investment projects.  Direction from traditional car industry technology to new energy vehicles tilt world of tanks power leveling, from vehicle manufacture spare parts tilt. As major international automobile companies entered, China's car market has become the world's largest market, development requirements of the automotive industry is no longer the upgrade, and should be massChange. Compared to other emerging markets, especially the "BRICS" India, Pakistan, Russia, and many of our industrial policies on the foreign attitude has a moderate, more stable policy environment, the broader market. After Russia outside the new imported vehicles certification system will auto companies after the country of October 2011, Brazil also announced that year by 30% in importsCar tariffs has a population of 1 billion, annual sales of less than 2 million units of India, already is locked to China by transnational enterprises other than the market with great growth potential. Second half of 2011, India car sales suffered the first decline in 3 years, more than 20% individual sales in the month fell, in various systems, policy is not standard, it remains to be seenPerfect in the emerging markets, India still fragile domestic companies with the Government's umbrella of protection may be open at any time, and bricks for foreign car companies also may throw. Automobile enterprises in China currently has more than 130 companies, is the most motor power in the world. More than 30 years of reform and opening up, more than setting up a total of more than 50 vehicles in China joint venture, almost all globalCar companies have established manufacturing and sales operations in China, a few not yet set up a factory of the company is also actively layout import business, looking for domestic opportunities. Joint venture vehicle assets and the creation of the total industrial output value of enterprises account for about one-third of the automotive industry as a whole, pay taxes to achieve industry-wide 40%, joint ventures and enterprises have become an important component of China's automobile industry, and hasDominated the auto market in today's China. However we see that while the joint venture has brought huge profits, but on the domestic automobile enterprises technology, creativity's role is very limited.  China's automobile industry and decentralized, low resource utilization, local independent brand slow development of the situation has not been resolved and change. At this stage, the whole carIndustry has been at risk of excess capacity wot power leveling, they ran with the industry from rapid growth to slow growth phase transition period of consolidation adjustment, continued to enter China is a more adequate, even in a State of relative surplus of foreign-owned car companies keep encouraging policy approach, is bound to exacerbate the supply and demand imbalances, employment-related disorders, and many other car unfavorable to the negative effects of the domestic car market development, moreIs likely to lead to formation of industries scattered, chaotic situation. Therefore, stop encouraging foreign investment vehicle project has the time, strict control of the new vehicles have become one of the main directions of the policies of the Central Government wot power leveling, foreign investment is no exception. It should be noted that new vehicle manufacture of the directory entry removed from the encouraged, "not encouraging" is not the same as the meaning of limit,Not meant to prohibit, but to guide foreign investment market Outlook, higher return on investment projects, such as areas of research and development of key technologies and components of the automobile production. So in the moment, new auto investments can bring key technologies, whether they contribute to the development of China's automobile industry, are important conditions for the project can receive government approval. (Text/Xiaodong Cheng)

