2012年3月8日 星期四

tor credits a young and two with the village people to get him medical treatment - JZG

129745856947600000_14Report from (reporter Pei Xiaolan) Shaw said he was knocked down by a couple of young dogs and was bitten guild wars 2 gold, prosecution claims more than 50,000 yuan. A young couple is said to hit the dog is a stray dog, out of kindness they paid medical expenses.   Recently, the shunyi Court accepted the case. A lawsuit against Shaw said, on April 23 last year, when he rode a bicycle through the gate of the village, a young couple feedingDog g suddenly knocked him and bites him. After the incident, a young and two with the village people to get him medical treatment, diagnosis of femoral neck fracture in the left, and had the surgery. Yang and his wife have paid only part of medical expenses, see after he badly, no longer pay.   He sued the requirements a young couple over a total of more than 50 tor credits,000 yuan such as compensation for his medical expenses, food. Yang and his wife argue, knocked down and bitesInjuries a Shaw is a stray dog tsw gold, was not raised in their home. They see a Shaw was knocked down, with the village people of good will, and neighbors will be sent to the hospital, and over more than 20,000 medical expenses are paid. A Shaw confuses right, bite, they disagree with the compensation, and request a refund of fees they pay Shaw.    Court will be hearing the case in recent days. ()

