2012年3月9日 星期五

world of tanks power leveling is now only 3 implementation work - ZTX

129742915521562500_298In previous years, graduates work most basic implementation of the morning (journalist of MYRICA Rubra) previous years ' graduates ' annual salary of up to $ 80,000, and now even suitable jobs are hard to find; internship salary get 1.5~2 million Hong Kong dollars in previous years, now cool down to 6,000 Hong Kong dollars. Recently, reporters went to Hong Kong and Macao studies graduate students in Wuhan found that, under the influence of the financial crisis, in addition to salaryLevels drop, a part is not found even a suitable job for recent MBA graduates. Wuhan child small Tan undergraduate or master's degree studying at Huazhong University world of tanks power leveling, September 2007 wot power leveling, entered the MBA class of the Chinese University of Hong Kong graduate school at his own expense. Because there are no suitable work is found, after Chinese new year back to the Chinese new year, small Tan still stay at home in Wuhan. Small Tan the students at the time of the Han used to be publicSecretary white collar small people, now job seekers everywhere. In order to read the Hong Kong MBA, get a better future, little people even sold in the Chinese real estate, studying at their own expense, as investment. Yesterday, xiaoai told a press conference, on December 4, 2008 to the present, he has been to and from Hong Kong, Shenzhen and other places to find a job, but wages are not satisfactory. Introduction to xiaoai, Hong KongCampus Online official statistical data, 2008 recent MBA graduates earn an average of about us $ 81300 (about 560,000 yuan) world of tanks power leveling, trainee salary get 1.5~2 million Hong Kong dollars in previous years, but their salaries to the practice only 6,000 Hong Kong dollars. According to the introduction, in the class of 11 students from the Mainland, is now only 3 implementation work, There are 8 students, "an uncertain future". And higher gold content. Ms Wu to discuss human resources manager Wang Zhifen they could think, swept through the global financial crisis for venture capital, MBA, financial and other professional college, master's of employment will have a certain effect, how to adjust individual job-seekers in a large environment, identify the individual core competitiveness is the key to winning. Have beenForeign diploma and for mainland students studying in Hong Kong, perhaps back to the Mainland will have greater development potential, "returnees" is the general direction, but vision should not be too high. Author: MYRICA Rubra

