2012年4月3日 星期二

diablo 3 gold published comic books more than 2 - AKY

129773188884375000_77Comic collection up to millions of published market continue to shrink He You straight draw works of old Shanghai line drawing of model sitting on a bar stool and 1:1 picture is many people's childhood memories of people, President of the United States, the Chief Editor of Shanghai Sun Lee explains He You direct picture-famous painter Zhu Xinchang of interviewed Zhu Xinchang creation part of the picture as far as the city Herald reported, classic comics great master He You straight old Shanghai Exhibition, will take place from March 26 to April 22 inShanghai urban planning Museum (27th, open to the public). As had swept the South of paintings, comics along with many people grow up, but today she has suffered an unprecedented embarrassment: the art auction market diablo 3 gold, early comics work, especially the artist's original price reach NT $; the other hand, comic book publishing market is to continue to shrink,For example, Shanghai people's fine art publishing house new comic book work is only about ten per year, a large number of comics are published by the publishing house, year of "the same old things". Has been brilliant this no picture and has a deep origin of Shanghai. Its known origins in the Yi��ershiniandai of the century series of albums published by a group in Shanghai. 1925 world art Council published the journey to the long continuousPainting, Central, on the cover "series of pictures", then many comics publications adopted this title. This name has been used in the founding of new China, the early 50 's, and unified to "comics", until now. For many young people, comics seem to have is a strange word. But for many the last century 80 's before birthPeople will not forget those who "comic" sweet years. Whether it is a multifaceted one "three kingdoms", is a maximalist's "water margin", or whether it is a classic story of Foreign stars. All have their place in the world of comics. Masterpieces of contemporary and classical literature, drama, film, foreign literature tera power leveling, myth, fairy tales heroes in real lifeModel, the revolutionary hero story, and so on, are themes of the comic content. Comic art form is also varied, mainly for line drawing, wipe, drawing, pen and line drawing and chapped double track, ink, watercolor, wood engraving, paper-cutting, etc. Artists ' creative expertise to free play, and gradually developing their own style. From 1951 to 1956, published throughout the country in a chainDrawing more than 10,000 kinds, Trojan copies more than 260 million volumes. New picture of healthy, rich educational content, a variety of art forms and vivid and moving story, soon occupied the book positions. Lu Yanshao, and He You straight, and Cheng Shifa, Liu Dan, and Liu Jiyou, Feng Zikai, and Luo Gongliu, and Gu Yuan, and ye qianyu, and Zhu Xinchang, sth The Chinese contemporary painting bigFamous painters, square inch of that year in the world hard. Recall the process of writing comics in the year, now is the Studio head of China, Shanghai Zhu Xinchang having all sorts of art master at the national level, "when new comics when I was a middle school teacher, just draw in my spare time. Annual winter are basically no rest, everywhere to experience life,It was too late to draw. "In the early 30 's, Lu Xun is the active agents of the comic strip," series of pictures is extremely critical, "this sentence is enough to see that his comic attitude. The beginning of the founding of new China, Chairman Mao once comics have been issued indicating: picture-not just for kids, the adults can see; illiterate, educated people. On the openedAge 50 to 60 brilliant comic book created and published in China in the early period. Despite the impact of the cultural revolution, but in the early 80 's of last century, comic art appeared a "cultural revolution" more colorful boom. In 1982, published comic books more than 2,100 species all over the country, 860 million volumes. This is the highest since the founding of new ChinaVersion record. But starting from the mid 80, momentum surge of piracy and due acknowledgement of foreign comics, comics serious impact to the business. Plus readers ' interest in reading, and aesthetic aspects are changed, leading comics published there have been shrinking. Shanghai people's fine art Publishing House of comics when Huang Qiang, head of House, still remember the originalGrassroots to the bookstore to counter staff at boundary, results into a comic book to market inventory. But publishers also failed to realize the impact comics, make it difficult to reproduce a brilliant so far. From 1986 to 1987, Zhu Xinchang of comic creations would often attend the Jiangsu people's publishing house, and He You straight on course. "Then pressBelieves that as long as the pass this time, comic book certain to reproduce again brilliant, but from today's point of view, a little too optimistic ", said Zhu Xinchang. Classic memories wiped out the container and failure, that the words used in the comics who appears to be appropriate. However, its influence on generations, especially the classics, but also in people's minds have left deepThe burn marks. Lift He You, think of the tremendous changes in a mountain village; when it comes to Zhu Xinchang, we cannot but mention of the hung-. In the comic book art form developed in the 80 's, dominated the line-drawing more and more diversified, with a different new style line drawing of the master. With the improvement of printing, color comics is also a major development. Under the comic on the specification with the exceptionComposition of diamonds, a "widescreen" banner there anyway, size-changing form, on the published version from the 50, 64, 48, and developed into a variety of formats. Many painters in the minds of the people, is in fact in conjunction with books comics, 2005 comic of Shanghai painter Cheng Shifa and furans the rough sketch of the call tree woodNona took out the prices of $ 11 million, and bought this painting is the art of predators on the investment market �C Liu Yiqian, in a media interview, said it bought part of this work, also because special feelings and comics. The old version of the late 50 's and 60 's comics have become the current darling of the collection on the market, like Cheng ShifaThe welcome Chairman Mao 12 hardcover, current market price is more than $ 10,000. In addition, Chen Guangyi, painted the story of Lu, and spent the Li Shi Zhen Qian Xiao Zhuan, Hua Sanchuan of the white-haired girl, He You straight of the tremendous changes in a mountain village, main provenance well, price is not an issue. Not only in Shanghai, in other parts of the collection on the market, picture-boutiqueSo popular these days, as people's fine art publishing house in 1957 first edition printed comics throughout the country by the means of the average prices are close to a contract price of $ 30,000. Although the market was in full swing in the market, however, President of the Shanghai people's fine art Publishing House, editor-in-Chief Li Xin was sharply said "comics collection no future development, prices higher only once the FAIHuang, to really get comic value, you must reproduce the reading craze ". President Lee, at present one of the things he most proud, is through the farm house, making comic book sales increased sharply last year, reaching $ 6 million. "The rapid rise in sales increases did not bring profit, but let us see the picture the life,Workers ' House, the Community House and library of primary and secondary schools, is the comic potential of the future market. "President Lee said. Casting quality of life is a sharp contraction in domestic market on the one hand, on the other hand, traditional Chinese theme picture is very popular abroad. According to industry reports, on display at the Frankfurt International book fair every year such comics, were quickly sold out.Comics published the Red Ribbon on the Earth has been Korea purchased copyrights, published by the 50 's of last century the JI Mao Xin and France negotiate copyright output. "Picture so brilliant was able to for some time, one of the very important reason, is itself derived from life", said Zhu Xinchang, "painted in the year when the smoke of four or five, my personalTo Shijiazhuang for a month, in order to draw the turbulent times of juveniles, the Fenghuang, only life, can really find that life, in a limited number of screens, reflecting the most relevant to the content of life, it is undoubtedly the development of comic book. "In the current development of domestic comics, in addition to outside the impact of media such as television, animation, another important reasonIs that money has not strategists in the past. "We are to the author's remuneration is $ 150 per page, seems not less, but you have to know what is now a famous artist painted a picture price. Draw a picture of energy and a plain socializing is one day of SAC, this is also important reasons for many artists don't want to draw comics. "For this, ZhuXinchang feel, "the early 80 's when I draw a comic strip is $ 5-7, while this picture there can be hundreds of dollars of income, only dozens of an average wage of staff and workers at that time, I had to go to the Bank to get $ 2000 payment when staff were surprised and asked me why on Earth is. "When excited by a comic creationIs the award, He You direct the tremendous changes in a mountain village called masterpiece is a landmark Chinese comics history, his very important reasons to be remembered, in 1963, by the Ministry of culture and the Chinese artists ' Association jointly organized the first national comics Awards, it won the first prize, while at the same time to receive this award by the railway, the Monkey King three of the guerrillas hit the white Bone Demon, Of the West Chamber, also known as a classic. Zhu Xinchang of the turbulent times young won "Shanghai art exhibition 2001" award-winning, the journey to the West, and the three statements of the second shot, winning the fifth, second national exhibition of comics books. In the current market environment, comic strip recast resplendence, talent tera gold, technology, policy, funding, awards, one in the market do notBy "external forces", formed a new wave of publishing, racing to read. Generations picture workers with a high level of social responsibility, strive to explore, to be creative, to give to the world a suit both refined and popular tastes of art, also left the fine traditions, especially from life, reflect the excellent tradition of life, makes the section of new years. It on their ownAchievements show the splendor of the past, will certainly be with its excellent tradition and strong vitality, and creating a brilliant future. Others:

