2012年4月5日 星期四

tera power leveling w.cancelMiniBlogh - RIE

129777329792968750_139Report from (reporter Shen Wei Qing) in recent days, with media and users on the basis of Customs announced new data pointed out that the customs value of imported goods table, coming from overseas back to more than $ 200 worth of powdered milk, it will be a 10% of import duties.   In this regard, customs said yesterday, this is misunderstood. "From overseas back to milk more than $ 200, perfumeOver 300, cleansing over 100 will be taxed! "Hearsay on the Internet in the near future similar messages.   The so-called "new rules of the customs", is a new revision of the Customs Service announced on March 26 that the collation table of imported goods and the customs value of imported goods table, which shows that the dutiable value of milk powder for $ 200, rate 10%. Customs Service said yesterday, "imported$ 200 cans of milk powder to 10% tax "statement was misunderstood.   Customs said the adjustment part of goods the customs value, does not involve entry passenger baggage, personal mailed items tax-free policy, under the rules, imported passenger is still tax-deductible carries imported 5,000 yuan worth of personal belongings. Yesterday, the certification as "Chengdu custom Office" of the official TwitterAlso to clarify, "milk tax" correctly understood, by 200 yuan per kilogram price, tax 10%, tax $ 20.   Rate of the milk powder is not adjusted. In addition, according to media reports, in the customs rules, all clearance delivery packages for overseas use EMS express delivery companies, shall not be imported postal items for customs clearance. Reports view, the new rules wouldHave a huge impact on overseas buying. In this regard, customs said yesterday that the recent domestic postal and non-postal companies in foreign countries, in violation of the rules of the UPU Convention.   Customs take measures against individual illegal enterprises, do not involve the adjustment of policies for managing personal overseas online shopping. Customs said the personal belongings of individuals overseas online shopping, you canForeign postal channels into, or through commercial channels into the shipment.   Through the overseas network of the two channels into purchase personal items, the customs continue in accordance with the provisions of the existing customs procedures. According to customs regulations, personal item to apply import taxes of RMB 50 Yuan ($ 50), be exempt from, over $ 50 worth of goods priceTaxes in full.   Milk powders, for example, mail-order under 2.5 kg can be tax free. Customs value: according to China's customs validation measures for the import and export of goods customs value, customs value refers to customs for import and export of goods for examination or after assessing valuation determine prices, customs tax collection and administration of the tax base. After a not-paid price nor commercial realThe purchase price. Customs value of imported goods shall include goods arrived in China to enter the venue prior to unloading, transport, insurance and related costs. (Li Lei) resolve the new classification is more detailed and new rules in 2007 compared to the old version, the new version of the tariff classification table for classification of articles for some adjustment. Added to bags of collation, Cosmetics in the lists of products also more more, previously of "perfume" in new rules in the to has "aromatic class cosmetics" tera power leveling, including perfume, and fragrant body bar, and check Khan dew, and go Pearl fragrant dew,; special function class cosmetics as Feng (us, and health) milk cream, and fiber body cream (cream), and bodybuilding cream, and tight to cream, also is into. In addition, the new rules will be leather tera power leveling, fur and its tax rate lowered to manufactured goods 10%. The customs value of the products will also be adjusted. Most of the high-paid price of the tonic and cosmetics have increased dramatically, such as the bird's nest and Cordyceps sinensis-paid per kg respectively increased from $ 15,000 and $ 50,000 per kg to $ 30,000 and 100,000, perfumes and other cosmetics-paid price obviously increases. (Shen Wei Qing), extendedWhat the people are sensitive to milk powder imported?   Compared to red wine, cosmetics, electronic products, the Customs and Excise Department in the new deal, on the taxation of milk powder the most controversial. Yesterday, the dairy expert Wang Dingmian said that since melamine, out of distrust of the domestic milk, many parents spend high price, to a lot of trouble, from abroad to buy imported milk powder. Rations of milk as an infant,Expensive for a family. "Consumers don't see hope of domestic milk powder case, buy milk tax higher, parents will buy their children in China, but this increases the family burden, consumers complain about this is also understandable.   "Wang Dingmian said. According to reports, the ocean of milk powder has more than make 60% infant milk powder market in China's market shareAnd in one or two lines, in particular cities, ocean of milk powder have occupied most of the market. In recent years, China's dairy market scandals, melamine and Mongolian cow-bezoar of pigment from Aspergillus Niger last year exceeded event seriously undermine consumer confidence in the domestic milk. (Li Ching). blkComment p a:link{text-decoration:none} .blkComment p a:hover{text-decoration:underline} .icon_sina, .icon_msn, .icon_fx{ background-position: 2px -1px}.Icon_msn{background-position:-25px-1px;}.icon_fx{background-position:-240px-50px;} to share to: var sendT={getHeader : function(){ var g_title=document.getElementById("artibodyTitle").innerHTML; var re = /]*? 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