2012年4月5日 星期四

tera power leveling blood costs made up of what - ORP

129773438555156250_21Blood cost is the public mind a "knot". Live blood donors, it was very plain with blood, blood costs made up of what? and what other "hidden costs"? blood what the costs are difficult to open? interview many industry insiders said it was a "sensitive issue" and were unwilling to mention. Questions about blood costs made up of what? 25th, bloodCenter concerned 14th article in the law on blood donation to reporters, it said "citizens when the clinical use of blood, delivered only for blood collection, storage, separation and examination fees; the charges formulated by the health Administrative Department under the State Council in conjunction with the price management. "" Our fees are strictly in accordance with the management of the Executive Department, "this person said,The process does not exist. In order to ensure the safety of blood donors, blood collection points is "a person, a needle, a bag" bag is used to store the blood is also special, higher quality. After collecting the blood, into the laboratory screening, including hepatitis b, syphilis tera power leveling, AIDS, and other items, "the high cost of these reagents. Now introducing nucleic acid detection, This would cost hundreds of dollars. "That said, blood is the cost charged by the Center to the hospital. Doubt second price with "hidden costs"? "Still no blood bank blood costs constitute publicly. "According to the provincial director of Department of a hospital blood transfusion introduced, as for reasons, he might have some difficulty on the cost accounting. The aboveBlood Center also admits that, in the course of preparation of blood also produced some invisible "hidden costs". "Souvenir issue, for example, publicity expenses tera power leveling, there is waste of blood costs, these have to be in it. "Specific to the accounting of those costs, although the person recognize this part of invisible costs accounted for a small proportion, but did not disclose the specific situation,"Family reunification provisions "to reply. Question three blood gains profit? Although the health sector has repeatedly stressed that the blood center free blood donation profits does not exist. However, the public has had a different view. "Blood donation since repeatedly stressed that there is no profit, why not open cost?" Itself is RH negative blood, who lives in Jinan, in recent years actively engaged inBlood donation activities, "but if the blood is not public costs, still have a shadow in my heart. "In accordance with the regulations, blood stations belonging to the public health agencies of the public, which is funded by government subsidy in full, and the blood of income were all turned over to the financial. "Now that the blood center is a non-profit, cost then they should open. "Industry analysis tera gold, who asked not to be named said.Mr LEE, unpaid blood donation is a typical example of public welfare, should establish a transparent mechanism. "It is not a lack of love, lack of public faith. We want to see is a good understanding of, if the whole process transparent, cost clearly, I will more and more people who want to volunteer blood donors. "(Editor: Lv Yang) Others:

