2012年4月14日 星期六

tera power leveling beginning in April - PZX

129779332619062500_10Ocean milk up again "price of wind". According to media reports, beginning in April tera gold, two brand of Mead Johnson, Nestle milk powder will raise prices, which more than two brands of milk powder prices 10%. Yesterday in a major supermarket in Changsha found when visited, though at present these two brands of milk powder in full price sales, but the shop has received the priceNotice price increases at hand. Therefore for you young parents ' monthly pay more than 100 Yuan milk at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, Yuhua Pavilion Wal-Mart milk powder Cabinet and a Nestlé Super ex-formula "buy $ 2,999 or get baby carriage" promotional advertising to attract the eye of a young mother Lady Wang. Her baby had just 8 months, fit to drink 2 stageInfant milk formula, Nestle to ex 2 stages of baby milk powder sells for $ 299 each tank, that is, if she buy 10 cans of milk powder at a time, you can receive a baby carriage. Don't buy so much milk? Ms WONG is indecisive. Seeing her hesitation, sales immediately enthusiastically told her, Nestle milk powder price increase soon, now is the best time "As early as a few days ago, we got a price increase notice, beginning April Nestle milk powder prices 15% tera gold, since the end of the Mall has not had time to adjust the price now is based on the original sale, buy 1 pot can save about $ 45. "Reporter's notes, Nestlé Baby milk powder, imported from Super ex stages 1, 2 respectively, at $ 322.8 and $;Imported milk series ex-milk powder, 1 price, 2 stage $ 243.5 and $ 180, respectively. If you follow the promotion said, calculation of prices 15%, a can of milk powder rises to $ 27 from $ 48.42.   Children drink 4 cans per month calculated heralded young parents will pay more for their children more than more than 100 dollars a month's milk money. At NestléO Mead Johnson milk powder before, a number of young parents in the selection of milk powder, aside of promotional claims more than half a month before it has received the Mead Johnson milk powder price increase notice, part price 10% above, will be adjusted in place in the near future. However, as of yesterday afternoon, the two brands of milk powder prices are still maintaining the status quo, down to the day price is still unknown.Market situation and the ocean milk powder still accounts for most of the high-end market share Abbott, Wyeth rose tera power leveling, Nestle, Mead Johnson price may also close at hand. Although Ocean milk prices have been "flush", was made several times the price of milk powder, but journalists at Wal-Mart, RT, step by step (002251) such as supermarkets found when visited in Changsha, various supermarket brands of milk powder postMost $ 10 or less, foreign brands occupy the high end near 70% market share of milk powder. "Imports of milk powder, while not 100% reassuring, but it's better than home-made milk, right? "Madam Chiang Kai-shek wrestled on the purchase for the baby milk issue. Because as a mother, nor purchase baby milk, she is not sensitive to milk prices. That imported powdered milkAfter news of the price, she began thinking about not supporting foreign sister get their milk powder sent back, "maybe this will save some money.   "Madam Chiang Kai-shek and some frustration. Adjustment reason tariffs and costs of major dispute about why the milk price adjustments, partly because rising costs, partly because the tariff rises. Nestlé related peopleIn an interview with reporters, said, since March of this year, my country New Zealand import tariffs by five recovery to 5.8% milk powder, increasing the cost of imported milk powder. Industry analysts believe that the tariff increase will not have a great impact on milk powder cost, imported milk powder prices in general are in mainland China and it costs around 1 time of origin, even if the tariff from5.8% up to 10%, not as a reason for its 10% so sharp fluctuations of prices. As far as I understand, in fact, from the end of 2011, Abbott Laboratories and Wyeth have been changing packaging or price increases, at around 10% per cent. So this time, Mead Johnson, Nestle, the two brands in price, does not rule out suspicion rises. Others:

