2012年4月9日 星期一

tera gold the school's starting process based on Humanities and social sciences - UUW

129771810013687310_63College graduates will reach 6.8 million this year, while the overall employment situation to be good, but hardly cover employment difficulty of college students, college majors, such as hot and cold old problems. Previously, 2012, of Ministry of education made the general notice of employment of graduates of colleges and universities throughout the country, employment rate two years in a row below the 60% professional, will be reduced enrollment scheme until the stop of ShanghaiPublishing 2012 early warning list professional, will cut 18 undergraduate admissions of 10%. However, linked to employment specialties, will add to the cooling and heating professional polarization? Specialty and employment relation between hot and cold, how to look at? Reporter visited this both in Shanghai and Anhui. Students: hot programs, not job guarantees in Anhui ProvinceNormal University seniors Ye Tingting's recent "Grand pressure": 4 years ago, her successful employment, applied for a top professional financial management; 4 years, her goals clear, reasonable planning, entered the University "certificate", junior accountants, financial planners, computer and EnglishAnd she's still an ideal work efforts. Reality always make people helpless: high threshold requests "211" and "985" college graduates, and the General work experience requirements but do not attach importance to school age, prefer students with work experience and vocational college students, National Taiwan Normal University such a provincial key University, even the top professional, is a little feeling of interlayer. Ye TingtingSelect articles by many students, but also "curve nation", aiming at is "211" key universities. Shanghai University majoring in environmental engineering senior year students of Zhou Yihao, shortly before signing the Exxon Mobil Corporation sold in students job went smoothly and successfully. "While not being early warning of environmental engineering, but professional way out wide, good number of graduates does not look goodMany job seekers frustrated, but left. "Zhou Yihao said, with students more than more than 100 people, get rid of postgraduate entrance examination, direct research of more than 20 people, others the Agency wasn't working very well. "College professional when the election was blind, into the University two years ago were very ignorant. "Zhou Yihao believes that" not many really stupid hanging in the University: job stress, especially the way narrow professional,Many students living in confusion and anxiety, they realize that to work, but I don't know what to do tera gold, try lots of things, but only found a lot of useless work to graduate. "School: quality first, not afraid of professional and popular" hot and cold Professional only relative. Shanghai this year warning of low employment rate for 18 professional in the Middle, there are many employment because the year is good and hot,Everyone rushing headlong into mass action. "Ye Zhiming said Vice President of Shanghai University. Vice Director of Anhui Normal University animal husbandry and transport said before each of the dispensing of new professional, hot Professional 95% more than one choice of employment. Through several years of employment table, economic class, good professional media classes, music classes, such as employment, clearly is directly proportional to the number of students increased. But think before the animal husbandry and transport, employmentHot programs should also be calm: everything changes, such as popular a few years ago the computer, using popular, computer subjects will certainly be weakened. And is also a cold professional, not every school employment is not good. For example, and radio and television broadcasting and hosting Art Director, General oversupply of graduates, University of Shanghai, but the two professional employment rate has been high.Forcing colleges and universities reduced or discontinued by the Government employment professional, ye Zhi-Ming do not agree, compared to Shanghai Education Department issued warning way more worthy of promotion. Last year, the Shanghai University because "teachers can't" closed the public management professionals, the school's starting process based on Humanities and social sciences, economics and management, Pharmacology 3 broad categories of engineering admissions tera gold, freshman selected by the student at the endGo, no choice of Department majors could face the "end", Ye Zhiming referred in part to implement "market mechanisms" to filter the professional, encouraging the Department to improve the teaching quality. On basic science, scholarship for the school increased to inject such economic levers to encourage student reading. Dean's director Wu Liang says of Dhu, less professional, as long as there was a quality, unique, totalWill have social needs. Secretary of Gu Jiashan, Anhui Normal University said, consider employment in colleges and universities, there is no doubt that to docking with the market, in teaching, but also need to grasp the scale of training, to help students in learning, employment, avoid being too utilitarian. Expert: colleges and universities provide students self-a platform for developing 21st century education Associate Vice Provost for research Xiong Bingqi believes that willIndustry rates and College of professional "life and death" linked, to some extent reflect the market orientation of curriculum design in the University, "running a University cannot be held behind closed doors, according to the scale of curriculum design in social demand, as well as helping to address structural imbalances that exist in the current college student employment. "Employment for college students, some graduates exceeds demand, Xiong Bingqi considers that its main reason is still greatStudents ' quality is not high, if has a good basic quality and ability of college students, you can achieve professional employment, and many employers in recruiting, and not strict professional background. In response, Pang Lijuan State inspectors believe that our students do better than some of the poor quality of graduates of colleges and universities in developed countries tera power leveling, but there are less people, United States, for example, to request a nameSchool, if not social work experience is a very passive, and teaching in colleges and universities in the great proportion of scientific and social practice; and our university education in this respect are lacking, often years after learning of students, in order to find a good job, in the last year of University officers practice, and not accumulated much experience. "The University is a platform for self-development, Popular professional job very well, top professional home industry, the key is to see their. "Pang Lijuan said. Ice reporter Hong Jiang Lei Zhu Others:

