2012年4月19日 星期四

tera power leveling supporting the spirit of the small micro-enterprise policy - UPU

129784668097553750_84The CBRC: will continue to promote a differentiated policy fell to the ground For further implementing the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on financial support for the real economy tera gold, supporting the spirit of the small micro-enterprise policy, urge the banking institution to further raise the level of small micro-enterprises in the financial services, the CBRC focused organizations in the country "China small micro-banking corporate finance services exhibition and propaganda month activity", on the theme "promoting small micro, Hui Minsheng, strong financial, hundredIndustry ". On April 9, the CBRC held a launching ceremony activities, Party Secretary, China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Shang Fulin, attended and made an important speech. Shang Fulin noted, business finance, business stabilized the financial stability and soundness of the banking sector development is inseparable from the real economy that a basis. Support real economic development, micro-enterprises are small plays. China Banking Regulatory Commission will respond positively to the Party Central Committee and the State Council called for,Continuously in recent years introduced a number of policy measures to support small micro-enterprise financial services. Especially after the 2008 global financial crisis, Banking Regulatory Commission decisively put forward the "two no less than" target to ensure that small amount of micro-enterprise loans continued to tilt. In 2011, the CBRC has introduced a "Silver ten" and its supplement notification tera power leveling, access to institutions, capital consumption, loan appraisalTolerance, bad loans and service charges, and so on, made more specific differentiation of regulatory and incentive policies in support of banking institutions to further increase the intensity of support for small micro-enterprise credit. Shang Fulin, China Banking Regulatory Commission next will continue to promote a differentiated policy fell to the ground, urged banking institutions carried out to fulfill the service economy, a basic requirement, To better serve the small micro-enterprises. At the same time, said Shang Fulin, solve the financing difficulty of small micro-enterprises need concerted efforts of the whole society, I believe that under the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, through regulation of the micro-enterprise sector, banking, financial institutions, small constant effort and the enthusiastic help of the community, small micro-banking corporate finance services in China is bound to write a more brilliant chapter. SectionTo the end of 2011, the national small business loans up to $ 10.8 trillion, accounted for 20% of the total loan balance, has three years in a row "not below the two" goals; also continue to enhance the quality of small business loans, bad loans for small enterprises nationwide $ 210.7 billion, $ 43.5 billion less than the beginning; bad loan ratio, 2.02%, falling earlier than 0.95Percentage, single-family credit below $ 5 million poor small business lending rate 5.14%. Assistant to the Member of the Party Committee of China Banking Regulatory Commission, Chairman Yan Qingmin presided over the ceremony, attended by members of the Party Committee of China Banking Regulatory Commission; departments, head of Banking Regulatory Commission in Beijing tera power leveling, head of the Banking Association, major corporate banking institution in charge in Beijing attended the ceremony. Others:

