2012年4月8日 星期日

tera power leveling we can talk to each other through a fire - WUR

129770845718125000_93Posters of the late autumn in the late autumn still text/light blue front seven stars love is sweet, the back is the melancholy that year, had heard a song of the autumn dawn, that year, meet the people, we are in the car, on the road, corner, bar, restaurants, subways, people ... ... Anywhere we can blank expression, you canBrushed past and intersection can.. ...  Alternatively, we can talk to each other through a fire, take a dollar.  Or, we read each other's eye, before in turn fell in love with each other, and dream of one day meet again goodbye. Classic films in the late autumn, Anna and Hun, two original people shouldn't believe in love, but without warning to gamble has a crush onEach other, talk to each other, there is no knowing consciously casual tera power leveling, social isolation and cynical met again and again, so that two people know each other, slowly approached each other's soul and life. Love is like a coin, details of the front are sweet, yearning melancholy on the back. Diffuse the aroma of coffee around town immersed in Seattle, in the autumn season of mist trance, again and againThrow up, fall, along with the advancement of the plot and story, sometimes positive, back of sth Love is like breathing, seems to be black and the screen in the late autumn is beautiful, this appears to be a Korea one of the strengths of the Director, Anna with honours occurred every scene, is like a painting tera gold, and we love scenes in my head, and we met in the deep affection of imagination, On the way to Seattle, in our way of life, to have met and know each other more or less dream and hopes. However, love seems to be ever-changing, in which people Bewitched, who also closed. Like a person, should we? How long will it take? If not what should I do? In the late autumn, Director Jin Taiyong feelings both sides and carefulHeart and love men and women hesitate of concerns through full of detail. Are in your field, to join in the spirit of the occasion so Hun when faced with a true when love comes, will be at one ' s wits ' end, know too late after the meeting, Hun grace refused to give money raised by the sale of emotional needs, Xun instinct refused, then turned and ran to Anna, but found only Anna left watch,After the firm confidence in themselves tera power leveling, Hun appeared in Anna's mother's funeral, he is full of jealousy and Anna love serious competition in the past, admitted telling Anna: I know you won't be waiting for me here.  Love is like breathing, on the face of it appears to be bland, but when faced with fleeting opportunities and leave, you will feel unable to breathe, pain in your heart. Seven years of isolation from world, Love, absolutely forgotten hurt woman, back to the reality of the time, because of the fear and panic of instinct of any closer. However, when Anna met Hun, when you feel truly, truly the world's gorgeous, she instantly back to the nature of the female body, paint good lipstick and put on new clothes, with beautiful earrings hard tied long withoutEar-hole, on a whistle-stop in the window is, that really elegant, fully on the significance of a woman. As the voice of the Seattle representative, Coburn said that quote a famous rock artist "love will tear us apart", but a phone, Anna back to reality, "prison number, where the" conscious tell Anna, does not belong to you, you are aThe prisoners.  So, Anna lost his hope and great expectations of change, change back to the original clothes, at that moment, I feel the reality of the brutal and cold, sorrow and despair but the rough way, almost started from one's eyes with tears.  Love, Miss brings deep breath, the pain of parting caused hypoxia. Love is like late autumn, deep beautiful and hope the bleak autumnA dawn, I'm right here waiting for you, based on the classic revamped in the late autumn of, in poetic lens of language, describes our blind for love, struggle, timid and hope. When hyunbin is Korea actor both in both shape and depth of the new generation of good men and Dan, in the late autumn, on the natural and free interpretation of the award, Tang Wei by Anna in the late autumn,Gorgeous turn and, at the request of Director Kim Tae-yong, the only interpretation of space, such a complex inside Anna, through the vicissitudes of life to be known--the role of timidity, hopes, fantasies, and despair, all trivial detail in place. Although the late autumn in the advancement of the plot and story changes were made on the expense, can be traced to the classic soul andNew interpretations, giving audiences beyond the encounter, love, know, my romance itself and may even cause you to accidentally bump against the good moments in life's journey recall and thinking. When Anna come for the honours to come, hopefully looking forward to once again surfaced when I only thought of a Word--only when my time will know how close you heart away,Isn't it? The late autumn might be your love making different interpretations. (It was formally rest pavilion on Highway) Others:

