2012年4月7日 星期六

tera gold this year what mysteryTo be solved by the end of it - UXT

129773932914687500_73Editor's Note: simulation of Treasury bond futures trading starts, opens the imagination of investors on the futures varieties listed this year. Policy under the frequent blowing warm air, crude oil (107.04,0.01,0.00%), silver, glass, futures are actively planning, eggs, potato futures were again. Every year new varieties are listed market quiz answers, this year what mysteryTo be solved by the end of it? To this end, the securities times attention from today will launch a series of reports. Trainee Pan Yurong dollar-denominated, offshore trade and bonded delivery, as preparatory signs of exposed, crude oil futures path became clear. This reporter learned from the industry, crude oil futures listed faster, is expected to launch during the year. Dollar-denominated crude oil futures are expected to beFirst dollar-denominated in foreign exchange futures. Reporters learned, relevant departments have focused on future-oriented company in late February, based on the number given at the discussion programme, crude oil futures aims to enhance China's pricing power in international oil prices, global platform, denominated in dollars, the settlement of this programme was good. Many of the futures company executives told reporters,Design of meter in oil futures contracts, dollar-denominated tune will not change. Ping an futures analysis, if the trade, under the conditions of the Yuan is not fully convertible, foreign investors in addition to assume the price fluctuations tera power leveling, will also increase the risk of exchange rates and interest rates, which would allow participation be limited, overseas investor interest in participation may not be too big. IfIn dollar terms, local investors to participate in? One view was that, by the Foreign Exchange Management Department allocations. But futures companies are small, registered capital is not high, difficult to guarantee a larger Exchange of quotas, to Exchange under the relevant departments are likely to total, allocated by the Exchange. Petrochemical companies is likely passed into proprietary or special member participation�� Offshore trade in order to attract the world's leading oil firm, investors to join, period in preparation for crude oil futures in the work of a few years ago, envisaged the use of offshore trading pattern. According to media reports, is currently on speeding up the process to launch offshore crude oil futures trading. In terms of revenue, jinrui futures said Zhu Feng, Director of the Institute, if permits admission for foreign investors, Must be bonded delivery, this is attractive to overseas investors. In March, General Manager Yang Maijun on external said futures business bonded delivery period has started on the pilot, and has completed the process, gradually improved the pilot project currently running environment. As bonded delivery business, bonded goods are combined, contributed to the domesticMarket integration, promoting linkage of the Shanghai market between the two places in London. Approach of point as high global oil prices tera gold, China's participation in international pricing, hedging of petrochemical enterprises desire all the more urgent. According to industry sources, this year the national departments concerned on the eve of the two conferences had called for speeding up the process of crude oil futures, hoped to launch before a point in the third quarter of this year. But in the ensuingOn the two associations throughout the country, SFC Chairman Mr Guo constituency group of the National Committee, said after crude oil futures will take longer to prepare. Recently, some media reported that Central deadline has been identified by the research and development of crude oil futures, hope this year, crude oil futures "11" to launch before the holiday. In this regard, said Zhu Feng, if all at once, that is beginning to dollar-denominatedRenminbi clearing, allowing foreign investors to participate in crude oil futures in the "11" before the may be difficult, but if carried out in steps, first introduced and then slowly opening up, "11" would also be possible before the. Recently, the circular of the State Council's development and Reform Commission in 2012 in deepening economic system reform priorities pointed out the need to "secure promotion of commodities such as crude oil futures���� National Bureau of statistics data showed that at the end of 2011, China's oil consumption up to 454 million tons, an increase of 3.3%. Also tera gold, 2011 Chinese crude oil import dependency ratio increased to 57%, up to 1.32% per cent. Degree of dependence on foreign crude oil related bodies are expected in 2012 China will further increase. Although several obstaclesKinds of signs that oil futures market is accelerating, but the challenges that lie ahead are still more. Zhu Feng believes that launches oil futures multiple barriers need to be addressed. First, face the problem of foreign exchange controls, regulators need to coordinate safe dispensing lines. Second, the domestic refined oil pricing power concentrated in the hands of the national development and Reform Commission, the departments concerned is willing to modify the pricing mechanism, orGradually gave up the right to control, are yet to be agreed. Third, how to attract international investors, international investors through the investment of domestic crude oil futures are securities and futures companies, or other forms? IV, delivery problems need to be bonded circular tie. ����V, in charge of the import and export trade business also need to be involved in coordinating the work of the Department. Gold onlineOut: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

