2012年4月17日 星期二

tera power leveling plus the March market correction on the digestion of negative information - GSQ

129788654659843750_29Everbright PRU us: I believe the recent stabilisation of the market probability of uplink mobile phone free www.cnfol.com April 14, 2012-bright PRU us comment on topic: review of recent market stabilisation upward, this week's market # 1: this week market review (201,20409-20120413) 500) this.width=500'align='center'hspace=10 vspace=10> source: Department of Everbright Pramerica investment rose in the 2nd week of April 2012 market. Shanghai composite rose 2.28% week. On allRose. Most comprehensive industry, 5.09%. Real estate and catering of tourism industry gains more than 4%. Other industries, such as business and trade, household appliances, light industry such as manufacturing, mining, textiles and garments, and delivery equipment industry in this week's gains were more than 3%. Industry is the food and drink industries with the worst performance this week, week by 1.2%. Performance is relativelyPoor industry there are farming, forestry tera power leveling, animal husbandry and fisheries, information services, public utilities and industries such as pharmaceutical, biotechnology, they gain this week is less than 2.5%. Second, the logic behind this week's market and future market we believe that markets are more likely to stabilise in the near future upside. We see sequential data, such as PMI data have rebounded for a 4 month; we think the economyThan the data, such as a quarter of the GDP, is lagging in sequential data, but also at the bottom. We have seen released March 1 trillion of credit and credit in the coming months more likely to remain at a relatively high level. In this way, liquidity is relatively comfortable, coupled with the inherent power of the economy itself, makes the future economic trend is up tera gold, although the range limited�� Inflation in March rose, but our model is still down in the channel, in the upward trend of 3 or 4 quarters can be formed. The economic picture tera gold, plus the March market correction on the digestion of negative information, we have reason to believe that the recent stabilisation of the market probability of uplink is relatively large. Third, the sector's views about the future for the sector, in the economic recoveryEarly, early cycle industries such as real estate, automobiles, including profit elasticity greater cycle of growth plate deserves continued attention. (Special panoramic network/Everbright Pramerica Fund) Others:

