2012年4月15日 星期日

tera power leveling 129779366348437500_13 - EMD

129779366348437500_13 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/tera">tera power leveling</a>Yangcheng evening news reporter Liang Yitao, intern Liu Xinyue reports: on April 2, the yangcheng evening news reporter received a reader who lives in West garden of Guangzhou Jin Sha Chau, said his home heating pads that are used in explosions, liquid outflow, insurance will be 4 years old daughter face pressing into serious injuries. 2nd at around 8 o'clock in the morning, who lives in the West garden of Mr Xu shoutian's still asleep, heardOutgoing from the daughter's room "bang" a loud noise, then you heard the daughter and wife of sharp cries, go look, turned out to be explosive heating pads, hot daughter. According to Mr Xu shoutian's introduction, daughter cold a little feverish tera power leveling, hands and feet cold, so his wife took out the heating pads, want to give daughter's warm hands and feet. Heating pads on the bed on the back edge of less than 10 cm wide, and daughter in bedLying on the. No, heating pads plugged in after two or three minutes, suddenly exploded, heating pads burst and fell back on the edge, fluid out of the lot, is part of the flow to the daughter's face, across the forehead is red hot. Daughter was being burned, called up immediately. Wife helping daughter with cold water after washing face, and put the ointment in hot red.When reporters arrived at 11 o'clock, girls basically eliminated in swelling of the front of the forehead, upper left forehead also has a one-dollar coin size red spot.����Girl on the morning of that scene also fear, when Mr Xu shoutian's heating pads when told to reporters, girls stay away. Subsequently, the reporter follow Mr Xu shoutian's come to buy the heating pads Jin Yongxi Shopping Plaza, the MallThere are about 200 square meters, by asking that, due to the hot weather, has no similar heating pads for sale.����According to a service description, heating pads Sell like hot cakes last year, winter a lot. Super duty manager told Mr Xu shoutian's Lee, is a certificate of goods they sell. This explosion does not indicate is the quality of the product itself askedTitle, "back to the South before day, wet weather, most likely because the is not used for a long time, where no moisture and cause. And even the brand name, there is no guarantee that no explosion. "Manager Li said if Mr Xu shoutian's claim, you must bring the heating pads shopping receipt and packaging and the instructions for use of materials such as, with these things, the mall will be able to help Mr Xu shoutian's factoryFor compensation. Returning home tera gold, said Mr Xu shoutian's purchase receipt has not found at that time.����But he found the box, Mr Xu shoutian's found such liquid water is not merely in the heating pads, manufacturers in there hot aid. Reporters found online reports, many cottage heating pads of prone to explosion, most of these heating pads do not have "3C" quality certification������An old man by the use of heating pads also explosion in Henan province being burnt to death. Finally, Mr Xu shoutian's decided to take my daughter went to the hospital to do a check, just in case. Others:

