2012年4月10日 星期二

tera gold and bring your life toSignificance. This is a free man. This awareness the stronger - GEL

129773928495781250_104Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleRubric interview and you say the global observation of weekly hexun.com comment window on the South issue 2012 > body font size print RSS March 27, 2012 from: window on the South of modern political freedom isCore value. And free of political, the State guarantees citizens equal basic freedoms as the prime responsibility. In this country, everyone from oppression to freedom from fear, freedom, freedom of thought, belief, and freedom to participate in public life, freedom to choose and pursue their goals in life.   This is since the Enlightenment, the most important ideals of political imagination. What isFree? Free one from bondage to do the things you really want to do. Free reverse, through violence, slavery, submission, fear, and all kinds of intangible and tangible means of internal and external constraints of human will and action.   Fight for freedom, are fighting for liberation from the yoke of unreasonable. There are all kinds of constraints, the correspondingThere can be all kinds of freedom. Freedom is a plural. Freedom of speech, and any red light or free of any prostitutes, was of a different nature of freedom, analogy or not at liberty to make them simple addition and subtraction. For example, we do not say that a society without political freedom, but because you can spit littering, so as a whole is still free. Not all freeIs worth pursuing; not all restrictions should be in the negative. People to live together, naturally have to accept some constraints-these constraints as long as reasonable and necessary.   Therefore, a free society, by no means means that everyone can do whatever they want, but this community through the system, protect fundamental freedoms of each citizen enjoys certain fundamental and important. If we pay attentionUnited Nations Declaration of human rights and the constitutions of many countries, this free list often includes freedom of person and freedom from arbitrary detention of abuse of freedom, freedom of speech and of the press, freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of Assembly and Association and participation in the political, migration and freedom of employment and ownership of personal property. We judge whether a State free State, mainly to see the Constitution as a fundamental rightFreedom, realization and are well protected. These freedoms are not optional, and should not be any sacrifice. They are the cornerstone of the State.   We should also note that when our enjoyment of these rights at the same time, there is a corresponding obligation to respect other citizens enjoy the same freedom. Why is freedom important fundamental freedoms so important? This can have a number of different reasons. IOnly a few here. First of all, the freedom and people's living conditions are closely related. Try to imagine, if there is such a country, individuals may have different political views and were threatening detainees abused at any time which inglorious being discriminated against on the grounds of religious belief is disappearing, according to "State needs" and was forced to plunder for personal property, so people tend to be pretty miserable is noSense of place. No one can defend situation, because these are of harm to individuals directly, is an objective of the evil. Most basic personal freedom, are all political theories to the bottom line, independent factions.   Without this bottom line, mankind will live in darkness. Maybe someone said tera gold, since he knows is not like you are different from those in power the orthodox view of political and religious views,But why do you fight these freedom? Why not withdraw from those areas and then enjoy the freedom to eat? Reason is simple, because these areas as human beings we are concerned is indispensable. If you withdraw from faith, means that the significance of the end of death souls settle these fundamental issues in life from our life cut open to; if you withdraw from politics, which means weAbandoned political animals do what Aristotle says, is no longer participating in public affairs through the practice of people being a rational and moral capacities of the most cherished; if you withdraw from thought, means that we give up to think for themselves. These areas is by no means easy, because people can only achieve these activities themselves. Human life is like a tree, grows health healthy, emotional letterReading must be fully achieved in different areas, and establish themselves in the process, gain recognition, seeing the possibilities of life. A person who has never been involved in politics, will never be able to experience what is collective autonomy, never realized that imposed its various chains not owned forever immutable. A devote never opportunity ', it is difficult to eatLazarus understanding to life to drink sacred AWE side.   More help is limited in the area of human capacity development, people can live more incomplete. This deletion, not just in one body injuries, but damage to the political community as a whole. Because when they shut the doors one by one of the important areas, to live in all of them, over time, will think these areas are simplyDoes not exist, the more impossible to imagine themselves have the ability to implement these activities. Isn't it? More than 2000 years of imperial power under the rule of the people, no matter how smart, almost never thought the ruler called the Emperor, in fact, can be selected by us and by us to change. People looking for all sorts of reasons to convince even myself, that freedom does not belong to him or not worth pursuing。 Select value some people may say, not in these areas is not important. Instead, because politics relates to the rise and fall of faith relates to the settling of the soul, so we should not give people freedom. Because most of the ordinary people, are cowardly and selfish bigotry short-term non-rational in nature. Give them to choose, collective will only harm its own injuries. So the State has a responsibility as parentsSo take good care of them, as they make each decision.   Management of national, of course, is the Super elite group of impartiality for the State and the people. This raises a fundamental question: selection, why is so important to people? Because we want to be masters of our own House, and by themselves to write their own life. In other words, the problem is not the so-called elite are often notTruly elite, is my choice not necessarily the best, but my life belongs to me, I have my own thoughts and judgments, so you can make a rational choice and responsibility. To choose their own path, living out their lives, is the most modern people desire. To satisfy this desire, we must have the right to make decisions for themselves. Patriarchal greatest of evils, is to diminish the negativePeople's freedom of choice. On autonomous focus is embodied in every aspect of our lives. For example tera gold, we demand the freedom to choose their career and marriage, faith and life, and even your favorite Government. In most cases, we are always more than others to know what you want. Even though we sometimes are wrong, as long as there is free, we still can be modified or even to give upTo decide. People always have time and again choose to learn, learning to make good and decisions. More important is that we not only care about the results, care select itself. Selection process, in achieving rational and moral capacities, and make their own genuine feel, its construction has the ability to pursue and realize their life plans, and bring your life toSignificance. This is a free man. This awareness the stronger, the more does not accept others imposed their will on us, do not accept the totalitarian dictatorship, believed that he had the right to participate in, and important decisions relating to personal and public affairs. Their rationality, directly from our true feelings about life on the world history and rational knowledge. Human dignity is based onOf this, freedom and democracy are valuable, its here. Ideal community to discuss at this point, we should be visible to, fundamental freedoms are valuable, most important reason, is that freedom is a necessary prerequisite to achieve personal independence. And we attach so much importance to the independent, because it is an important condition of living a better life. We launched the political ideal: aJust societies, each person must live it tera power leveling, is capable of and have an opportunity to lead independent lives. This, in addition to asking the Government to guarantee the fundamental freedoms of citizens, there are more deeper political significance. For example: politically, we should strive for equality, every citizen, regardless of race colour creed for men and women, rich and poor, are masters of the country, should beEqual rights to participate and decide on the future of the country. This independent spirit is reflected in the public sphere.   This spiritual value, not based on what democracy would bring consequences, but directly out of respect for people, respect for each Member of the community is the moral principals. In education, we should strive to train students to become independent thinking and judgmentA mind of. Without this ability, even if we have freedom of choice, and may still be there and to make a good decision. When important decisions, particularly in the face of life, we often need to do is have deep knowledge, to present different options to value the importance of evaluation, how to effectively implement these options to conduct a rational measure, take place if these options in an even broader meaningTo understand the context, we can make a reasonable decision correctly. Spoon-feeding and brainwashing education the most evil, consciousness is to suppress people's freedom, impeding the development of autonomy.   Without the reflection of life is not worth living, because that's not what you are careful and sincere recognition of life. On the economy, we should as far as possible through the redistribution of resources and socialWelfare, ensuring each citizen to adequate material conditions lead independent lives. Personal autonomy does not mean unconditional support for the market, because no constraints of the markets will inevitably lead to a huge gap, resulting in many poor, struggling only in the edges of life, free from becoming too. But we do not require excessive equality of results,Is likely to make people lose their desire to work, leading to decline in productive creativity, secondly might make people subsidizing those who choose to live for those who choose to work hard and lazy people.   Equality of distribution, is not equal to the fair distribution. Culturally, we should strive to create and maintain a rich and open cultural environment. If we believe that the diversity of human nature, every man according to theirPersonality preferences and make different choices, so much is the necessary condition for autonomy. If a society is only allowed a voice, it cannot develop one's personality, much less a real choice. But we have to be careful, cultural markets as market economy, would have a monopoly and all sorts of unfair, and resulted in many valuable way of being marginalized by alienation. SoWe are not superstitious markets universal and that countries must remain neutral in any case. As described above, a rough sketch out a piece of what I think of free men of equal political. Such a society is not freedom and equality, against the market and social justice. The contrary, based on the respect for individual autonomy, we advocate the pursuit of equal rights to freedom and democracyThe constitutional rule of law, ' personality release think tank education, fair and reasonable distribution of social, diverse and open cultural life. Someone asked, such a position, end belong to the left or right? This is of no importance. It is important, let us together to think, such a society, we should aspire to do and strive for? Others:

