2012年4月8日 星期日

tera power leveling electronic or recording in detailMark - GCV

129773928475312500_88Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleRubric interview and you say the global observation of weekly hexun.com comments > body font size print RSS March 27, 2012 from: securities journal authors: Dong Shaopeng Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission to Mr Yao 25Today once again reminded investors not to "fried new", indicated that he would gradually establish investors of appropriate systems, guide rational investment value of new shares of the market. Since March 7, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges have also launched new measures for curbing property speculation: one is based on the exchange rate on the first day of new listings and price fluctuations of business; the second is imposed on investors of appropriate management. While these measures areControversial, but I think it is necessary. The view was expressed that set the first day of the new share price and exchange rate ceiling, squeezing first-time practices violating securities laws; others think the cause of the imbalance between supply and demand is a new encounter stir, suspension measures will not help. However, let the secondary ' excessive issue price of new shares in the market continued to push higher, without intervention, usCalled "the market" is not a responsible approach. ����Current practice is not perfect, the future may not necessarily long, but doing is better than not doing. Implement appropriate management to investors, mainly reflected in the gem market. Shenzhen Stock Exchange recently issued a notice to securities companies to provide "new applications for less than 2 years experience trading investors, may not, in principle, for its openingThe gem trading "; for a 2 years ' trading experience but the risk assessment results showed low risk tolerance (conservative) new application for investors," may not, in principle, for which opened the gem trade ". Some analysts believe that, that is prepared for the delisting tera power leveling, the gem system. ����However, I believe that, first of all for fried is also a new problem. Fried the new phenomenon of the early gemFrom a certain sense, gem hype culture shares pushed to the point of peak. Two years later, some stocks fell, and particularly large. ����Many retail investors can't withstand such losses, complaining a lot. Market participants and management recognize that market is the need to condition, achieve market must have complementary policies and supportCulture. Since November last year, regulators repeatedly advocated investment in blue-chip stocks, emphasized not overly fried and blind new. A basic understanding of the issues involved, the boom collapsed main and general retail blindly follow the trend of related. I believe that this understanding is not comprehensive. ����Because some retail has been institutionalized. Management measures that could be taken now, is to enhance theInvestment culture; the second was making adjustments on the system. ����Establishment of investors of appropriate systems, don't let the sheep race with the lion, it is very necessary. Shenzhen Stock Exchange regulations, if the investor does not meet the criteria "insist on opening the gem trading", "response to the client application, risk revealing and related advice through written, electronic or recording in detailMark, for verification ". ����In my view, this is to distinguish true retail and retail, ferret out the necessary means for retail. Risk-bearing investment in less than two years into weak investor column, can effectively avoid the dealer price manipulation takes new open personal account. Reduced "to follow" and "follow" make stock trading more real. Even if the dealer knock,Follow the trend of the power of small, manipulating the difficulty also increases. Stock market prices were high, and speculation about culture, and also related to the issuance and trading system. Makers of price manipulation through collusion, knocked on way, must be a thorough investigation of severe punishment. Not only to knock on the secondary market, institutions and people out of the conspiracy, and knocked on the inquiry process tera gold, including complicityFrame and pulled out, to get traded to restore reality. Restrict trade measures, now on IPOs transaction limit is not enough tera gold, to extend the time limits listed could be considered the first months or a few weeks before. ����This is a bit like the purchase of commercial housing, there are certain administrative color, but belongs to the last resort. (Dong Shaopeng) Others:

