2012年4月9日 星期一

tera power leveling By encouraging and guiding the insurance intermediary group development - GOA

129773903193437500_76China insurance regulatory Commission to promote developing four insurance group Recently, relevant departments of the China insurance regulatory Commission sent a man Tai on insurance public company limited, Guangzhou Mei-Chen Chang-an insurance investment management consulting limited, the British brokerage company, 4 companies such as United insurance brokers limited Beijing, supported the preparatory work of the establishment of insurance intermediary services group. China insurance regulatory Commission officials responsible for relevant departments have thus responded to a reporter's question. Question: driveInsurance intermediary group development on implementation of the "catching service and strict regulation, risk prevention, and promoting the development of" principles and what is the significance? In recent years, along with the rapid development of the insurance industry and the continuous strengthening of insurance regulators, a Center on the protection of consumer interests, legal regulation, market management, fully competitive and dynamic system of insurance intermediary market is emerging. At the same time should also be seen, insuranceIntermediary in the process developments and also in a number of contradictions and problems accumulated, mainly in the traditional insurance marketing mode of conflict underscore, insurance agent market disruption, business relationship specification of insurance companies and insurance intermediaries, not transparent. In 2012, the insurance intermediary supervision will comprehensively implement the spirit of the national work Conference on insurance regulation, adhere to the "pay attention to service and strict supervision, control risksAnd promoting development ", continue to thoroughly develop the insurance intermediary business checking, by rectifying market, explore and promote agent specialization and professional agency and industry scale and steadily promoting the reform of marketing management, paying close attention to, and preventing and reducing the risks in a timely manner, full realization of the sustainable and healthy development of the insurance agency market. Measures for the supervision of implementation of the insurance intermediary services group (tryLine) (hereinafter referred to as the way of), to promote developing insurance group is the insurance intermediary supervision an important task of this year. Grouping of insurance intermediaries will enhance our ability to scale sales of insurance intermediaries and comprehensive service capabilities, help to fundamentally resolve the insurance market's "small, scattered, chaotic and poor" problem tera gold, ensure the protection of insurance consumers, help support campAgent management mode reform, promoting the separation of production and sales of insurance and the transformation and upgrade, helps to enhance the prevention and control of their risks and insurance intermediary to resolve. Question: encourage insurance agency group development in promoting marketing reform of management model of what an active role? Answer: in recent years, the current insurance market management model in the management of the extensive dajindachu, high quality, more tough issues such as the relationship betweenThe more prominent. The views on the reform and consummation of administrative system of insurance marketers released more than a year, under regulatory guidance and the market effects of environmental change, coming on insurance companies based on their own development needs, began to explore new marketing models and channels. Encourage developing insurance group, will greatly enhance the capital strength of the insurance intermediaries and technology, thereby improvingStability of the market and the overall quality of build and accumulation of insurance marketing "healthy increment", promoting the separation of production and sales of insurance and the transformation and upgrading, for faster and better contribute to the development of the insurance industry. Question: How do I understand promoting insurance agency group development are important elements of governing insurance agents market? Answer: a period of time, many insurance agents, make chaos, insuranceAgency markets, "small, scattered, chaotic and poor" issue more prominent. In 2011, the China insurance regulatory Commission targeted insurance agent marketing reorganization, effective cleaning and the punishment of a number of illegal business Agency has achieved certain effects. This year, the China insurance regulatory Commission will also further increase the intensity of rectification, and in accordance with the "blocking up with both, back into" principle,Straighten up while actively promoting the specialization and large-scale development of insurance market. Specifically, blocking and return tera power leveling, is to strictly limit the market access of regional insurance agency to limit incremental; by rectification of existing "scattered, chaotic, bad" agency "turn off, stop, and," to reduce stock. Thinning and progressive, is to promote the market restructuring, By encouraging and guiding the insurance intermediary group development, realization of insurance agents market specialization and scale. Q: how China will promote the development of insurance intermediary group? China insurance regulatory Commission will, in accordance with the procedures of insurance intermediary services, such as market access, operating rules, supervision and management of the group management. At the same time, fully respecting the market development, adaptationInsurance intermediary market trends on insurance intermediary group and its National Agency (sales) corporate and branch offices established for approval of policy preferences, policy guidance role to play actively, promote the insurance company mergers and restructuring tera power leveling, financing, enhancing capital strength, improving corporate governance, improve the level of management and professional capacity, scale, specializationExhibition Road. This time, China insurance regulatory Commission issued initiative supports 4 basic good, higher insurance intermediary services working group set up to prepare the company, indicating that the China insurance regulatory Commission to promote professional development of insurance intermediary groups and determination and confidence, for the insurance intermediary group development to create a more enabling policy environment space and public opinion. Others:

