2012年3月1日 星期四

rift plat - HPV

129745848192756250_122Fenghuangwang of science and technology Beijing February 24 message, according to foreign media reports, according to a survey of market research firm Canalys rift plat, Google Android applications market price than Apple's app store application prices are on average more than 2.5 times more expensive. The research firm said in a statement, the United States lotro gold, buying Android market top 100Paid applications require $ 374.37. Purchase top 100 iPhone apps for $ 147, averaging US $ 1.47 per application. The situation in Germany, and India, and Singapore and the United Kingdom as well. Ranked in the top 20 applications, the price gap. IPhone applicationAverage price of us $ 1.04. Average price is $ 4.09 for Android applications. Canalys blamed the price gap between different retail environment the cultivation of Apple and Google. At the Apple store, price competition is the key and purchase applications increasingly being accepted. Buy initial payment applications within applicationForeign income. At the same time, willing to pay fewer people buy applications in the Android market and aoc gold, therefore, should be procedures for developers to make money for themselves had to charge a higher fee. (Compile/Willow Wind)

